1-to-1 No Fap Challenge for 150 Days

You have completed 9.33% of your journey. Congratulation.

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20% complete and 80% remaining

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Daily Check in

Today was my jee advance feeling completely exhausted.


Check in Day 15 of 150 Completed. 10%of the journey completed


Daily Check in

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Starting all over again
Day 1 check in :white_check_mark:


How is your jee adv ?

@Amitroghates Don’t know, I’m feeling a bit mixed about it… Anyway, we’ll just have to wait and see on result day.

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Check in Day 16 of 150 complete


Daily Check in

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I just relapsed and dont want to go back again. :rage:

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Day 0 of 150

Check in

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Day 2 check in :white_check_mark:

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33/150 daily chech in…

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Check in Day 17 of 150 complete

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All these newbies, coming in with 0/150 listen.
Guys start with a Low/achievable goal, if you’re at a Day 0 , set the goal for 1 Day, when you reached 1 day, set the Goal for 3 days, then 3/7 day, then 7/15 then 15/21 then 21/30 then 30/45, eventually keep increasing.

This 150 days challenge should be open to the users who have atleast crossed 30 days, or even 45.
Dont get me wrong, just look for your yourself and check this entire thread and tell me how many went directly 150?

When we keep achivable goals we will be motivated and when reach those small goals we will accomplished which is one of most importaant factor for us to keep moving. Setting up high goal would feel like a Burden when the urges hit at under 15 days, your mind would try to trick you into chaser effect. For example it would say , do it now and will make it to 150 in the next cycle.
But if you in day 15, and your goal is 21, you have already reached more than 70% you can tell/trick your mind to be patient for only couple of days ie 30% remaining.


@krishvamsi30 I understand your point about setting achievable goals and gradually building up to longer streaks. However, I’d like to add that NoFap itself shouldn’t be the ultimate goal. Instead, the focus should be on leading a healthy, full filing lifestyle where NoFap becomes a natural byproduct.

Rather than celebrating NoFap milestones, it’s more effective to concentrate on worthy work and right actions. When you focus on these aspects, avoiding PMO becomes easier and more sustainable over time. This approach shifts the emphasis from merely counting days to improving overall well-being.

Achievable goals are indeed important, but the ultimate aim should be to cultivate a lifestyle where NoFap isn’t a constant struggle or something to celebrate but a natural part of your life.

Additionally, when someone immerse himself into right actions. Fill their whole day and energy with right actions, and explore everything with curiosity. When someone is engaged in the right work, all distractions pale away. Right actions come when the work is done from a selfless center. The work shouldn’t be done for the self itself. For example, I study not because I like studying and want good grades, but rather because I want to contribute to the betterment of science & mathematics, even if my contribution is very small. I study because the very act of studying is itself a beautiful and fulfilling reason. I study to help prevent the exploitation of Earth. When someone is completely devoted to such a selfless purpose, how will they get distracted? When someone is engaged in real, meaningful things, concentration comes naturally, and all other distractions and other matters feel faded and boring. Then, watching adult content or actors and actresses will make you feel sad for them, as they are searching for something high but looking in the wrong place. Lust can provide pleasure but not ultimate joy and fulfillment. If it could, you would have already abandoned it. Chase joy and fulfillment, and lust will seem childish afterwards.

And because of society conditioning our brains have started given unnecessary mystery and importance to female body. Now start looking as every organisms as a consciousness rather than a body, we get slipped up by the imagination we do after seeing nudity but the very act of perceiving thing is pure, so perceive everyone as a consciousness.

when seeing a girl/women you will realise she is just a conscious being living temporarily in her body and is here to gain wisdom and do great work. So it’s foolishness to waste semen on such body which is just a formation of few tissues, fats and tendens.
Coming to the realization that every human life is valuable, with intrinsic dignity that nobody should diminish. I love being able to see women not as objects for self-pleasure, but as individuals with their own personal struggles and stories. I love being able to see every organism as an individual consciousness, not just a body.

Hope you got what i am trying to explain…goal making doesn’t help in long run.


What is your highest streak ? @AR23055
And how old are you ?
How long have you been in nofap journey?

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46 days followed by 35 and 32 days.

Just turned 19 last week

From last 8 months

Daily Check in