Faisal's Record of Progress[16M]

Future has to be made by me I don’t think present me is capable but with little progress definitely become better in future thanks for the good luck.


27/5/2024 Monday Day-6
Today my mother and siblings goes out of city to live in my grandmother’s house (Mother of my mom) they will not return before 15 days atleast I am home alone with my father but father needs to work so he not going to stay home for whole day So basically I am alone :kissing_smiling_eyes: on my own my sister already prepared our meal that is enough for somedays if stored properly in the Refrigerator. My condition is also not that good I am having migraine as usual I haven’t said anything to anyone about my condition when I searched a little in room I found Tablet of Diclofenac sodium of 75mg I haven’t eaten anything today except breakfast just taken the tablet on empty stomach. It happened because of my uneven sleep schedule Sometimes I was sleeping at 12:00am and waking up at 4:00am Sometimes sleeping on 2:00am and waking up around 5:00am also not eating that much because of nuesea.
Main task of the day
•Admission in class 11th ✓
Tomorrow I will go to get form for improvement exam Admission incharge said even the dates of exam is not come yet ! It’s a golden opportunity for me to practice as for now I taken the commerce temporarily :sweat_smile: .


Good to hear that… You know when I was on day 10, My parents had gone to other state for 1 month. I was alone at home. I was thinking it will be hard to stay clean but it happened opposite…

Without family I got time to improve myself. I could do all the task which I want to do… Nobody can disturb me… So yaa you have golden opportunity for 15 days…

Do plan your day and improve your physical and mental health.
You’ll be amazed that when you are alone you can do better :wink:
God bless mere bhai… Aage badhte raho or khush rho


Tell your parents bro… They ain’t gonna beat you for that…


As I am alone at home :houses: I have a plenty of time to improve myself and I have finally gotten privacy cause my father haves his own works to do so he is not going to bother me that much.
I have decided to use this time to make my lifestyle better from all perspectives like living a disciplined life with a good sleep schedule

Main Task to Accomplish !

Take a bath after exercise in the morning
•Have to do exercise for atleast 30 minutes can be increased further.
•Get a 9-10 hours of sleep daily on same time
•Eat more to gain weight
•Increasing the stamina
•Study daily for 2 hours
•Meditate daily atleast for 10 minutes is necessary
•learning and practice Some fighting techniques daily for 30-60 minutes
•Nose exercises for 5 minutes daily to get rid of dorsal hump
:dromedary_camel: .

I think I should measure my height and weight So that I can track my progress my aim is 180cm of height with 70-75 kg weight. :sweat_smile:


Thank brother :heart: for supporting also I am not saying to my parents about illnesses because I think I can cure myself as for Doctor whenever I got ill seriously I visit Government hospital So that I can get free medicines from the consult of doctors So there’s no need to waste my parents time and in the future I will be on my own So it’s a part of preparing myself for future. :grin:Only hardships can refine a human to reach his full potential ”.


I just got relapsed on 28th may 2024 at 1:00am :pensive: . Right now my father is sleeping on the terrace (roof) of the house I am alone in my room and from 10minutes Electricity is gone although it got gone rarely but why today :smiling_face_with_tear: I don’t fear Dark but it’s giving me uneasy vibes specially my house looks like a haunted house and Dogs are crying outside of my house right now cats are wandering inside of house :kissing: but as long as I stay positive there’s nothing that can harm me .


Some people don’t even have electricity. Always be greatfull bro. Say thank God it was only for 10 minutes. Thank God I have a roof above my head. Thank God I have an amazing father. Thank God I am still alive and I can change the plan.

I am not going to say anything because you already know what to do. But I will tell you this: you are still what? 15 ? 16? you need to stop this addiction now before it’s too late even now I am 17 and a half years old it’s a lot harder believe me it’s a lot harder than it used to be when I was 15 or 16 and I have a feeling if I continue till I’m 20, the urges that I am experiencing now would you seem even meaningless compared to what I might experience so you currently have an advantage. You are a Muslim right? Man you got start praying on time and always mention god and feel his presence. He is everywhere, he is close to you and he is always ready to help you once you ask him for help. I only achieve my highest streak if I do so and break it once I don’t feel like praying. I know you are aware but you need to be more now before you regret it believe me achieving a week or two while you’re still 15 it’s not the same as achieving a week or two when you’re 17 and it won’t be the same when you are 20 or 25 I can’t even imagine what a 30 years old is experiencing right now if he started like us when he was 12 means that he spent more than half of his life on this addiction, waiting to stop it when he was 18 then when he finished college then when he found a job and then waited for next month year only to find himself a lot more older he had planned.


Brother I am already great full that I have electricity but I think you took me wrong what meant to say is that I am feeling uneasy in the dark dogs are crying outside of my house cats are wandering and fighting inside the house and I am alone in my room my phone don’t have enough battery for torch even after that electricity got gone again for 2 hours but I will still say I am not afraid of dark :moyai: .

Also I can understand what you want to say I still think that if I controlled my addiction when I was 13-14 then it will be a different situation that’s why I want to leave it so that my future don’t do any regret.


Tomorrow on 29th may Got Relapsed!
Today on 30th May again Relapsed!
What’s the meaning of my 1 hour long workouts if I am getting Relapsed I need to stop my addiction otherwise all of my efforts are going to become waste


Those who fall and not give up and stand up again and again are the true warriors they can become the God of their life they already have all the ability but they don’t realise it but when they realise it with their hard work and determination they reached the realm of God’s . I am waiting for you in realm of God’s the God of Ghosts support you but you need to become worthy by yourself So that the world come at your feet.


Yeah I the Imaginator will Definitely ascend myself on the realm of gods the controller of their fate and life with hard work and preserverance I will prove myself worthy . :sweat_smile::heart:


On 27/5/24 around 3 days ago I declared my main task that I need to complete daily but till now I haven’t done anything :eyes: also got Relapsed specially my main aim of making my sleep schedule organised haven’t done yet even right now at 1:30am I am typing it I need to do something about this cycle if I sleep late then I will wake up early :moyai: you guys expecting I will say I will wake up late but it’s not going to happen My sleep is shit I wake up after every 2 hours in night specially for drinking water :sweat_drops: and obviously if I am drinking water I need to go for toilet also normally I drink water by glass but tomorrow night I decided to use a 2L bottle so that drinking water can become easy for me but expect what that 2L bottle got drained in the middle of the night now you can expaculate how much water I drink in the night. So back to the topic My Abdomen and lower back is paining because of doing alot of exercise for 1 hour although I haven’t felt any pain when I was doing exercises I was rather feeling excited and good but after few hours in tomorrow evening I started to feel the pain of lactic acid I am pretty weak just after a single hour my body is paining :cry:. Let’s see what tomorrow brings for me ohh sorry just forgot about I am writing it on 1:45 am it’s today :joy_cat: LoL I just wrote a diary entry in the 2nd hour of the day today I will definitely follow my routine . I will update my whole 31 may in night at 9:00pm let me sleep it’s already late I need to wake up at 9:00am bye :wave: Good night.


Good good you really want to come at the same level as me but remember just talking is not enough only those who attempt every possible way can become God I am waiting…! The main thing is that God of Ghost also controlled his addiction at the age of 16 till now after two years my streak haven’t broken yet you also can do this and transcend to Realm of God but only big streaks of nofap is not going to make you successfull but the hard work that you will do to stop it will make you successfull even now it’s not late you have alot of time I know you most probably is thinking that you don’t have but believe me you have alot of time if you utilise this time productively then you can see the best results of your efforts.


31/5/2024 Friday
•wake up at 8:30 :white_check_mark:
•Took a Bath✅
•Did study :negative_squared_cross_mark:
•Took a 1 hour walk✅
•fighting technique practice :negative_squared_cross_mark:
•Eat more to gain weight❎
•productive day❎
•Sleeped at 04:00am :white_check_mark:
Overall all day was totally waste 2/10 I am responsible for my failures. But still going to sleep 2 hours earlier then tomorrow tiny changes can give me remarkable results . Today I only eated food 1 time in whole day but it’s not a lose either let think it as fasting also my nutrients requirements are already getting fullfill through curd and (badam ragda My father make this as far as I remember he always make it almost 5 kg and store it in refrigerator to drink in 2 days we drink all of this) maybe most of you didn’t understand it what’s badam ragda in short it’s a nutritional drink made up of Almond and some herbs I don’t want to explain further that’s it also for tomorrow I messaged my classmate to know the time when everyone is playing football So from tomorrow I will start playing football again it’s good for me because I don’t need to get embarrassed in the park for running cause when you run alone it looks awkward I think tomorrow is going to be a hectic day in this high temperature I am going to play football at 5:00pm I know to gain weight I must not do any cardio but my stamina is also important as for the calorie loss it also can be refilled ! Let’s see what 1st June will bring… Sayonara :wave: Thanks :heart: for reading till last love you :kiss: :joy_cat: . :+1:

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I got Relapsed on 2:00am 1st june :confounded: .
I am Disgusting… Can’t go for football anymore need to wait again to recover.

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Remove this mindset man. I had this mindset a few years ago.Dont equate no fap with everything. Just consider no fap as another good habit. Will you lose your workout gains if you forgot to brush your teeth. Good habits are indirectly linked to each other ( here brushing teeth and workout can be equated to health ) but it doesnt mean every good habits will ruin if u ruin one.

Dont see the world as completely black or completely white. There is grey in between. An realistic man will look at the grey portion if things are not going well.


Thanks man :+1: I haven’t given up my workouts yet you are right I understand it our life is going to be full of ups and downs but we need to keep moving forward. I already reached the limit of likes So :heart: it’s here .


1/6/2024 Saturday
Firstly I want to congratulate myself for successfully wasting 5 months even posted a gintama story on Instagram saying umedeto means congratulations :congratulations:.
•Exercise Training chest and Arms✓
•Took a bath✓
•30minute walk✓
•eated enough nutrients rich food✓
Today was 4/10 rating
Eated sufficient food to gain weight Going to sleep at 3:00 am my sleep schedule is fucked up and I am responsible for it . Sayonara :wave: Thanks :heart: for reading till last.

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Haven’t did anything today overall day rating 1/10 . Right now after reading about going into library in @Awaken_one post I just remembered a library 30 minutes away from my house in my speed normally its 50 minutes for those who don’t walk much anyways I made up my mind to join this public library my father is forcing me to join tution for improvement exam but I want to study in my way he thinks that I got low marks because I am bad in studies now how can I say I haven’t did any study for the exam that’s how I end up like this in library I can get a environment for my studies as my mother and siblings is coming back at home in somedays I want to continue spending time alone So library will be the perfect place for me to study peacefully also I have a question from @Awaken_one I can visit library with my phone So that I can watch chapter summaries on you tube I know I need earphone but still is this allowed in Delhi’s public libraries… That’s it for today thanks for reading till last Thank you Goodbye .

I really hate this pop up message I just got my likes back after 24 hours and here they are again :expressionless: