Christian Discussion/Debate

I agree with that. Sadly, because man is the only creature to understand pain, we are also the only ones to intentionally cause it as well. And many people who feel pain also feel that it gives them the right to cause pain in return and there’s a neverending downward spiral of hate that can only be combated with the upward spiral of love and care for one’s neighbor

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Be kind whenever you can. Spread love. Fuck racists, fuck people who spread hate.


My pint was only that you should care more about getting enough money to survive the weekend rather than how many trees are being cut down first. If you become economically stable, you’ll have more power to do good for the environment. Worrying about things without the power to change them helps no one.


We can agree on that

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Dude, same. Religion is probably my least favorite thing. People using it for all kinds of stupid stuff grinds my nerves.

You’re not wrong about devotion and relationships taking a lot of time and energy as well. Honestly a huge issue in my marriage as well.

To sorta bring it all full circle, that disconnect from relationships is the result of porn that I hate the most. It is almost a chore for me to actually be there for my wife, or let her be there for me. Not even just sexually, but in general, in every aspect. Growing up with porn and everything that came with it, never really connected with anybody.

Going from that to having a lifelong companion is a struggle, going from that to having a legit relationship with God is a struggle too, more similar than a lot of people would think. Or at least most similar than I once thought.

That may have gotten way off topic, but anyway.


Actually, it says in genesis that God created man from dust. If taken literally, it makes perfect sense considering the matter used for living beings was at one point stars in space that burnt out long ago. Not to mention the theory that the DNA for basic life exists dormant on rocks in space, just waiting for the proper conditions to activate.

I ⠀a s k e d ⠀q u e s t i o n s ⠀a n d ⠀n o w
y o u ⠀a n s w e r ⠀xD


@Freeman1234 I’m also wondering why you were asking if I was vegetarian?

If you complete 30 days of nofap this time, I will definitely answer them. :^)

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Well played brother.

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This looked like a really good decision. Didn’t notice it in time. I wanted to join too​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

You can always start a new discussion. Almost nothing is concrete when it comes to faith, that’s why it’s important we discuss it to make sure we are properly orienting ourselves before God for his sake instead of our own carnal or self-righteous.

I litterally can’t fail now (. _.)


Okay I will try answering this as nicely as possible without offending. Here goes @Alpaco

  1. I don’t knw why but Science says How. The big bang and thats with proof. Its debatable. You can ask who created big bang then. No one knows

  2. Actually you can make organic things from inorganic matter. Google Chemical theory of evolution (which btw is proved by various experiments). We literally evolved from inorganic gases like nitrogen, oxygen etc

  3. Actually no. People believe in evolution bcuz it has evidence attached to. Darwin dedicated his life to this. They died bcuz of simple reason. Natural selection and in some extreme cases weather and meteors (Dinosaurs)

  4. Scheme of human body? We were apes. We didn’t just become homo sapiens. There were many before us. Thus we evolved.

Look man you can believe what you believe as long it doesn’t come in conflict with what others believe. Believers will say atheists are full of crap. Even diff religions have diff stand on how world was created.

Just make sure religion doesn’t blind you into believing wrong things are right. No religion will inherently preach wrong things. So make sure person telling you about religion is credible too. Too many people spreading false propaganda out there

I agree that some people spread false propaganda

About the third question I meant:
Why did batural selection ‘kill’ them only when someone of their speices was evoluted and not before?
And why wasn’t the evolution lost?
I mean, let’s say a monkey has evoluted. Then that monkey has a son with another monkey who didn’t have the evolution or if they were luky enough they had different evolution, the same evolution would be super rare. Their son has 50% of the evolution and so as time passes the evolution is almost lost.

Atheists will say believers don’t want to accept there is nothing after death :upside_down_face:

Btw what’s after death?

I have no idea what you are meaning to ask… Put it in simpler words plz…

Im not gonna debate what atheist believe and don’t… One thing i know for sure is they are atheist for the same reason why believers believe…

After death??? You are either worm food or ashes… Its what i believe… I respect what u believe too

Thats a shitty understanding of evolution I would say… Evolution is not spontaneous. Its a very slow process occuring over thousand of year. You cant say one organism is 50% ‘evoluted’ (evolved)

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