"Check-in" Daily - diary challenge

Week 13 - Oct 22, Tues - Streak: 58 days

@Forerunner Glad you found it helpful! Yes definitely a book to put on the to-read list. I’ll also make sure to check out High Performance Habits. Sounds like exactly what I need considering my problems with sleep.

As for me,

Eh kind of day today. Lots of things are going on and it’s been pretty stressful. Gonna vent below, so feel free to skip.

In computer science lab we are working on a hard project this week, and I feel like I am behind all my friends. They are going to lab again tomorrow and I want to go but then I didn’t even finish my homework for tonight, and there’s a ton more I’ve got tomorrow.

And it’s late. Really wishing I could skip class and sleep in, but idk I don’t know if the professor notices and I told him I was really trying to up my grade. I don’t want him to think I’m a slacker. Plus there might be important info I miss. Frustrating cause I can never work when I’m tired.

Was on a good system today and maybe would have been able to work it all out but ironically, considering my last post, my cousin introduced me to this girl today who’s also single and we have some important stuff in common I guess. She seems nice but I was stressing about texting her cause I’m terrible at talking to people via text, especially when we just met. I don’t know if it will work out or not, if we will click or not, but it just took a lot of my time today and I wasted hours I should have spent on hw. I’m meeting her on Saturday, so I’ll let you guys know how that goes.

Anyway, so ya, it’s going to kind of be hell tomorrow. But I’m just going to bear through it. I’m going to get that work done and I’m going to play it smart. I’m not going to work on code cause it’s all gibberish when I’m tired. I’m going to get everything else done so I can crank out the code Thursday.

I made the mistake of letting my emotions and stress get in the way of my goals today, but I can’t let that happen tomorrow. And it’s 10x more important because I’ll be tired. But if keep my head down and grind, I can pull it off.

Stay strong everyone!

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

Don’t think in the morning. That’s a big mistake that people make. They wake up in the morning and they start thinking. Don’t think. Just execute the plan. The plan is the alarm clock goes off, you get up, you go work out. Get some.

  • Jocko Willink

Check-in Week 50—
Since relpase last week, I have been running all days n slept tired. Started NoFap after facing ED with my gf. & after three not-completely-clean months, I’m 100% free of ■■■■ & Circlejerking. Recently, had spent wonderful few days with her. Got stable boner & amazing BJ. Small Victory over ♀️ Girlfriend Problem ♂️.
We can do much more better if we get going on NoFap journey.

Week 51 - WednesDay - Oct 23
Came back home y’day after saying goodbyes to her & it rubbed me wrong way as in precum dropped. Later in night, couldn’t sleep & finished it off. Relapse!!!
Overall, feeling relaxed n better than before.
Let’s not fall in Chaser effect.
Flame On :muscle::fire:


Week 51 - wednesday

All good


Check in - Thursday 24th October
Day 29 - All good… glory to God


Week 51 ~ Wednesday

All good, thanks be to God - you sustain me :pray:


Day 16. Check in. "Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.":innocent:


Week 13 - Oct 24, Wed - Streak: 59 days

Rough day today. Homework is piling up. Getting nervous about completing everything. Not sure how I’m going to do it.

Went to get my haircut today. I have longer hair, but I just wanted the back trimmed up for my date. So I asked him to trim the back but keep the length. But instead he legit basically shaved my head. I was so mad man, didn’t say anything to him though, he was a nice guy. But jeez man, this week is stupid. Took me all summer and fall to grow that out.

On a better note, been getting my pull up sets in every day. So that’s been good. Also trying to find time to get back into my martial arts. Hoping to start again next week as my body’s really itching to do some cardio.

And I’m getting closer to my highest streak I have ever gotten, 64 days. When I pass that, it will all be new territory!

But I have to get out of this rut mentally. It’s all victim. Yes this week is stressful and yes it’s difficult. But if I don’t rise to the challenge. If I don’t take responsibility for it. Then I will never make it. Several times a day lately I just feel like crawling into a dark hole and never coming out. Sounds kind of weird, but like I feel it in my soul man. I just want to be done with life right now.

But I can’t let myself think like that. Where will it get me? Great challenges require great determination. The harder the week, the harder I need to remind myself why I’m here. I need to remind myself why I put up with all this.

There will always be difficulties in life. If I don’t stand up to them now, when will I? Life may buckle me at my knees, beat me to a pulp, and kick me till I’m down, but by God I can’t stay down. I can’t just lay there. What’s the point then? And how can I complain if I just lay there? If I don’t try again and again until I’m dead, then I have no reason to complain. Because I didn’t try my hardest. I didn’t use every ounce of my will.

Now, is this point in my life that dramatic? No, but it sure is still hell. And if I don’t make every moment of it count now, what will I do later when greater challenges come my way. This is a time of refining. We are always being refined. Refined so as to be strong enough to take the next step, bite the bullet, and get through to the other side in one piece.

But, to reiterate, no one does that refining for us. Life isn’t going to treat us easy either. We have to do that refining ourselves. Every day, we have to conciously pick up our chisel and chip away. Bit by bit. Stone by stone. Life doesn’t do that for us. We can’t expect to cruise through each day and hit the lucky spin every time. We have to make it happen. Through thick and thin. Easy or not. It doesn’t change.

Stay strong guys :muscle:

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.

-Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning


Checking in - Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th October :+1::+1:. All good, thank GOD.

@Special_Bird Sounds like you’re going through a challenging period right now brother, but you’re approaching things with the right mindset. Best of success in your CS lab, and hope all goes well on Saturday :wink:

I hate when that happens at the barber! Spend your time growing out your hair and it gets chopped back to the stubs!

@rowdy_nik Good to see you again bro. Great news that you’re seeing progress with those ED issues! Keep going on your journey.

There’s no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert.
David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

Time is so precious, and so easily wasted. There are far too many things that distract us from our meaningful goals and purpose in life. Social media, the news, gossip, procrastination. This is only aggravated further when we have an addiction to deal with as well. At times, it becomes larger than life and we can’t see past when we’re going to get our next fix. It’s an odd love-hate relationship where we want to quit the thing that’s robbing us of life, our confidence, integrity our spiritual and personal relationships, but we can’t see life without it either.

But while we’re caught in this dilemma, life keeps passing us by. I was on the forums today looking at people’s stories and the struggles on this journey. One man is in his mid-50s, and he’s been trying to quit since before the Internet was popular. That pain and struggle is very sobering.

We have to put in the time and work now in order to break free. The addiction only strengthens its hold over us with time.

Edit: I read more of his journal and his post from last week really got to me:

Had a guy I work with (did not really know him at all) pass away Monday night at 62 years old, totally unexpected. I mention it because it reminds me of out limited time on earth.
In our youth we always assume we’ll have days and years to get our act together, but what if we don’t?
What if I passed away tomorrow? Am I living Godly? Do I go to my grave with a ■■■■ problem? What if I died in the PMO act, computer on ■■■■ and pants down? Am I at peace with my lifestyle and choices I make everyday? Would I be ready to meet my maker?
I think the time Is now for me and all of us trying to find our way out of this PMO pit of despair. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for anyone, today is the day to never turn back.

Never going back, can’t go back and don’t want to. The chains are breaking.


Week 51 - Thursday

All good


Check in - Friday 25th October
With your all support and prayers,have completed
30 days - All good… glory to God
Cheers to our brotherhood in this journey!!


Week 51 ~ Thursday

All good, thanks to God alone :raised_hands:
Yes!!! @Rohitash :+1::wink::pray:


Day 17. Check in. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.” - unknown


Week 13 - Oct 24, Thurs - Streak: 60 days!

@Rohitash Congratulations man! 30 days is a great accomplishment!

@Forerunner Indeed brother, but thank you! I’m seriously going to need any luck I can get :joy:.

Seriously! And right before the date of course, but oh well, everyone is saying it still looks good short, just different I guess lol.

I really found your share sobering as well. If we just keep putting off our sobriety, before we know it, we could be there. It’s never felt like a real possibility, but that post really brought that to reality.

On a side note, I always wondered if there were any men from the Boomer gen dealing with these things as much as we do or if there were any using these resources for help. So that’s an interesting find as well. What’s his username by the way? I would like to follow his journey.

As for me,

Long day, but a good day. Got some serious work done. Nervous about tomorrow because I’m getting to bed super late and going to miss a lot of sleep again :roll_eyes:.

But staying strong. Finally reached 2 months clean of PMO for the second time. In 5 days, I will have beat my highest ever streak!

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!

  • Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

Thanks @Special_Bird and @anon67854825 and all my brothers here in this journey for being my motivation🙇


Last Friday to this friday clean …


Productivity challenge @Special_Bird


Week 13 - Oct 25, Fri - Streak: 61 days

@reboot123 Do you mean you want us to give each other a challenge for productivity? If so, I’m down!

As for me,

Rough day again. Starting to really hate college. I’m starting to wonder if it would be more beneficial to join the military in cybersecurity and have them train me, then maybe go back one day for a degree.

I don’t know though. I’m just so frustrated. All of my classes assume you must have prior knowledge, yet claim that you don’t need it. In my CS class the lectures are now jumping way ahead of our knowledge, but just because half the class started programming when they were 8, they assume we all should be able to grasp it. The TAs in lab no longer help us, and if you ask them a question, they inquire about whether you are actually studying outside of class or whether your reading the book. What do you think we do outside of class?? I work all day every day. I don’t play videogames, I don’t go anywhere. Just sit at my screen and do these stupid assignments for calc and CS. They expect us to know these things. Then when we don’t know them, like a normal beginner, they instantly assume it’s because we are lazy and don’t want to understand it.

I’m so done man. No matter how hard I work, it’s never enough, I’m always behind in the race. The bar is always raised outside of my reach. But no help is given. Unbelievable man. It makes me feel stupid.

I just want to drop out.

I can’t see myself doing anything other than working with computers. I love this stuff, yet they make me hate even my favorite thing. If I drop out and join the military though, my family will look down on it and so will everyone around me.

I’m so done today man. Sorry for the constant vents everyone. I know I keep apologizing for these, but I legit don’t want to weigh you guys down, it’s just frustrating. And it really helps to write it down here.

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

Life’s a bitch and then you die

  • Nas

Day 18. Check in. Discipline equals to happiness


Check in - Saturday 26th October
Day 31 - All good… glory to God


Week 51 ~ Friday/Saturday

All good, thanks be to God :pray::+1: