Feedback time, Are you guys enjoying your stay here?

This thread is hot!

@Taher, I think my major ask would be: keep the app simple. It’s amazing how many good ideas are springing here. However, if every nice possible feature would be added, I’m afraid we would end up cluttered, heavy and slow.

Though I also have some features to suggest, I’d say the app is already ideal. What if, in order to add a feature, we had to choose an existent one to put aside? Maybe we should think this way, to keep NF Companion light and straightforward.

Well, but I said I also have some features to suggest, :sweat_smile:
I’d choose:

  • Group / Rearrange companions on the companion tab. Imagine if we could group everyone who’s doing the 90 Days Challenge, and share the group code? We wouldn’t have to add one by one. And if we could shrink / minimize the group view, it wouldn’t clutter the screen.

  • Direct messaging individual companions / groups. It would help a lot.


I have similar plans, groups and messaging might come soon.

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a serious problem with app i faced today was crashing when scroll down the companions section. So for fixing this issue i tried lots of thing but not worked so i decided to clear the app cache and data.
After that i relogin to app but wonder what i see?
No friends, No my streak and it’s a serious problem that this app has and i wish in next update the user data store on account on cloud not on fucking phone.
Thanks dear @Taher

Cloud storage will be implemented soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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Sir, why is this showing for some of my companions " invalid code " get their new codes !

Because they generated a new code, could be due to any reason. If you know their forum username you can pm them.

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The ranking system and the things you mentioned seem good.Can we get them please @Taher

Would like a direct notification in the app for NF companion Forum!

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Added to my list @MannyG700

I hope it changes soon, do you think something is missing from the app that’s making you stay the same? @CaptainMan

The one person who can bring a change to yourself is only YOU
Any app will not be good enough if you are not serious about yourself.


@Taher I think there is no need of Google search in advanced search section. I have blocked browsers in my phone, but this in built browser is still remaining. Can you please remove that?

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That feature is used by many users i can’t remove it sorry.

@Taher Can I get the API used for that feature, please? :pray:

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Actually, many are not even aware of it. Recently, I talked to @alexcoz600. He did not know this.
Can we have a vote for this, please?


I’ll look into it, but since this forum is running discourse forum software I don’t have direct control of source code.

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Can you link me to your reply where that happened?

I cannot reproduce issue on my end. I’ll have to look further into it.

This app has been wonderful for me.
If I could change one thing about it, it would be to make it easier to message someone. Like putting that option right on the home page. Talking with someone has been one of the biggest helps for me in resisting urges.
That being said, I am so grateful for this app. It helps me so much and has many great features, such as stats and journal.
Thank you!


I think this is a good suggestion :+1: This advice could come from common forum posts, and I think a good place to put it could be where the motivational quotes normally are.

I think along these lines it would be good to get advice like, “you might feel really bored, find a good book to read instead of surfing the internet” or “urges are likely to be stronger than you expect, make a plan in advance of what you will do to resist”.