League of Extraordinary Gentlemen šŸŽ©

Roger That amigos
Check 10 Todayāœ…
current streak: 54 Days

Day 11 successfully completed
Difficulty level 2/10

Morning Brothers! Iā€™m again reporting my Day 13 early, and will not visit this forum or app for most of the day. However, and Iā€™m happy to tell you this, today is my first full month - exactly 31 days ago I started anew and have been walking on this path.

Next little checkpoint will be the second month!

On the other hand, Iā€™m keeping up the trimming of people who are 10+ days behind. Today it is @Doncarlo and @ayushbantaiji - guys, youā€™re still welcome to go back, but if you do, youā€™ll start over fresh :wink:

Meantime, have a great day!


Donā€™t Count me in iā€™m Officially out of this Challenge

Check!! I just reached 15 days of streak. My mind is so much clearer right now. Thanks to God

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Checking for today.

I finished what I had planned for today very early. Iā€™m about to reach 29 days and Iā€™m internally worried. I know this is withdrawal symptom and Iā€™m trying not to succumb to the feeling.

Itā€™s very easy to fall and relapse. But Iā€™m not going to.

The cool thing is that I have been having urges that last for a whole day for a long time, but I didnā€™t even care about them. Either they have become weaker, or I have become stronger. Maybe the second one.

Nofap works. I know that 29(almost) days arenā€™t very much and Iā€™m just beginning my current journey, but the effects are starting to manifest.


:paw_prints: Check in for day 8, streak day 70 :tophat:

All good except a little headache from the cold weather front in the area. Also very busy days at work.


daily check in :white_check_mark: 9th August


Day 12 successfully completed
Difficulty level 2/10


Once again, reporting early Day 14.

Small info for all of you - from tomorrow until Monday I will not be reporting or updating challenge, as Iā€™ll be away and Iā€™m planning to use as little of my phone and computer as possible. In the meantime, please do continue to get yourself checked in - Monday marks 18 days of this challenge and hence, first Extraordinary Gentlemen among us!

Keep on going!


daily check in :white_check_mark: 10th August


Hello, i recently registered, i would like to participate @someBody13.

I am on day 1


Just wanted to share - guys, today is really not an easy day for meā€¦ But Iā€™m going through!

@gabrielknight, welcome to the ranks! Should you need any advices, donā€™t hesitate to ask about it. One detail though - whateverā€™s your streak, youā€™re starting now and you can report your day 1 on the road to becoming a Gentleman tomorrow :wink:
Also, because itā€™s a good custom around here - let us know your sharing code in the app :wink:


Hey thank you for a welcome :slight_smile: Yeah, i am new here so i wanted to ask what is that code for? And yeah, i will announce my day 1 tomorow :smiley:

Checking in
Day 4
Was sick couple of Dayā€¦I will be regular from now.

Checking for Aug 10th. The day was long and tiring. And beautiful, because I dated my fioncƩe.


:paw_prints: Check in for day 9, streak days 71 :tophat:

Very busy day at work, just like the past few days, and it seems like tomorrow and Monday will be the same.

I know I already mentioned that we face different type of challenges during the reboot of our brain, like emotional ones. I reached the part where I noticed that I start to have fake feelings towards girls I know and have friendly relationship with. I think this is due to the fact that Iā€™m starting to get those long lost feelings back and my brain gets overwhelmed and misunderstoods these feelings. It takes time while my brain can adjust to reality again. Basically for me this means that I feel like Iā€™m in love with one of those women who I like as good colleagues or friends. The truth is that I know I donā€™t have such feelings, but now my brain experience and learn emotions again and some positive emotions, feedbacks are overreacted and misunderstood by my brain. I learned the hard way last time during my 99days streak, not because I confessed or something but I got overwhelmed by this situation and it led to a conflict with someone. I now know that the best I can do is to stay silent while these mixed and confused feeling are getting worked out. Still I canā€™t be happier to see that I reach the hights again and can overcome. I also started to listen to the easypeasy audiobook. I read the book before.

@someBody13 keep up the fight donā€™t fail yourself, you know you can do it. This is just 1 day and you did so many 1 days already. Donā€™t fall back!


Day 12 check homies :white_check_mark:
I didnā€™t check for the 11 day been
busy all day long didnā€™t even touched my phone
all good soldiers keep it up

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Day 13 successfully completed
Difficulty level 3/10

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Officially day 1:

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