Faisal's Record of Progress[16M] šŸ

Do u know what really happened. He said i will get STD before i ban his post.


I donā€™t know anything nor I want to know just forget about it or stop talking to him , he sometimes talk too much but you arenā€™t innocent too . He already apologized to you now just stop interacting with him if you donā€™t like him. @Awaken_one

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All the best man , todayā€™s the day !!!


My Exam Reflection - September 25

I want to share my experience of my first exam today!

I woke up at 6 AM, and instead of going for my usual workout, I decided to complete my English syllabus since the exam was today. I managed to finish the entire syllabus in about four hours.

I headed to school for the exam at 1:30 PM. After filling in my details on the answer sheet, I received the question paper around 1:50 PM, and the exam officially started at 2 PM. Since I had studied everything thoroughly, the paper felt relatively easy at first.

However, as I reached the literature section towards the end, I realized I only had 20 minutes left to complete it. This section was worth 36 marks, and unfortunately, I couldnā€™t finish the last two questions, which were worth 6 marks each. I rushed through some answers and made a few grammatical mistakes. At the beginning of the paper, I was organized and clear, but I ended up writing the literature section hurriedly.

Iā€™m feeling frustrated right now because I think Iā€™ll only score around 65 out of 80. I regret not prioritizing the literature section earlier, especially since Iā€™ve made the same mistake in my 9th and 10th exams. I spent three hours preparing for literature but didnā€™t manage my time well during the exam. Ironically, I focused on format and grammar for only an hour, and I might end up scoring higher in that part.

Next time, Iā€™ll definitely plan my time better to avoid this situation!
P.S. I still remember everything I studied this morning point by point, so itā€™s incredibly frustrating that, despite knowing all the answers, I couldnā€™t write them down in time.


Ik I am late but Iā€™ll give you a tip. Start the English paper in reverse dirn , I meant literature first , grammar second , writing third and reading last.

Literature have the highest marks as per my knowledge . You can complete that say 30 - 40 minutes . Then grammar . Dont spent more than 15 minutes there. If u spent more than that , leave it to last.

Then writing or reading based on your personal interest .

And one more regarding reading , read the questions first before u read the passage. Have a basic idea of what questions are been asked. Then when u read the passage , youā€™ll get answrs quicker.


Donā€™t worrry bhai, you got a big lesson, and you will be more careful during your final exams and especially boards , I also did this mistake during my board exams :skull:. Learn the time management during exams , read the comprehensions and questions and use pencil to make a small dot on the words where the answer is , because after reading the comprehension chances are you might forget it because of pressure. Rest I am sure you will manage it , donā€™t miss those sample papers .

Be grateful CBSE hasnā€™t accepted NCERT proposal to add class 11 marks in 12 th boards :skull:, it will take time , I will pray this new rule implies after 2 years :handshake:


@The_Rising_One @Sholtro_Tenjerrot i did this same mistake in my 9th and 10th too and ended up making this same decision for class 11th

But in exam hall I started my paper from section A :clown_face: but I will focus on it and I will write my next exams from the section that have the most marks .


I have never faced time in issue in an english paper
mostly I do literature - writing - reading
since last year I have started doing reading - literature - writing if the passage comes easy , so I read the passage and ready the answers in the reading time itself .
Before 10th boards , I had experimented all combinations through sample papers .

Do literature first next time
and dont fret about english much , science students of my batch donā€™t even care about it
but teachers keep warning that it will drop your % if you dont take care -_-


Even without doing any study I would had achieved this much marks, I donā€™t care about it but the thing I care about is that I am not that fast whenever I write anything.

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My mother has been battling cancer for months now. Initially, she refused to go to the hospital, believing it was just an infection that proper care and rest could heal. But deep down, I knew it was more serious. The symptomsā€”like bleeding from her chestā€”pointed to cancer, even though she tried to hide her suffering. Now, sheā€™s finally going with my dad for treatment. Most likely, sheā€™ll undergo chemotherapy. I know it will be hard on herā€”the side effects will increase her sufferingā€”but itā€™s better than letting the disease take over completely.

This isnā€™t the first time sheā€™s been in the hospital. Sheā€™s been dealing with illness for years. When I was around 6 or 7, she had surgery on her right shoulder to remove a tumor. I used to cry over small things back then, so you can imagine how overwhelming that was for me. But I managed to control myself, even though it was difficult. From that time on, my sister took on the responsibility of managing the household chores. Iā€™m so grateful for her, and eventually, I learned to do them too. A few years later, my mom was diagnosed with TB and had to be admitted to the hospital again. And now, itā€™s cancer. I hope this will be the last of her major illnesses.

I just want my mom to stay alive.

As for me, Iā€™m not feeling much right nowā€”because, you know, if I take too much tension, it might stop my height from growing! So, naturally, Iā€™m staying calm for the sake of my future inches. Besides, there are already enough issues in my life, but at the end of the day, I tell myself everythingā€™s fine. Hereā€™s hoping the future will be taller and brighter :wink:!


That must be really painful on her part and your whole family . I canā€™t imagine.

Where are you taking your mom, AIIMS? And when she is going since the sooner the better :slightly_smiling_face:


She is going to get into Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital !


Great, wishing a steady recovery to your mom :pray:t2::shamrock::heart:


Thanks for your wishes :dove:


Oh man , thats painful
I hope that your mom gets well soon :pray:t2:
You are one strong guy , I wish I had a small part of your attitude


Chinta mat karo bhai. Apki maa bilkul swasth ho jaengiā€¦ God bless her :pray:


I am very sorry for what you are going through
I know it would be painful for you to see your mother battling cancer
I will pray to god to heal your mother
Donā€™t worry we all are with you in this
Keep up the faith
Do duah and pray regularly :pray:
God is the one to heal all our issues :pray:


Oh man , you are so strong :fire: :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:. I saw your message on time , I prayed for your mother too after the aarti , never wanted to say such thing here because it might seem like show off, but told you this to make you realise you are not alone and to believe in Miracles, we all will be praying for you and your mother . Take care man :people_hugging: May God bless you , your mother and your family.


Thats tough brother, especially at such a young age. I hope your mother becomes healthy soon and never falls ill ever again. Your entire family has been witnessing a lot. Donā€™t worry too much about your physical height, the height of your soul is more important.


Stay strong brother !! I will pray for you. My mom also have a bad habit of not letting us know the problems until things get uncontrollable. She is also reluctant to go to hospital and prevent that by all means.

I will pray for you man. Stay strong !!