Keeping it real[21 M]



So true man, I learned more when my 132 days streak got broken. And I had some kind of ego when I crossed 100 days that time (Feb this year).


I want to take a small break from this forum and test if it is beneficial or not. Sometimes I have a feeling when no fap run through my mind, I have thinking like I have to resist those kind of thoughts.

And mind plays it’s tricks sometimes. Like if we say “don’t think about elephants” that’s what we think the other moment.

I want to gain mastery over my mind, and I now realise the power of mind. I also know my aggressive and fighting self is not the right way to control mind, but rather a calm and peaceful way is needed.


Something that I do is not see it as a NoFap forum. I just see it as driven people coming together to improve. This is why I haven’t been talking much about much NoFap lately or participating in challenges.


That’s why I take part in productivity challenges like ones which @Nerbo make instead of challenges focussed on streaks.

I just want to get rid of counting days that’s why I need break to check what effect not seeing the counter has.


I see it like those apps to improve, like a tool. But most importantly, a sort of What’sapp/Discord group where I can talk to my brothers. This place is like a house of my second family, my second world.


Yeah it’s a self improvement support group for me .


:pleading_face:Tuci ja rhe ho tuci na jaoooo
:eyes:Acha hai thode din sbki diaries me Shanti rhegi :smiling_face_with_tear:HR jgh ni dikhenge aap


Especially in the girls dorm room, bro’s always on a secret mission. @prince_king


:joy: calm down brother you are exposing his mission :skull:


Let the world know how he uses his Byakugan :skull::joy:


Yes, it’s not because I reinstalled the app. My 95+ day streak has ended.

Streak based mentality is the worst. Only I know how much pain I have endured. I am trying hard since 1 year now. 87 days, 132 days, 96 days. But some shit always ends me up in PMO.

It feels worse after a long streak. Like, why does this happen. Why I can’t go forever? Why I succumb to this shit not at 15-20 days but only after 85+ days? Why??


The psychological war between day 90 to 180 is terrifying.

I have failed this test thrice already in a span of 1 year.


Yep, it kinda is. After a point, you should stop looking at the counter. Just let it run in the background and get busy with your stuff.

And you also need to stop intellectualising over the stats of where people fall and whatnot. You should rather focus on making YOUR days count. Look forward to every day as an opportunity for growth instead of just another battle with urges.

And don’t dread urges either. It’s only natural. Redirect that drive that comes along with urges towards something more productive. I don’t know about you guys but when I am horny, I’m also more open to taking challenges and stepping out of my comfort zone.

I think you’ve got this addiction almost beat.


I did take a break after reaching 90 days.

I see man. Also in past few days I got obsessed about going forever and all that. Getting faces of some P stars I haven’t even saw their face in 1 year also traumatized me.


It started with valuing a 1 hr streak and ended into a 96 day streak.

Come on bro, just a small change in mindset and you have the power to go where only the chosen one have reached. One year ago, I would have laughed if I had told myself no matter what happens, you will keep coming back with a 85+ day streak. But here I am.

I know it’s something to do with your past. But just look at past 1 year and what you have done and achieved in terms of consistency which you have never done before.

I am not even 1% of this guy. But atleast I should remind myself what I am capable of.


You really think Virat succeeded in his first 100 attempts? Or even first 1000? Or 10,000?
You haven’t failed enough times, you’ve got far more to give .


If you are talking about innings then you are probably wrong. But if you are talking about life and it’s challenges, then maybe you are right.

I should be done atleast with this PMO shit asap.


Brother, I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you for reaching 90 days addiction-free. :tada: That’s a huge accomplishment, and it shows your strength and determination. :muscle: It’s okay to feel down after a relapse; setbacks are a natural part of this journey. What matters most is your commitment to keep moving forward. Today might feel like starting anew on day 0, but remember, you’ve already proven you can achieve 90 days. :star2: You’ve rewired your brain and gained valuable insights into your strength and resilience. Let’s not dwell on the relapse but focus on the progress you’ve made and the lessons learned. I’m here to support you through this. :raised_hands: Let’s renew our commitment together. Let’s build on what you’ve already achieved and aim for another 90 days. We’ll do this step by step, celebrating each milestone along the way. Remember, this journey isn’t just about reaching a number; it’s about transforming our mindset and embracing a healthier lifestyle. You’re not alone in this. We’ll support each other, hold ourselves accountable, and grow stronger together. Stay positive, brother. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Let’s turn this setback into a comeback and continue on our path towards a better, happier life. :star2::muscle:


This support, this kind of support right here is the reason I was able to achieve all these streaks in last one year.

No matter what kind of situation I was in, this forum has always supported me.


I will do it again now. For all the love this forum has showered on me. I must get back on my feet now.
