League of Extraordinary Gentlemen šŸŽ©

Day 5 successfully completed
Difficulty level 4/10
Getting more difficult as time passes, hopefully I can power through

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Daily check #6, I almost forgot

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For correction i guess im in day 4āœ…

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Day 4
Check-in :white_check_mark:
Patience is the key that we all needšŸ™


Daily Check in :white_check_mark:
Day 6

Morning, brothers!

Again, reporting to you, Day 7 is technically behind me - a full week with the League.

There is a small note for new members of the community - it appears that there is some sort of 3-post limit for newcomers, and I donā€™t know how long does it take to get it lifted. @lachlantelfer made me aware of it

If anybody encounters this, you can write to me directly to keep your count up to date!


Check in for day 2, Streak days 64. :tophat:

To be honest the past week or so was quite hard on me. The emotional side of the change we go through while our brian is rewiring can be really challenging, so mentally I was in a low for the past one or maybe even for 2 weeks. Now Iā€™m noticing some change in this for the better and I started a short holiday today, maybe this helps to change my view now and turn for a more positive vibe and emotional state. Physically Iā€™m in a constant flatline which doesnā€™t surprise me. Iā€™m a long time addict and I know that it takes me more time to reboot. I know it is hard to notice sometimes that our emotions are the ones that pushes us back to pmo and not the desires of the body. The easypeasy method says that there is a little monster in our brain. I think itā€™s true and it has not just one way, but a lot of different tools and methods to attack our control.

Note: NOPMO challenges us to face both physical and mental/emotional changes. Keep in mind and fight it all!


Daily Check #7.
About tl get to my 10 day streak this afternoon


Day 4 check in

I was tired as sloth due to early waking up and the hellish temperature outside. So I had no problems with the urges.


Daily check in :white_check_mark:

20 characters


Day 5 :trident:


Day 6 successfully completed
Difficulty level 2/10
Iā€™m realizing that itā€™s not the urges that make us relapse again and again but itā€™s the emotions
Itā€™s still easy but I think I will have to struggle alot to get to 90 days


Day 5
Check-in :white_check_mark:
I do feel the urges rushing into but the lesser I focuses on the easier it becomes to overcome this thirst-trap.


:paw_prints:Check in for day 3, streak days 65. :tophat:

A Jazz festival has started yesterday in my city which will go on till the end of the week. Itā€™s my favourite and basically the only one I attend every year. These days are usually one of the most relaxing ones for me and since I spend half the day there itā€™s easier to avoid any kind of temptation around these days. Glad for this!

Note: Just because we face hardship and struggle with our fight, we are still allowed to enjoy the good things in life. Itā€™s never the case that everything is bad.


Day 6
Check-in :white_check_mark:
Mantra ā€“ get busyā€”do_something_productiveā€”get_some_sleepā€”repeat


Day check 8. Letā€™s go controlling our bodies and mind

Good day to you all, gentlefolk!

Today im reporting later than usually, yet I do report day 8. Thatā€™s been easy on me, visiting an art and historic exhibition in my hometown together with a stroll along a major flea market.

Iā€™ve started thinking about building this League a bit more, and the first addition I wanted to introduce is a Gentlemen Codex ā€” a set of commandments meant to help in our fight. Iā€™ll keep the info posted in the main post and collect your suggestions to compile them by Monday next week.

My first suggestion, which I hope youā€™ll help refine, is

Body and mind go together; when you think about one, remind yourself about the other.

This helps, since by reminding myself there is mind behind every body I remember that there is a person. And every person calls for dignity.


daily check in :white_check_mark:
4th August

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Checking for Aug 4th

My sexual drive is bursting. Iā€™m getting better.

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Day 7 successfully completed
Difficulty level 4/10
Commoner badge unlocked :tada:

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