Faisal's Record of Progress[16M]

Yeah, as a bachelor’s in business administration, I did get a glimpse of every field but to be honest I skimmed through these as I had arts in 11th 12th and only studied these in college.

But there are more, specialised courses like CFA, CA, CMA which is a combination of subjects you are studying just now and will study in college. I did not pursue any of these. I’m more into finance side like investment, portfolio, risk management.

I want to get rich too, you need to work for that. The best paying job as you said :moneybag:

If I were you I would have done this -

  • Ace all concepts in my 11th and decide on the field in want to explore more.

  • After scoring good in 11th, get in 12th and decide at the start whether you need to go for specialised courses like CA, CMA, etc. because you can give their foundation exam(Level 1) after completing 12th exams and so on. They have three levels. You can start your preparation robustly if you know you want to pursue it and won’t waste time like others. It will add to your resume too.

  • Or you can go on for specialisation in your UG with B.com. If you intend to do this, make sure you get into a very good college of DU like SRCC. DU has minimal fees and you will be able to pay it with internships you get. And then Aim for FMS since it’s the college with the least fees for MBA and best ROI. Competition for private jobs is so much high these days, unless you actually get into a good college it’s not even worth it.

This is just a brief of what a normal commerce grad does. You have more options too! You can ask any subject specific role questions too!

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We both will get rich till we do hard and smart work at the same time Master :angel:

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And also, be mature. People easily use those who act immature, in college especially.

Alright bro, see ya. Study hard :muscle:t2: :100:


Hahahaha :rofl: you got it right yeah I will act more mature looks like I can’t hide my my clumsy nature.
Ok bye see you again

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Date: 16th August 2024

It’s been days now, and I’m still struggling with sleep, which is really throwing off my routine. Every night, I try to be in bed by 10 PM, so I put my phone away at 9 PM, hoping that it will help me unwind. But the same thing happens each time. From 9 PM until 2 AM, I’m lying in bed with my eyes closed, trying so hard to fall asleep. No matter what I do, sleep just won’t come. My mind is racing, and I can’t seem to relax enough to drift off. It’s not until around 2 AM that I finally manage to fall asleep.

But even then, my sleep is anything but restful. I wake up again around 4 AM, feeling even more tired and frustrated. The real struggle comes in the morning. When it’s time to wake up and follow my routine, I suddenly feel incredibly comfortable and sleepy, as if my body finally finds the deep, restful sleep it’s been craving—right when I need to be getting up.

Each morning, I struggle to get out of bed, and when I do, I feel exhausted and sluggish all day. This constant fatigue is making it nearly impossible to stick to my routine and be productive. This frustrating cycle just keeps repeating: struggling to fall asleep at night, waking up in the middle of the night, and then finding it nearly impossible to wake up in the morning. It’s wearing me down, and I’m not sure how to break free from it so I can finally get back on track with my routine.
Late night thoughts are making me sick .


Looks like bro will update this diary on 25th June 2025

Wakey wakey


Oh Good good all the best! But journaling everyday will help even you are going through downs journal it .