A taste of good Life

Yes, i can… Everybody can…
My goal is infinity though.

I have chossen Health over sickness. Its easy choice.

Thanks to all who love & care for me… we all are marching towards the better life… have faith & patience… everyday is making us closer to our destination.
@_KarmaYogi @Forerunner @17ripu.jhala


Confession: i edged on Day 42

I will give my all to save this streak, now.

I suggest doing some pranayama on empty stomach to try to restore the distorted energy.

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@Sahas Bro I think you’re now in Red zone , Be careful as you know that all this end up with a relapse. I hope you will never do this act again. Stay strong brother we’re warriors.


I discussed it with my wife and offered her sex as the urges were high … she refused and said… i have seen you climbing & struggling for 42 days… You should not waste all your effort for 5 minute pleasure.

My wife saved me… she is truly my life partner. I was wrong about her. She is with me in this.



When after peeking… your balls start hurting & there is pain… its called blue balls phenomenon . It may also occur without any stimulus. I got blue balls today because of edging.

I applied ice cubes three times on my balls to get relief from the pain… i dont want to see 0 on my days counter… The bigger the number gets… the better i feel.

Wear Boxers instead of tight underwears in case of Blue Balls.
Drink a lot of water and the pain goes away when you piss.


DAY 44

I am sick of this life. I would happily give my life away… i mean kill myself. My life has improved from nofap… its like a person has left his bed and start walking… but walking is not enough for me… i want to run… i want to dance … i want to sing & enjoy.

Maybe i am getting impatient… maybe i am frustrated because my plans of leaving sleeping pills went into failure.
I have made new plans for leaving these pills… the plan is of 40 days… so i have to go through the procedure.

Life is realy nothing to me at this point. I will give it away if somebody wants to have it. There is no meaning… no joy … no … nothing… just forcing myself into things… forcing myself to do work… fuck this life… hell is on earth… and i am experiencing it.

I am not blaming nofap for this… actually nofap has improved my life. Before i was a pyscho sick man who was lost. Nofap has given me a hope & a direction… a direction to set things right… to get healthy… mentaly & physically… i am expecting greater things… like Nirvana… Mokhsa… Samadhi… spiritual enlightenment… Bliss…


@sahas i think you should quit your drug pills after 90 days of streak as it’s considered a basic reboot streak. After 90 days don’t quit full dose. Slowly slowly reduce your intake of dose and don’t be so stressed as stress is most dangerous enemy in nofap journey. And in last have some patience bro it’s just a dark side and i insure you that oneday we all have a brighter and shining future.

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If life means nothing to you that means you’re doing something wrong. Think about how lucky you are. The odds of you being here are unimaginable. You are lucky enough to have life, to experience this thing people call life. To be living while others lives have already ended. P.S sorry to hear about your pill addiction but I don’t think (nofap) will fix that. Pill addiction is a totally different addiction you need to face head on too.


Hang in their brother. You can do it. Just keep going. One day you will wake up and realize the benefits.


May be it is flatline & it will pass.
Plz don’t take stress.
Stress anger & sadness are biggest enemy of no fap. As all if them take away ur consciousness(chetna).


Thanks a lot @batish @PatrickJ @Sacred @17ripu.jhala

You guys are awesome… Lets see the brighter side of things… Everything is going to be alright. The flatline is temporary… but the streak is forever


Fuck! The Flatline… cant waste The Time
DAY 45

Officially confirmed… i am going through a Flatline… A flatline is where you feel like life is not worth living… where you force yourself into work & you feels like crap… all the time.
Flatline is where the Rewiring is going on and its good for you because It will make you a better version of yourself at the end of it… they say there are several flatlines across the journey and they are truly the test of your character & belief.
Only the tough survives here… and the weak goes back to zero.

I have found a new way to deal with it. I noticed that i cant waste my time dwelling in this… phenomenon… i have to work on my Life Goals like clearing a Job Exam for which i have to study my ass off atleast for 9 months. Hence, i forgot about this flatline and force myself to complete my Book study. From now on … everyday i would dedicate myself fully to my Books… whenever i find myself empty and wasting my time… i will go and study… make use of my empty time. Fuck flatline… i have work to do.


Remember one thing. Its normal to have flat lines. We cant expect to be great all the time. We have been cheating all this time…keep going, expect them.


Hello Sahas,
I am into the app for quite some time now but just now entered the forum and it was very exciting to read through your journey. We are so many brave souls entering this path, and you hereby get my blessing and strength to go further. To traverse the valleys and reach mountain tops, from which there are many still ahead of you and of unimaniginable heights they are!
Also, the use of those images triggered a lot of inspiration, could you share your sources of them?
Kind regards and power to your heart


Some i pick from Google images & some from Wallcraft app
Gifs are from Giphy app & to make them of less than 1 MB size … i use the app Gif editor

Thanks my friend… great to have you by my side.


I read through the posts just now and I must say you have changed a lot, from empty promises and war cries to sober talks and actually getting results.

I have been in a rut for last 4- 5 months after losing the love of my life, being depressed and alone and thinking of death. But slowly I am getting better. I did the very mistake of relying on pmo to feel good. Rather I started relying on people and socializing to feel good and for now it has worked.

This inspired me to go to atleast 30 days now, which I haven’t done in a long time. Thanks and all the best man.


My prayers are with you my friend… May the strength never leave you… May you overcome the moment of weakness… Slowly & steady… you climb… high … and high. :pray:


Benefits are coming Back with interest
DAY 48

I have come a long way, from couch potato to Walking for 1 hour. My confidence has increased. Social Anxiety has reduced… Focus has increased… i am making a new habit of studying.
Respecting & loving my family.

I have started wearing T-shirts after a long time. Hard Mode is giving me strength to move forward in life. Slowly & steadily we shall overcome our weaknesses.
God is great.


50 Days of Healing
Day 50


Sweat, Hard Work, Struggle, pain , patience, Flatline, Sufferings, Glory , Benefits… i had all in these 50 days.

I am motivated to go further to heal myself.