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For me Tobey is the best Peter Parker, Garfield is the best spiderman and Tom is the average of both. But I love the script of Spiderman movies in which Tom is acting, because it depicts the suffering experienced by Peter as a college student when he is given a global responsibility in a very young age.


My favourite is also Tobey :heart_eyes:. Tom is also good but I didnโ€™t liked Amazing Spider-Man series much โ€ฆ


Bro I have seen this same line in every YouTube comment section of Spiderman related video . Itโ€™s a common opinion I guess


I think the same that Andrew Garfield was much better spiderman. About Peter Parker in the original storyline he is a nerd and Garfield was really cool. He had good hairstyle etc.


31 January 2022

Relapsed twice. Woke up at 9 am. Used yt. Studied for an hour. Havenโ€™t completed any goal.
I havenโ€™t updated it yesterday lol.

I wonโ€™t message here and there and i wonโ€™t check other threads until i hit 7 days :triumph: (kind of punishment for me).


I kinda see my past in youโ€ฆ Once I was also just like you waking late everyday, and after waking up wasting time on YouTube and sleeping around 4am .
What I learned from that phase was that doing nofap will not change your life , itโ€™s the good habits that will change you and make you stronger โ€ฆ Second that if you are mentally fit , then anything is possible โ€ฆ( These are very simple lines , but it takes many years for people to realise in this journey )

This is not the right way .1 day at a time . Just focus on doing your work โ€ฆ


My guilt and anger is on another level. I relapsed today twice, and i thought that i will fap today 6-8 times to break my previous records , i was ready for the third round and watched some triggering content. However i didnโ€™t relapsed cause i remembered something that happened today which is very personal (i canโ€™t share ,hope you donโ€™t mind) and started to cry. After that i worked out (at 5:30 pm) for 45 minutes. I was punching the wall, doing yoga and trying to touch the fan. And i will try to be consistent. I want my self respect back. And i will do these things whenever i will feel an urge.

Thanks and i also experienced this too in December 2021. I will build good habits. And thanks a lot again.



1 February 2022

Lol. I updated my diary within a minute, fastest diary update of all time (by me).

Tomorrow goals:-
:point_right:t2: wake up before 7:45 am
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9:45 am
:point_right:t2: workout
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only yt downloads and study related stuff and rc)
:point_right:t2: Study 3.5 hours
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:15 pm.

Thanks god :pray:

Hail hydra

Thatโ€™s all, thank you and have a sweet dream.


Yeah , I agree. For me No fap is like a nitro in a car. It influences your life more when u have a car with a very good top speed and acceleration. Top speed and acceleration is increased by discipline and some key habits.



I wrote todayโ€™s date in different way as this will happen after 11 years 1 month and 44 minutes, lol. Relapsed once. I would say it was a productive day(not that productive but atleast better than yesterday?. I wonโ€™t sleep during evening, cause i get strong ureges after waking up.

:point_right:t2: wake up before 7:45 am :white_check_mark:
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9:45 am :x:
:point_right:t2: workout :white_check_mark:
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only yt downloads and study related stuff and rc) :x:
:point_right:t2: Study 3.5 hours :x: (1 hour)
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters :x:
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:15 pm. :x:

Tomorrow goals:-
:point_right:t2: wake up before 7 am
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9:35 am
:point_right:t2: workout
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only yt downloads and study related stuff and rc)
:point_right:t2: Study 4 hours
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:25 pm.

Thanks god :pray:

Hail hydra

Thatโ€™s all, thank you and have a sweet dream.


3 February 2022

Relapsed thrice , once at midnight 1 am ig, then at 6am and then at 3 pm(i am not sure but i relapsed b/w 3-4 pm). Didnโ€™t workout because i fapped in the morning :man_facepalming:. I enjoyed study. Tomorrow i will study more :smile:. And thanks @BlackMagic123 for uplifting my mood.

_ Goals Status
:point_right:t2: wake up before 7 am :x:
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9:35 am :x:
:point_right:t2: workout :x:
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only downloads and study) :x:
:point_right:t2: Study 4 hours :x:
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters :x:
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:25 pm. :white_check_mark:

Tomorrow goals:-
:point_right:t2: wake up before 6:35 am
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9 am
:point_right:t2: workout
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only yt downloads and study related stuff and rc)
:point_right:t2: No Junk foods (including sugar)
:point_right:t2: Evening stretching (10x Surya namaskar)
:point_right:t2: Study 4 hours
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:25 pm.

Thanks god :pray:

Hail hydra

Thatโ€™s all, thank you and have a sweet dream.


Bro itโ€™s almost been a week youโ€™ve been relapsing daily and more than once.
What happened bro? Why? Anything bothering you?


It has become my habit. This started exactly a month ago.


You have breakdown these habits. These thing arenโ€™t just habits it has gone to the path of addiction. This is Day 1, Make it count. :v:


4 February

I have decided that, i will mark my progress just after finishing that goal, so that i can stay motivated whole day. And i will share one song/bgm every night.

Time Goals Status
8:20 am wake up before 6:35 am :x:
:point_right:t2: have breakfast before 9 am :x:
11:20 am workout :white_check_mark:(45mins)
:point_right:t2: No yt and other social media (only yt downloads and study related stuff and rc) :white_check_mark:
:point_right:t2: No Junk foods (including sugar) :white_check_mark:
:point_right:t2: Evening stretching (10x Surya namaskar) :x:(3x)
:point_right:t2: Study 4 hours :x: (1 hour 30 mins)
:point_right:t2: Finish 3 chapters :x:
:point_right:t2: Sleep before 11:25 pm. :x:

Songs of the day :-

I was confused, cause i liked both .


My favourite song from shang chi is โ€˜in the darkโ€™ by swae lee


Yeah thatโ€™s one of the best song. Usually I donโ€™t listen English songs, but thatโ€™s going to be in my playlist forever.

And I liked itโ€™s every song and OST. But at last when the main theme starts, i got goosebumps :star_struck:. Shang chi is an epic movie.

Gtg now ,good night.
Donโ€™t leave me in the darkโ€ฆ


Legendary bgm. I loved the whole song. Gives me chills everytimeโ€ฆ:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: