Feedback time, Are you guys enjoying your stay here?

@Taher .
I feel 2 changes should be there in app. In my opinion.

  1. I think, it is better to not show BADGE name below the name of companion in the companions list. Because one can see and know the Badge name there according to number of days achieved and there is no motivation left for achieving new badges. That excitement to see badge name after reaching on a new level is totally different. ( this is what I felt when I achieved 18 days badge. Obviously there was some excitement of earning that badge but still that joy could be more if I was completely unknown of that badge name.)

  2. Please make an introduction telling all features of this app. When one open it for the first time. ESPECIALLY ADD THIS FORUM and tell how it can be so helpful to be in a community to achieve No Fap. This is my personal experience that I installed this app 2 times previously but I did not sign in forum(you can understand why, we always try to hide our addiction) and third time I just sign in forum just to check what is there in this option(I did not know the benifits I can get from community) and then I found it life changing here. It is only forum optipn here which helps me to stay away from Fapping.
    So i think you should make some introduction content informing new users about the importance of community and how they can be helped in a far better way here.

And BDW it is an awesome app. I am enjoying it so much, also I will contribute to this app for your incredible job. I love you brother. NoFapForever :muscle: