League of Extraordinary Gentlemen đŸŽ©

:paw_prints: Check in beyond 82 streak days. :tophat:

If the hero is a monster with self control, then a gentleman must be a beast with good manners. And a beast with good manners can be a hero at any given day.

Do you know what else a gentleman is? A gentleman is also a king without land. Do you know how a gentleman can be a king without land? Because he has himself to rule. My aim is to be a gentleman, which will make me a king and a hero.
Don’t any of you dare think less what this whole thing is about. This challenge might be the most noble thing to do for yourself in our life. Don’t remain the fool. Change!


I had an reboot and i am on a day 2. It is kinda crappy this month for me, although i will try to improve my result statistic. I need 10 days streak. (someone might think it is easily doable, so far i got proven wrong pretty much every time). But NOT impossible! But i need new tactics and higher awareness when boredom kicks in!


My friend, how about taking up some small goals? Something easy to do, a first step for a larger thing, but a goal enough so that you can reinforce yourself by saying “good job!”

Get up 5 minutes earlier, not necessarily at sunrise.
Do 5 pushups in the morning, not necessarily an hour with of workout.
Read an article or a page instead of a whole book in a week.

If you’re proud of yourself, you won’t fail so easily! You’ll have something to fall back on :wink:

As always - it’s just my point of view, not an absolute truth :wink:


Day 5 check in.

Yesterday i did day 3 and it was actually day 4. This is the first time ive gotten to day 5 in months! Its a small feat, but i was messed up, and this is so much confidence to recieve. Im glad to be on the right track again!


I relapsed guys, I deleted the app thinking I didn’t need it anymore because I wasn’t using my phone as often but then I got hepatitis (jaundice) a few days ago. I had to take a few days off at university and obviously my mental state wasn’t as strong as it would’ve been. Then with nothing to do with my day, I did the deed last night

I feel extremely frustrated, sad and guilty but I hope I can learn from this experience and be more disciplined in the future. I will start daily reports from today onwards.


Current Streak - 4 days
1 adverse event on day 3.5

This statement reminded me of a clip I recently saw that got me pumped. Here, I’ll share it with you guys.


Thanks for the heads-up bro! Actually i had that logic before, but when i started thinking about longer streaks, i actually lowered my results. Best thing is to be tactical about it.
I revert back my decision, actually pretty satisfied today since it is almost day 3. I need that 7 day break barrier, but i won’t think about it in advance, one day at the time.
Thank you for your advice!

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When you wage war, you can’t win it all at once. It’s composed of battles, and battles need tactics. Sure strategy is useful, but it’s tactics that decide small fights. Keep it up!


Check in 22 August :white_check_mark:

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tl;dr - I relapsed, but here is some data for you to see that our chances are good - and better as time goes by!

Guys, this is sad of me, and I’m sorry about this, but I have relapsed. It is a help group, and since I somehow started it, I owe you explanation, however trivial it may be.

My country is currently in the heatwave time, and summer vacations. On one hand, work that I have with other people has mostly stalled. On the other, the work that I have on my own is going very slowly

I got myself a bit of break and in all this heat somehow thought that, well
 why not? I mean, there is plenty of why nots! There always are, but not every time we think about it - and so, my monster won a bit of attention, enough

So, I’m going back to you at Day 0. A long streak broken, but still - I’m going back to stand along all of you and fight another day! And then another!

On this “opportunity”, I forced myself to check some statistics about our community and prepared a plot:

I estimated the probabilities of reaching different days, and they are as below:

Target Start Increase Chance of success
Day 2 Day 1 1 day 82.95%
Day 3 Day 2 1 day 75.65%
Day 4 Day 3 1 day 78.65%
Day 6 Day 4 2 days 69.25%
Day 8 Day 6 2 days 76.6%
Day 11 Day 8 3 days 74.85%
Day 16 Day 11 5 days 72.4%
Day 23 Day 16 7 days 74.85%
Day 32 Day 23 9 days 78.3%
Day 45 Day 32 13 days 78.8%
Day 64 Day 45 19 days 78.5%
Day 91 Day 64 27 days 77.6%
Day 128 Day 91 37 days 75.75%
Day 181 Day 128 53 days 71.25%

And so, your chances are really good! One more plot, so that you see how chances of increasing your streak by a day. :slight_smile:
The red lines represent our targets - 18, 30, 60 and 90 days. You can easily see - the only decrease happens after reaching day 2, after which you’re back on track - your probability of getting one more day to your streak gets almost 100% quickly! Don’t forget it, never forget it - Every day you’re more likely to succeed than to fail!


:paw_prints: Check in beyond 83 streak days. :tophat:

I got unexpected positive feedbacks today from random people at work. It felt nice. My look doesn’t really changed so I guess there must have been something about my vibe, my radiation. Guess it was better than usual. I didn’t know until it happened, but then I realised that I needed something like this. It gave me a positive push.

@someBody13 I’m sad to see you relapsed, but glad to see that it didn’t messed up your focus and goal. Stand up, come back! Gentlemen also makes mistakes, but they clean their suit and mind and do better next time.


Damn man , I’m sad too to see that happened, but also happy to see you get back asap to the battlefield , i used to delete people when they relapse from my list , but i will keep you in because i want to see you shine again.

  • and remember losing a battle doesn’t mean losing the whole war
  • 2# im writing a small plan for nofap beginner’s here , like a course ( The nofap basics , the full guide , how addiction work , how to start your journey as a PMO quitter, how to deal with addiction urges , how to start the recovery journey, how to deal with sexual urges , how to deal with the flat line
 etc) if I finish it i will send it to you to put more ideas or if i missed something important there , then we share it.

Day 6 check in

@someBody13 @d.troxell sorry to hear it guys. However, the key is to not beat yourself up. Ive had a couple larger streaks before, and ive noticed something in common, they all follow a relapse that I didnt shame myself for. I simply examine the cause, adjusted my life, and set my mind to the next day.

This all was confirmed as well by a podcast ive been listening to. The idea is to examine the relapse, learn from it, and then move on. Do not have ANY negative thoughts. Those negative thoughts drive shame, and shame drives this whole problem. The outcome of this is usually the chaser effect.

After all, you arent going back to square 1. This was hard for me to get, but it changed me. Now, I only use the day count as a reference, not as a reading of success. This is because when you go to day 1 from a large streak, you arent actually starting over, you gained more knowledge of why you relapsed and your dopamine levels are far better than when, for example, the chaser effect hit during previous streaks.

So, I encourage you to not look at it as failure. Look at it as an attempt, and now you have more knowledge to make another one.


Many thanks for all the warm words! @Duran, @NXGhost, @mphexpert - You make me believe that one can fall down but then get up again! I’ll keep on reporting in, and since usually I have a sensible moment in the morning, I’ll keep on reporting in early, right now day 1 - it’s just a convenience thing.

There are two things that I keep in my mind not just about PMO, but in order to keep on going in my life in general. First, there is Japanese saying äžƒè»ąăłć…«è”·ă, nanakorobi yaoki, which means to fall down 7 times, but get up 8 times, which I always understand the following way - if you fell 7 times and got up 7 times, you’d be where you started. The thing is, that you can get up one more time, and this final getting up is like going forward, beyond - better than the last time :slight_smile:

The other thing is that when seeing our noPMO journey as a target-oriented problem, a relapse can be seen as going back to ground-zero and not reaching the goal
 But the reality is, noPMO is a journey indeed, and relapse is a bit like falling into a swamp. Indeed, it slows you down, but you’re still on your way. It’s not like we are getting further from the goal, but just getting off the path we have chosen. Hence - I went off the path and now going back to it!

@NXGhost - Concerning this guide you’re writing, I’ll be super happy if you could share it with us at some point! There was a time when I reached close to a clean year, so I wouldn’t consider myself a beginner per se, but I trust I can learn and, perhaps thanks to the old experience, contribute as well :slight_smile:


Current Streak - 5 days :white_check_mark:
1 adverse event on day 3.5

Sorry to hear that @someBody13. Remember that setbacks are a part of the journey. Focus on what you’ve learned from this experience and use it as fuel to recommit to your goals. I know you’re a smart guy and already know this. We’re in your corner, rooting for you brother!


Ok so it turns out I had underlying liver issues on top of jaundice, I live in a third world country and the doctors are not really reliable here but I finally got a second opinion and I feel much better now with the new treatment
 I know this has nothing to do with noPMO but I had nothing else to report lol


Thanks @someBody13 for giving the statistic graph of chances for next successful day. It is a good motivation to slowly improve the response. I will reset my counting to zero, and next time it happens to want to reboot i will look into it and calculate the odds! :slight_smile:


Check in :white_check_mark: 23rd August


Checking in. Almost 43 days. Urges are coming back.

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Checking in
Day 9
Failed repeatedly in the last couple days

Trying to recover now

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