League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 🎩

Daily check in :
Day 3 :white_check_mark:


I think it’s a good idea to develop the challenge, but don’t waste too much energy on it. There is way too many spoiled people who join challeges just to expect help and to be served and don’t put any real effort into their own successes and change. Too many people thinks too lightly of this addiction. Like you could have seen in the JJJ challenge. Or it is clear here too as the 3rd of the participants joined but simply don’t make an effort to check in.


I’m not planning to invest too much energy into this, that’s for sure. At this moment it’s just bookkeeping, but I want to have some engagement in here.

On the other hand, I’ll soon start to trim our community down, starting with people who are behind by 10 or more days. Later on or will be stricter.


Day 4 check in
Going alright. :white_check_mark:
Keeping busy is helping.


:paw_prints:Check in for day 4, streak days 66.:tophat:

I noticed tempting through my relations with the women in my life. I have a few good female acquaintance, colleagues and some of them are beautiful. I noticed that my mind is trying to trick me and connect back to ■■■■ through them. I hope this means the next step in the process of healing has started. My mind is trying to stay as it was, but my actions are changing it against it’s desire to ■■■■ and dopamine. The fact that my mind is doing this now might mean that I’m in the phase of the process where my relations with real woman can heal and improve. Hopefully I now can fully heal from unconsciously objectifying them.

Note: Everytime when something new appears to derail you back to ■■■■, it also means that you arrived to something new to be healed in you that has been broken by the addiction. Find the joy, find the positive in the fight. There is meaning in the struggle.


Checking for today.

OK day. I came across an NSFW AI art page on facebook. But nothing bad happened.


daily check in :white_check_mark:
5th August


Checking in
Day 3(probably… forgot to check in 2-3 days)
So far so good… streak 4 days


Daily check!
Have a wonderful saturday

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I’m checking in again! Day 9! Today I’m checking extra late, and that’s good!

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Day 7 check

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Day 8 successfully completed
Difficulty level 6/10

Everytime when something new appears to derail you back to ■■■■, it also means that you arrived to something new to be healed in you that has been broken ~Duran



Day 9
Check in :white_check_mark:
I might’ve missed a day or two of checking-in. Had a minor bump on the way but I’m still in the game.


Day 6 check
Had a great day today. :white_check_mark:
My watch said 9 hours of activity. Stay busy. Can’t fail if you haven’t got time. Feeling cooked though.


Checking for today. My sexual drive is getting better and better

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daily check in :white_check_mark: 6th August


:paw_prints:Check in for day 5, streak days 67 :tophat:

I got quite sad today because the state of the world. Sometimes it makes me loose hope in the future. But at the end my future is up to God and me.


Cheers, my fellows, cheers for us!

At this point I’m happy to check in day 10 and we’re past halfway of the first goal of 18 days. In the old challenge after reporting 18 days the “position” was based not on reports, but current streak, and further achievements of 30, 60 and 90 days were the best milestones. Should we reinstate them?

I have a general thought about our goal, or at least my goal in relation to our shared situation - we struggle in order to end the struggle. After all, I don’t think any of us would believe that the un-addicted people need to get themselves busy to get away from P, right? That’s where I want to be - there is so much talk about getting busy in order not to go back to P. But I don’t want that. I want to be a productive person, sure, with healthy habits and all these things… But I want to also be free of addiction when I’m not busy!

This, I urge you - even though being busy is a workaround, it is also essential to refrain from PMO when not busy


Totally understandable. Honestly I’ve been telling this for a while now. You win this fight, when you reach the point when you can stop fighting it. That is why it is necessary to stop counting days after a while.


Hence, I’m checking on later and later by the day. Still, it feels good to be close to a clean month after a bit over a year of being into PMO…