League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 🎩

Day 9 successfully completed
Difficulty level 5/10
I’ve been watching this anime mushoku tensei, which has weekly episodes, I have cut out everything else in my life that might pull me back to P but I kept watching this but now I regret it because it has a lot of adult scenes in it and now my mind is filled with disgusting things
The problem is I don’t want to give it up and truthfully I think it’s better if I finish this anime while I still have control
Any advice on how I should deal with this?


Hey man! Glad to hear you’re still holding up - hopefully you won’t lose control - not in a day, not in a week, not in a month!

I’ll give you my take on this, and you may take it or leave it - I’m not saying my ways are the ultimate ways. This being said…

I am far from equating NSFW content to ■■■■, and I’m firmly against the latter. Where it comes to NSFW as a part of a larger narrative - be it a book, a movie, a series - I always take it as an integral part of the context it’s set within. Thus, I’m acknowledging one thing - NSFW is something that you still encounter in your life, so no wonder it appears in narratives. However, if this really entices you to the same activity as ■■■■, I would be thinking about cutting it out.

One more thing - I’ve never seen Mushoku Tensei, so I don’t know the character of the NSFW content you find there. Once again - if it’s essential to the narrative, keep on going, but if it’s more like ■■■■ - cut it out.


Today I’m also reporting super-early my Day 11, as I’ll be AFK for most of it. I remember the time when ‘AFK’ was used all the time, because there was no Internet in the phones. I really hope to rewind the time and be in that epoch again!

P. S. I’m taking down everybody with 0 reported days! You’re very welcome to join again!


Day 7 check :white_check_mark:
Harder day today but got through it alright.

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I know that anime and the sexual side of it is actually part of the plot, since the main character is suffering from erectile dysfunction and he wants to cure himself and at the same time he is looking for his lost friends. There are mostly implications and sound effects in the anime. However these things can definitely induce temptation. So be wise @d.troxell how you decide. If it leads you to temptation than maybe you would be better off not watching it.


:paw_prints: Check in for day 6, streak days 68 :tophat:

I set a goal to reach in my weight by the end of the year. I also decided to improve my diet. I already cooking for myself for years now, but I decided to improve my skill and try out lots of new dishes.


Check! Starting a new week, may you keep your streaks one week longer


daily check in :white_check_mark: 7th August

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Checking for aug 7th

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This has been a tough day. Trying to be productive but im really anxious today. I hope i can overcome for the glory of God


Day 9 check :white_check_mark:, sorry for late checks I’m in vacation, don’t have much time to use my phone’s
Any way we keep Hustle buddy we keep on the grind


Day 10 successfully completed
Difficulty level 1/10
Had a fever the whole day, was too busy fighting for my life to even think about f*pping

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Check in :white_check_mark:

Cheers everybody as we enter Day 12! I’m reporting that everything’s fine - yesterday I came back from my family house and I’m once again on my own, thus I am expecting a handful of hard days ahead of me.

However, I have already 30 Days on my streak, which I have not had since… Well, time immemorial. I’m hoping to keep it up until 40 or 45, then 60, then 90… Then infinity!


To me, it’s nothing to be sorry about - more like be proud of! Please, see - phones are part of the addictions of our times. For most of us - if we use less of our phones, we reduce our addictions, including, most likely, PMO. So keep it up, and keep your phone down!


Daily check! 14 days streak, lets go

:paw_prints: Check in for day 7, streak days 69 :tophat:

Back to work after a short holiday staring with a busy but simple day. Workout im the morning was good. Everything is fine. I’m going to cinema with a friend to watch Oppenheimer tonight.


daily check in :white_check_mark: 8th August

69 days huehuehuehuehuehue

(I’m 32 and I am very mature, as you see)


Checking for today. I was tired as f#^% from the clinical practice and my work after that. I slept for 2 hours after that and now I’m OK.

I have some urges, but they are not something that I can’t manage.

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Should I laugh or should I cry?

Be careful when you are tired. It is easier to loose control around those times.