32 Days to Win this Battle ( Day 4/32 )

Angel number 555 is a message that you are in a preparatory state. The angels are trying to tell you to focus on your freedom as it pertains to your happiness, as well as to try out new adventures that will bring about transitions that can make your life better.


Nine Day Discipline Challenge & Oath Taking

From 26 September to 5th october ( Navaratri )


26 Sept - New Born

27 Sept - Celibate

28 Sept - Destruction & Construction

29 Sept - Vital Energy

30 Sept - Veneration

1st oct - Power & Responsibility

2nd oct - Auspiciousness

3rd oct - Respect others

4th oct - Enlightenment

5th oct - Slaying the demon

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Special Challenge on the occasion of navaratri

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Chapter 1 : New Born

1_ Study 4 hours

2_ Exercise 1 hour

3_ Self Reflexion Β½ hour

4_ Eat Good things

5_ Drink turmeric water

6_ No awkward habit

7_ Cleaning Properly

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Now that’s what I’m talking about :fire:


Chapter - II - Celibate

Chapter - II finally starts today. It’s about being a celibate.

Chapter - III
Destruction & Construction

Both are complementary to each other.

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Chapter - IV
Vital Energy


I just relapsed or slipped up after 6 days. @Binocular @RedStorm47 @The_integrous_one
@anon87955785 @BlackMagic123


Oh Dude! I thought you were not gonna relapse but don’t worry this is good start and we can always make a comeback. So let’s start again from tomorrow.
And I think let’s start again reporting on mega duel.



Dude 6 days!!! After long period of daily relapses is something amazing :blush: :astonished:

Don’t worry brother you’re evaluating! You’re climbing the stares and you’re almost there! It’s never too late for greatness, we could always try and try again till we succeed :fire:

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Chapter - V : Veneration

In numerology, angel number 333 is a message sent from your guardian angel that they are by your side helping you to make the hard decisions in your life that you may not want to make

Please don’t believe in these stuff. Luck only works for who work hard not any random number. God help those who help themselves.

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I am working hard and where I work hard it works :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Yes it works. Its always personal btw tbh.

I never achieved 6 days of no fap this year.

I will take it to 12. I know it is only bcz of hard work not bcz of lucky nos.


Do better next time :fire:

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Chapter - VI

Power & Responsibility


Chapter - VII


Chapter - VIII

Respecting Others

Yesterday I avoided fap for first time. I actually concentrated on studying some interesting concept of math or geometry. I was about to fap but I did not fap. Rather I concentrated on studying. It felt like magic.

Chapter - IX
