Faisal's Record of Progress[16M]

You can take your mobile and earphone, also a backpack for your books and water bottle. Study hard, don’t get distracted by girls there :writing_hand:t2:


I am staying in my home alone as my father is sleeping on the terrace of house I will be honest I am enjoying my time even right now whenever I think about my mother and siblings return from Grandmother house (mom’s mother) I got tensed by thinking that I will lose my privacy again That’s why I am choosing to go library. I am not missing anyone of them I am a straight boring quit person in Real life who don’t feel anything that much about others including my family ofcourse I want to see them happy but it’s just that I am enjoying my company in alone environment where no one can disturb me I made up my mind I want to get into hostel after 12th as for now I will go to the libraries to stay away from their disturbance in my life who knows If I end up making a real friend their… Although I can live in a distance with them but I will never forget about my family as long as I am sure they are happy and safe I can enjoy my privacy in alone :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank for reading Good bye.

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There will be a different kind of challenge when it will happen. Also, as in introvert it is always a difficult prospect but don’t worry I just know that whatever I have experienced it can help you.

But let’s see if I will be active in forum till that time, not sure how many time I have left here.


I don’t think so that it would be a challenge for me because I know how to cook and wash clothes and any other management to live also in my opinion most probably there are some hostel were I can leave alone So that my Roommates won’t disturb me because this is a sole reason Why I want to go hostel because I seek no disturbance. Thank you :heart::+1:


I know about it when a person gets healed the first thing he do is to remove bandages but is we really need to think forum as bandages forum is a Doctor who is curing us I know you already have a good streak but I want to suggest you to continue forum atleast it’s better then any other social media otherwise if you really want to leave then you must promise me that you will revisit forum in every 3-5 months :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: you already said to me that you want to talk to a mix of both mature and kid personality that’s why I won’t try hard to stop you because my mature personality is about my morality and ethics so I really need to let go…
Thanks for always giving me right guidance on right Time :heart:


I mentioned the same quote in other topic when this discussion of leaving forum popped up.

Also in last 9 months I had 3 streaks of 65+ days and one among them was 130+ days and I know that even If I relapse I can keep it down to max 2 a month.


“Completed a 1-hour exercise session ✓ Consumed an ample amount of food to gain weight ✓
Registered for the improvement exam ✓ Tomorrow, I will be registering at the public library.”
“I have a wish. You might think I am a meaningless idiot, but I want to stay young forever. I don’t want to age beyond 25 years, nor do I want to die. I want to live forever. But it’s not possible. I can only extend my lifespan by a mere 25-30 years through exercise, following a healthy lifestyle, and meditation. However, it’s not enough to halt my aging; I will inevitably grow old, whether it’s today or tomorrow. It’s an unchangeable reality. Nonetheless, I will endeavor to research everything about achieving eternal life and do everything in my power to evade death. For now, my wish remains nothing more than a mere delusion.”


Day 1 -
Nightfall occurred.
1 hour Exercise session ✓
Eating enough to gain weight✓
Cooking meal✓

Day 2 -
1.5 hours Exercise ✓
Cooking meal ✓
Eat Sleep repeat
Day 3 -
Exercise, Cook meal, Eat , Sleep repeat ✓
Day 4 -
Exercise, make meal , Eat , Sleep repeat ✓
Day 5 -
Wake up at 10:00am


Damn bro, you cook three times a day! Respect.
What do you cook usually?


My mother and siblings are out of city now in grandmother’s house (Mom’s mother) that’s why I am cooking. Normally I cook only 1 time a day enough for whole day . I cook Lentils and Rice or Pasta, porridge and anything that My heart say I can cook anything. :yum:


Damn , here I don’t even know how to make tea properly.


First time when I was 7 year old I made tea for guests. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: If you want to learn how to cook you can learn it from you tube start from easy recipes. :+1:


Bro’s Ready for Marriage

Jokes aside even I don’t know how to cook properly, you are just 17 and can cook so much :smiling_face_with_tear:


I am not even 16 properly I will turn 16 on 25 June Don’t increase my age :expressionless: .


That makes it more insane Kid. :skull: You gonna get alot of baddies, post your skills well


This is nothing brother the world itself is vast there are alot of geniuses who is better than me I only know sketching, drawing, cooking, Editing, Story writing, Animation, on the name of skills.


Calm down, you are humiliating me :skull:


You don’t need to feel humiliated No one is perfect in this world :earth_africa: I am not good in Maths, Science also I can’t socialize because of my nature, I even don’t have the ability to understand complicated things in one go, also I am a coward person in the skin of a serious looking man even in simple accidents my body could not able to stop releasing adrenaline resulting in shivaring in my whole body and also I never able to get serious on anything. So instead of feeling getting humiliated because of someone cherish what you already have and try to develop yourself so that you can become better .
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You just need to believe on yourself . :people_hugging:


I got relapsed again on my Day 6.
I am stucked in a loop after every 5-6 days I am getting relapsed this filthy habit is devouring me :sweat: .


I am complimenting you indirectly. You will get good in all those things don’t worry, if you need any help ask here. There was a teacher who once said “if you can’t do something, you are not doing it”. I have been weak at maths with 5/100 in my 9th. But then it all changed, 95/100 in 10th just because I started focusing on maths. Not trying to boast but this is the reality. Maths and science asks for time.

I thought maths was like English or social science where I would already know the answer but for maths and science, you need to know the basic behind each question, if you know that it’s easy to solve them.

About adrenaline, you ain’t weak, that’s a natural stimulus when body prepares to fight. You are not just used to fighting.

Btw you have an exam, right? Where is your schedule?

Make a plan, show it here, stick to it Faisal.