I wonder what will happen if I relapse. I’m so scared to relapse now. So much scared of this chaser.
You got this bro. Just hold on there. You can do it.


Yes, brother; when we are together anything is possible @Nep1234id When strong men like you are all with me I can go through anything!

This is what we call falling into chaser. When I sit down to write my exams, extreme urges will come and to quiten my mind I was doing it without any interest.

But this time, Iam going to end this fucking shit!!!


Tomorrow onwards I’ll be extremely disciplined. Fuck this addiction; becoming successful in life is the most important thing. You become free from this addiction the moment when your purpose in life becomes the no. 1 goal of your life. This addiction fades away when everything blurs and your eyes can see only one thing: YOUR PASSION IN LIFE!


I know how hard it must have been to post those screenshots here, but what matters is that you are back on track. Let’s kill it this time once and for all :muscle:

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Hey brother @Tagore l. Think you are stuck in loop of chasser effect . I think you need some time in peace like set alone with surrounding with nature :herb::leaves: and write down you thought why you again and again replase. Becz you replase too much l think :pensive: . You analysis why you replase again and agains . I think l my point of view you taking the pressure and stress something. Don’t hard too much bee chill following your routine slowly slowly. And believe in God and pray toward god it’s helping you calm your mind :pray:


I’m not even remotely as strong as you bro
Behind a long streak I’m still a weak piece of shit
I can’t focus for too long, I can’t study effectively, I’m addicted to internet content and much more
I can’t even face my fears. And that’s why today I’m starting with rewire 3.0
Nofap is just 1% part of what strong men are supposed to do
Simply nofap doesn’t make a strong man, it is just a start to a big journey
I know this because even after a good enough streak I’m not happy with my life, and I need to grow beyond a lot of things.
Being a strong man is no joke. It is an effort of the lifetime.
And being a strong man needs extreme amount of focus and patience.
You are still way ahead of me in all the thought process and I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m definitely jealous.
Stay hard fam. Goggins the shit out

and you are so much right about this
I’m saying it too now, enough is enough. Even if I’m to fucking die due to this I’d still be proud cuz I held my ground. I didn’t stay a ■■■■■. These worthless sensual pleasures mean nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I have to be a monster. Indestructible monster. No matter what the odds that monster won’t want to look back because being a fucking savage monster calls it that it knows only to fight back. I have to awaken that monstrous side of mine. My heart says that it is inside me

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Delete this app bro…its not good for us to use…because everyday it asks that you are free from p* and m*…it means neurons connected to p* memory gets strong… so that day I uninstalled this app. To forget about past we have to creat new memory…

this words can destroy everything…so try to use less.

But in mdf app you will never see any words like this…so it’s better to use mdf app…
Don’t do anything which strengthen your neurons connected to p*
Sometimes I scare to use p*…add new data for your brain…it will automatically delete the past data…


Hey @Tagore . My streak was never as AWSM as yours. I struggle to get past one week. Even now I am in the middle of chaser effect while typing this. Thanks to you inspiring posts I was able to beat my urges. I’m sure that you’ll get back on track. I believe in you brother. I’m ashamed that you in spite of being a year younger than me you’re setting an example for me. I’ll try stronger from now. DON’T GIVE UP!!!
IT’S TIME TO PUSH PAST YOUR LIMITS (Black Clover) and go PLUS ULTRA!!!(My hero academia)


Since most of the pros like @Tagore @_TIGER @Dean_Ambrose @The_integrous_one @Dvija @zorim read this diary (sorry if I’ve missed anyone)I’m asking here. I realised one thing guys. The reason I’m relapsing is that I’m terrified that my day gets wasted if I don’t peek as I keep thinking about it. But I once I peek I finally end up masturabating. Please help me guys. What should I do?

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Hey bro @Tagore

You are going through chaser… I think you are done now. 1 to 12, you have relapsed 9 days…

I am in more worst situation bro… I relapsed 10 days… there is a red mark on 11th for me…

Only 100 percent disciplined life can beat this addiction.
Hey bro…if you are exhausted and done with chaser… we can do it together now… Just one challenge… we both will cross the remaining month sober… I will check on you every day.

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Bruh @Masterroshi this is actually a misconception, it’s just a trick that your mind is playing on you. Infact if you don’t peek and then don’t relapse you end up saving a lot of time and energy.
I used to face the same kind of situation, around day 12-13 I used to feel like I am getting depressed and maybe it is because I haven’t PMOed in a while but it is not the case, in fact it is the other way round. The sense of depression was because of the last relapse or you can call it “withdrawal symptom” And not because of lack of it.
Just don’t give in, you need to understand how mind tricks us. For better understanding you can read the easy peasy hackbook if you haven’t. But I think I made the point clear.
The more times you give in, more intense that feeling will become because you will feel intense withdrawals and you will keep falling in the abyss of addiction.

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Thanks a lot bruh!!! It means a lot. I don’t get depressed. It’s just that I’m scared that I’ll waste the entire day by trying suppress my urges(cuz when I suppress these urges they come back again after some time). Let’s see what others have to tell.

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Bro handling urges is not big deal, you can manage an urge in just even 2-3 minutes if you have the right strategy, and intensity and frequency of urges decreases to a high extent as you progress. So if you don’t give in to the urges now, you won’t have to face the same dilemma over and over again because it will be a lot easier to deal with urges. Think of it as one time investment.

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Hey @The_integrous_one. Thanks for the reply bro. I’ve been thinking the same. I think I’m just panicking without putting much efforts. Btw, what’s your method of killing the urges?


Most of the times I just close my eyes, take deep breaths or meditate or chant some mantra, any of that works fine.

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Take no fap more seriously. Stick to your commitment. Delay gratification. Socializing. Reading books. Playing. Doing Pranayama. Self love and self care. These are the methods iam applying @Masterroshi . Hope this helps you.


Thanks @Dvija. I read you’re diary as well. You’re journey is inspiring. Btw, how’s your streak going?

Sorry @Tagore for spamming your diary. :joy::joy:

@Masterroshi I am living a different life brother. My streak is going great. Transformation is real.


Thanks for coming here guys. Please do visit my diary again
Today I fapped by watching extreme violet p*** videos
I am preparing to open up about this to my family.
I seriously need help guys; Iam crying right now.
Tonight I will talk about all these addiction, my insecurities, all my fucked up psychological problems to my brother.
I cannot tell this to my parents. Iam 100% sure they will be devastated.
But I can atleast open up to my brother. Do you know who is the most loneliest man whom no has understood in this world?
Its me.
I need help. This is too much to bear for me alone. Either I should go to a psychotherapist or someone who can help me.
This is not only about my addiction brothers. A lot of different problems that I have been struggling alone for years.
I will talk about this to my brother. I am about to make that 180° change today. Otherwise I may end in suicide or suicide. Nothing else.

Thanks for all the help.
I will be back tomorrow with updates. Now I have 2 roads in front of me. One to destruction and other to life. The path to my life is opening up and its first step is brother. I know this may be hard; telling all those things which I have been holding up inside for years. I may cry in front of him. But I have no other option. I have to save myself brothers.


That’s the best thing to do pls open up about your addictions to someone close to you or your family. First, they may react harshly to you at end of the day they are your family they care about you.
I did open up about my porn addiction to my mom & she is supportive & helped me in my PMO recovery.