Faisal's Record of Progress[16M]

my mother and siblings is back at home now ,
So I won’t be alone in my house I am thinking to Start playing football again also I need to register myself in the library for my exams preparation many things to do is pending even haven’t done exercises from 2 days I am gonna count it in the rest period :sleepy: I am lazy Let’s see what tomorrow brings…! I can see little improvement in my body but still it’s not that good as for now I am going to focus on increasing my stamina and endurance.


Happy Birthday @Imaginator :birthday: ! May Allah bless you with immense happiness, and may you work hard and realise your destiny.!!

You turned 16, look how much you have grown up :joy::champagne:

Wassup buddy, how’s everything going?


“Thanks, brother! :joy: I’m getting older with each passing year, and my responsibilities are increasing as the years of my life are decreasing. :rofl:


Sixteen, wondering how to become a millionaire at this age?

You have a world for you, don’t think life’s all problems are yours to own. You can filter out and choose what really affects you. You should not care much for now, it’s not your age for that, let alone change anything outside of your control.


Hey Faisal, @Imaginator, happy belated birthday brother! I’m sorry I missed the actual day, but I hope you had a good day. May this year bring you success, happiness, and all the things you want. Best of luck on all your future endeavours. :heart:


First of all thank you @Awaken_one @prince_king @Binocular @RyomenSukuna @kainaat @The_Rising_One @FapRecovery all of you for wishing me Happy Birthday if I mistakenly forgot to mention someone here so sorry but again thanks for wishing me it made me so feel happy, I will definitely do my best to become a better version of myself .


The End and the Start of new beginning

It’s been a long time since I posted something on my diary, As the title shows its going to be the end and the Start of the new beginning on my diary,
As this diary started with my 10th class result and my confusion for my future I gave the improvement exam of science and maths and the result got out on 5th August, So I failed to take science stream because of 2 marks Even after giving improvement this is the result, In my house I said that I got whole 50 marks in science after improvement although I got 48/80 and can’t take science stream even if I want to get I said to my family that I don’t want to take science I want to study in commerce stream so that they don’t think about it that much, In my class I got quite famous because of it In the eyes of all the teachers now I am on the top of wanted list because I tried to change stream by improvement and failed I should complete my whole pending work now I only can do hardwork in commerce from 21 August my UT is going to start and from 10 September my exams I even have not purchased the course I have alot to do besides it everything is fine I want to give my name for football in school.
Thank you


I can feel you on that close call. Missing out by just two marks is rough, but don’t let it get you down. You’ve got the right mindset - focusing on what’s next and keeping it cool with your family.

And don’t sweat starting a bit later than the rest of the commerce students. Here’s the deal. While they were just planting seeds without giving much thought to their soil, you were busy preparing yours. Sure, they had been in the commerce garden longer and got their stuff growing, but if their soil’s weak, those plants are gonna take forever to thrive and might not even make it in the end.

You tackled the improvement exams, something out of their grasp, which is like adding premium nutrients and fertilizers to your soil. Your effort wasn’t for nothing. Now your ground’s set up to grow crops way stronger and faster. You now have a grit and focus, that’ll not just help you catch up but blaze past them, GODSPEED.

Now’s your time to shine. Don’t stress about the course stuff. Get it sorted, make a study plan and give it your all. Want to gear up for football too? Go ahead and crush it!


Thank you brother it means alot :heart: .


My Future Aims

To achieve success, it’s essential to have a clear vision of what I want to become and what I aspire to achieve in the future. Here is the start of my new journey:

  1. Physical Growth: I aim to reach a height of 180 cm by the age of 18 and maintain a healthy weight of 75 kg.
  2. Academic Excellence: I want to achieve at least 80% in my 11th-grade exams and 90% in my 12th board exams.
  3. Physical Fitness: I aspire to become physically strong, fit, and more handsome.
  4. Football Skills: I plan to improve my football skills and aim to compete at the zonal level.
  5. Higher Education: My goal is to get into a government college after 12th grade for a budget-friendly education, so I can handle the fees without burdening my parents.
  6. Earning and Independence: I will start a YouTube channel and do freelancing to begin earning money.
  7. Breaking Bad Habits: I am determined to completely overcome my addiction to pornography and fapping.


My aims include building a strong physique to excel in football at the zonal level, improving my academic performance for good results, and securing a place in a government college. I also plan to start a YouTube channel and take on freelancing jobs to earn money and manage my expenses independently. To create quality content and work effectively, I need a new smartphone, so I will look for easy freelancing jobs to fund it. My strategy is to take one step at a time to achieve my dreams.

From now on, my new journey begins.

Present Height and Weight as of 10th August 2024:

  • Height: 166 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Age: 16


For a moment I thought u were @VAGABOND because he had a same dp earlier. Btw in which steam ur studying ?


Same Pfp may be you are hallucinating :face_with_monocle: and I am in Commerce stream without maths


I saw @VAGABOND here every day he got online and I don’t remember he had that pfp :sweat_smile:


What is the meaning of pfp bro


He changed his pfp now. His pfp was like a man staring at you from below.Ik this makes no sense but Idk how to elaborate it further :joy:


Do you mean like this ?


Yeah , This is the picture I meant @Binocular Also this is my face right now


Are you sure this is your face right now?


Idk why I am laughing at that pic. Scary images wont affect me anymore.


Is that picture supposed to be scary :rofl: I thought It was funny.