League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ๐ŸŽฉ

Daily check. Had a lot of urges. Said not today to all of them.


Daily check. Even on vacations, being outside of routine makes bad things creep to try make me fail but i wont. I will be clean until i get home and after


you forgot us buddy ?
โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €

:paw_prints: Check in for day 12, streak days 74 :tophat:

Late check in today. It was a better day. No urges. Flatline.

@someBody13 Iโ€™m so glad i found this! I was in the original league of gentlemen and was sad to see it close down. I deleted the app after it happened because i couldnt find a group that inspired me like Keatsโ€™ group did. I decided today to join the app again and will definitely join this challenge.

Code - idqwz6


Day 16 successfully completed
Difficulty level 5/10

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Check in :white_check_mark:

Day 4! Going smooth.

Alright, Fellows, someBodyโ€™s back and reporting in DAY 18, meaning that we start a new era of our challenge with first Extraordinary Gentlemen coming in.

I managed to get through 18 days relatively smoothly, but I have to tell you one thing that is in my mind. Some time ago I read a post from a guy (donโ€™t remember the nick), who asked whether abstaining from PMO means that he should also stop having *** with his wife. To my understing, and you donโ€™t have to agree with me, the fact that we are struggling does not mean that we should bar ourselves from being close to another human being, including physical intimacy. Iโ€™m gonna say, my goal is to heal intimacy in me and it has two sides to it - we need to get rid of the wrong patterns, but also cherish the right ones. Thus, if you have wife - be with her. If you have girlfriend and there is nothing in your worldview that tells you that you shouldnโ€™t and you feel like it - be with her. Real life is not โ– โ– โ– โ– . Again - Iโ€™m not preaching ultimate truth, but maybe some of my perspective helps some of you!

At this moment, a small announcement - for everybody who becomes a gentleman, instead of reported day we start counting the streak day. Daily reporting in is not necessary, although some notes on the progress will still be welcome.

I want to welcome the new candidates, @gabrielknight, @AzizKhan and @mphexpert (and Iโ€™m particularly happy about @mphexpert as another member of the old guard)

At the same time, @AlexBros733 is unfortunately lacking more than 10 days - Iโ€™m taking you out bro, but youโ€™re more than welcome to join us again!


Daily check. From argentina happy about the win of Milei. Everyone is happy here. Motivation to reach today my 21st day


Day 15 Check โœ“

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Daily check. I was tired all day dued to medical practice and work. Still have urges, but Iโ€™m too strong to let them in :muscle: :blush:


Daily check in :white_check_mark: 14th August


In my book being intimate with your partner is a OK.

For me the idea is to rewire until properly having sex with the signifficant other. And being intimate will help this process.

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Day 1 check in

I feel more comfortable acknowledging that the urges will come no matter what i do. I just need to work though them.


Joining, on Day 10, letโ€™s keep this going

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I want to join the challenge, currently in Day 10

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:paw_prints: Check in for day 13, streak days 75 :tophat:

Today I reached the rank baron. Iโ€™m not sure if I feel noble like that, but I definitely feel like Iโ€™m doing better then 75 days ago. It might seem a lot but to be fair most of it was not fun at all. However Iโ€™m confident to say that it was worth fighting through and it would be thousandfold worse to loose it and fall back. So no backing down, no giving up, no pause or rest, no โ€œjust onceโ€, no excuse, no another chance, just fight forward infinitely.


Day 17 successfully completed
Difficulty 2/10

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Reboot, day 0 today. I was overconfident and let my guard down. So this time i will be on a lookout and get better result. Lets go! :muscle: