League of Extraordinary Gentlemen šŸŽ©

Today i almost fell. Got the urge out of nowhere. Lucky someone called me to go to the office and there everyone had a birthday party for me.
It was amazing. Thanks God

Struggling but here I am
Day 24 in 2 hours will be the 25th

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Ok, guess Iā€™m still reporting in daily in order to keep you all updated! After 40 days the app tells me in a winnerā€¦ Not sure yet, but Iā€™ll make the most of it!

We have, apparently, a few new Gentlemen, namely @NXGhost, @basanaruga and @d.troxell, if my count is not off! Welcome to the ranks!

Iā€™ll follow suggestion from @Duran and recommend am the current Gentlemen to take up a positive habit to build up. I know that Duran had already something and as for me, I have been exercising daily in the mornings almost everyday except when I donā€™t have proper circumstances. I encourage all of the Gentlemen to take up something similar - exercise, meditation, study, whatever you like!

P. S. Iā€™ll be away over the weekend, so the leaderbkard wonā€™t be updated until Monday.

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Checking in
Day 7
Failedā€¦ gotta start over I guessā€¦

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:paw_prints: Check in for day 17, streak days 79 :tophat:

I fall asleep before checking in yesteray so here is the check in for yesterday, first thing in the morning now.


Current Streak - 1 day :white_check_mark:


Very late day 2 check in

Had a great get together with an old study group and had a great social interaction tonight


Day 3 check in.

Had one urge today, was able to sit through it this time. Great confidence booster


Day 2 is done. Lets see if my brain will forget the earlier neural pathways that had ā€œpleasureā€ signals.


:paw_prints: Check in for day 18, streak days 80 :tophat:

Everything was ok yesterday. I had better things to do, than thinking about ā– ā– ā– ā– .


Current Streak - 2 days :white_check_mark:


Checking for today. Itā€™s all right.


Day 3 is here. Feel Pretty solid right now. :+1:


@someBody13 count me in again mate, sorry for being inconsistent
SC: zadvj0
CS: ~45 minutes


:paw_prints:As Iā€™m beyond the 18 days I check in with my current streak of 81 days. :tophat:

I plan on checking in until my 100th day, because my longest streak ever(99 days) was made in the original topic of League of Gentlemen and I want to commemorate it with that. Surpassing the old streak and surpassing the past.

I hope everyone will reach the state where there is no more need to count days and care about the addiction.

I lack the emotional and supportive capacities to rebuild the fellowship that was in the old league and I know that it could be great help for everyone in need. It feels like the whole community of the rewire forum became more distant, more self centered, more about attention seeking, like grabbing and such. I consider myself responsible for that too. Thankfully this challenge is not like that and I hope it will grow into a place of resurection.


Day 3 check in,

Idk if any of you are christian, but ive found a lot of peace in the search for god this past week. Nothing to do with Nofap, just finding peace with all of my problems. Whatever religion you have, i encourage you to dive deeper into it.


Good for ya king keep up the grind , i wonā€™t wish you luck on your way , i wish you strength, power , and determination , you are the one who make his own luck
i meet you in the top King :crown:


Current Streak - 3 days :white_check_mark:


Alright, guys, Iā€™m back after a weekend away and I was almost in for refraining from looking at the app, but I wanted to update the board! I Believe that @Duran has become our new top of the leaderboard - and may you stay there for as long as possible!

As for people who failed at some point, eg. @saljunas46 - my friend, if thereā€™s anything we could aid you, just put it up. As @Duran said, this community is not just about helping yourself, but also helping others. I hope we will slowly live up to the old version of the group!

And one last remark. I came back late and didnā€™t hold up my habit of morning exercising, yet Iā€™m planning to go back to it tomorrow! @Duran, @NXGhost, @basanaruga, @dyaakov, @d.troxell - let me encourage you to share if you hold up some good habits. To put it in my own words, we not only work to get rid of bad things, but also to build up the good ones!


P.S. I have updated the main post significantly, all feedback is welcome! The 7 points in the codex and 7 rules are very fresh and possible subject to refinement!


Checking for today. 41 days streak. I havcenā€™t reached this high in about half a year. I hope I will beat my PB of 378.