Hey @Angelo34, I found some of the things you posted there quite interesting. Of course I can’t speak for @Tagore here, I would like to give a bit of my perspective on this matter.

I’ve had many streaks over 90 days and also quite a few over 120, I’ve even reached 150 days twice. All those streaks failed because I either started doing “searches” of “safe” stuff or felt that PMO was “inevitable” in that moment, for example after looking for a loophole. When I first started NoFap, I thought that after reaching 90 days, something would happen. That’s also been my approach in other streaks. Secretly, I’ve been counting the days and thinking that at some point I wouldn’t do PMO anymore, just like that. I’ve been improving myself too, socializing, doing workouts etc.

I’m currently on 97 days. On this streak, I’ve read through the https://easypeasymethod.org/ book like twice and I’ve listened to it also. This really has changed my perspective on sex and the ■■■■ trap. I’ve written a bit more in detail here:

In case you haven’t read it @Angelo34, please do yourself a favor and read it, really mean it.

Take care.