Feedback time, Are you guys enjoying your stay here?

Can you add a section maybe in the companion tab or in the clock tab to to see your next achievement?

Or maybe add a to do pop up or tab that says

Ok so today you should go to the park and walk or idk something like that!

This may seem like a silly question, but I can’t find my sharing code, can someone please help me? the bot doesn’t know what I am talking about.

Sure, this app is dope, and please could you make notification more good?

Can you be more clear as to “making notification more good”?

Could be done, maybe custom community achievements.

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I really like the app. Don’t add to many features though. There is beauty in simplicity. But that’s only silly me :wink: great work great community


Dear @Taher
The app is a next generation app you can inspire alot of things from that. Hope someday i see nf in that level

A very big thank you man. U r the best person in this world. I was literally clutched with pornography and i was not able to anything but with this app i have made my highest streak till day 10. I know its a small streak but for me its a great achievement because i know from where i am getting better.

And just a bit thing you might like for the update:
It is like nofap challenge is the main challenge and to enhance its benfits add some more windows with some more sub challenges like cold water shower streak,daily running streak and so on. As i saw your chart no of users visit per day, i guess with this feature this will increase automatically.

Now the growth level seen in this app:

I have been here from end of October and now its jan. The improvement i have seen is great, its awesome you all are on the right track. Going straight forward and reaching new peaks. My best wishes are always with you. Earlier ahead of day 7 there were only few people when I joined but now there is a huge crowd till day 30. Its way way way awesome.

And afterall thanks to support our realisation that fapping is ruining our life where all people said its natural. I think they do so because they know how to become successful and they dont want us to be great like them but you made a way to unite our strength. A big big big big bigggggggggggggggggggggggggg thannnnnnnnkkkkkkkkk yyyyoooooouuuuuuuuuuu


what about adding the badge as a widget in home screen? @Taher

Ya that’s a good idea @anon99107742

You’re welcome :slight_smile:…I’ve definitely thought about bringing more challenges, more self improvement stuff like meditation, cold showers, etc to the app. The idea is still in development, I will present a early preview of it when it is ready.

@anon99107742, @newlife2018
Added to my list.

I agree with you, I try to keep the app as simple as possible, but giving people enough tools to help overcome those urges in times of need.

Added to my list.


My complaints
1.We cannt message our companions directly . We have to search them.
2 We cant write shorter than 20 characters message.

  1. Added to my list
  2. It’s meant to encourage discussion :slight_smile:

Thanks admin…

About the app:

  • @Taher do you get information about how often the “help” button in the app is used? (I just figured out that it exists :sweat_smile: )
    Wouldn’t it be nice to have one which randomly tells you to do something (like go out for a 10min walk, take a shower, meditate for 10min …)
    Then your thought right before relapsing could be “okay lets press the button, do the thing it tells me and if I still have an urge i can still think about whether or not I should fap” and often the urge will pass while doing what the help button tells you (hopefully :smile:)
  • I don’t know if someone already said it.
    A shorthand! list of things that could help on the nofap journey. A summary of what helps us best. Than the new (and the old users) can chose from our experience and try out what helps them.
    No long thing just like
    -cold shower when urge occurs
    -mediate daily
    and so on

It’s kind of that when we get new notification, I don’t really see it until I open the app, am not sure if my phone stopped the app on the background or just something else, and I really appreciate this application, thanks to make it easy to use :smiley:

That’s what is exactly happening, it’s the newer android versions battery saving techniques. One way to circumvent it is to send push notifications via an online service (Like the way fb, whatsapp, twitter do). But you need to be connected to the internet for that.
I’ll take a look into making the notifications more reliable none the less :slight_smile:


Sprucing up the help “area” is on my list, quite a bit of features to add there. Currently not many people use it, it can change quickly though after adding some features. Like the once you said.

That’s a good suggestion, added to the list :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the cooperation :blush:

Dear @Taher
another feedback i just found out is that put an option to see how long was the last streak of our companions that relapsed. cause when i see a friend relapsed i don’t know after of how many days he did that.


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