Is the orange colour relapse or…
Yeah bro it is in the second icon of the rewire companion app
Nice improvement @CoffeeMan that truly is inspirational
I see, I forgot that thing because I stopped counting days and also because I unistalled the app
Finished reading ‘Your Brain on Po®n’ by Gary Wilson. It’s a must read for anyone who is recovering from Po®n addiction.
The book is full of anecdotes about the harmful effects of Po®n culled from an array of online forums like our own. And not just that, it also delves into the science of addiction, neuroplasticity and Neurochemistry and has made it digestible for the average reader. However, if you are an inquisitive soul, you can look into the numerous scientific studies cited in the book. They’ve enlisted all the studies at the end.
Reading this book has given me an insight into what’s truly happening with me and why it is of utmost importance to quit PMO. I strongly recommend this book to everyone on this forum, guys and girls alike. I’m pretty sure some of you have already read it.
This is no way to spend your day. I think it’s eating away at the potential benefits of my NoFap journey. So here’s my pledge to not view YouTube for a week (8 April - 15 April). Not for music. Not for motivation. Not even for study purposes.
Those reels were one of a reason I uninstalled the YouTube app from my phone, despite the fact that I prefer using Chrome if I need something from YouTube, and I usually use it for ambient or deep focus music. The YouTube app actually follows a prototype of IG, which is why those reels are showing all around. While working or studying on my laptop, I use incognito mode, which keeps the junk away because it can’t exactly trace my location and won’t suggest useless stuffs, so I just search music or motivational videos if I’m feeling down.
On a side note, for music, you can just search YouTube to mp3 in chrome and copy the link of your favorite song to convert it online into mp3, no more interruptions from advertising, just you, your work, and music.
I can suggest another which I use, but it might trigger something because of the advertisements
So ya, I prefer not to
I cooked parathas for lunch today. I was surprised at how good they turned out, given that this is perhaps the second time in my 28 years of existence that I tried to cook parathas.
Mom is sick but I knew no matter how unwell she is, she was gonna cook lunch for me. So at noon, while she was taking a nap, I seized the moment to prepare lunch. She was in the kitchen by 1pm as expected and to her surprise, there was a plate full of hot parathas. I admit they were oddly shaped but tasted good.
This whole episode of mom falling ill has been an eye opener. I really need to start taking on more responsibilities and get my life in order so she can relax. Hopefully spend her evenings sitting on the porch watching her grandchildren play in the garden against a backdrop of orange sunset skies while she enjoys a cup a of tea with her beautiful daughter-in-law. Hey, a man can dream, right?
Covid ke time, I also learned cooking, that time I was jobless, and my elder brother was the one working from home, maid won’t come, so I literally got a right excuse to try my hands on cooking. I usually made paratha, roti irrespective of the shapes but ya it was great to learn it that way.
haha! Of course bro, that’s a perfect one though.
Spend more time with her because once we loose them no magic can’t resurrect them back. Lost time is gone. It’s good to know you made parathas.
Hello ,
How about your streak ?
Are you drinking Coffee, Man ?
I’m on day 42 brother.
And no, I don’t drink Coffee
I just couldn’t think of a username at the time so I picked the most random thing. I actually prefer tea
Ok, Tea man.
Wassup Kalaa Jadoo!?
I kept my word. I took this screenshot today so can’t show you the first two days (8th & 9th April) but I can assure you, my watch time was 0 mins on those two days. The little 20 min bump you see on Saturday is because I was sharing music videos on a topic here, wasn’t watching them or scrolling through shorts (I have premium so it plays in the background).
There’s so much mental clarity when you aren’t mindlessly scrolling through garbage.
Congratulations, That’s a great achievement in itself. I have also completely blocked my YouTube usage.
I feel like shorts and reels are one of the most addictive thing right now.
Reels are not only addictive but also useless.
Nice content in your Diary. I have kept your diary in watching mode.
I haven’t been working out for the last two weeks. But there were other areas I was focusing on like practicing drums and reading books.
In the last few days, I was having a really hard time with urges. I managed to hold my ground with the help of music & RC forum. Today however, I had a really close call. I was lying prone, fantasizing and grinding. You could say I was edging. I realised what I was doing and decided to open RC. But I didn’t wanna vent like a bitch again. I was also frustrated that I wasn’t having any success with my number one priority i.e. studying. It’s good to have a good streak but abstinence isn’t gonna pay the bills.
In all that frustration, I decided “fuck it! I’m gonna do some bag workout!”… Wrapped my wrists, put on the gloves and boxed until my shoulders gave out. Then I did some pull ups. I can’t tell you how great I felt after the workout. Had lunch an hour or so after the workout. Then, I lay down to read “Atomic Habits” but i fell asleep (obviously ). Woke up at 6:30pm in the evening but I won’t bore you with the details of how I spent my evening. Not much there.
Me too, due to slight sickness I stopped and got so lazy I need to move up my ■■■ to get up.
Never did it & I am glad.
For last week I was so tired my energy levels were too much depleted.