Yeagerist's diary

I’m using this diary as a daily log. I just want to stop because it’s making everything literally worse in my life.


Day 0
No matter how much i relapse i won’t quit and accept this…


I relapsed again… so day 0 again lol not even making it to day 1 so pathetic


Bruh let’s sucide together


@darwaish lol i feel like it sometimes but it’s not a solution bro


You are a yeagerist , the devotee of Eren Yeager. Eren knew his death is near and still fought till his death.

Eren Yeager saw your future , You will not die early. But it doesn’t matter. Weak will have more than decades of his life and still remains addicted.

But it only require this moment for a strong man to be free from this trash. You have no control over the past , You have no idea about the future , But you are a devoted yeagerist in the present and Yeagerist dont give up.

Look at Floch’s fight before his death. Having the courage to fight seeing death in front of his face.


@The_Rising_One True bro, a yeagerist will fight till the end. That’s what i liked about Floch, even though some hated him, i admired how unwavering he was when it came to his own belief of what’s right. I just need to focus more on the present. After many relapses, I’m currently on day 2. I appreciate your encouragement.


You can overcome, brother!


@anon43251394 thank you brother. I’m trying.

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After 8 days i relapsed, but im feeling a bit hopeful. Anyway, im starting again… day 0

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Relapsed 28 feb, so much for being hopeful lol
The last few days were bad and my anxiety was through the roof still this isn’t an excuse and there shouldn’t be any excuses to start with.

Highest streak is 8 days, so far.
》》next aim is at least 10 days …


Bro are you facing some difficulties in life? Negative emotions can lead to relapse, because the brain thinks this is the way to remove negative emotions (of course the fact is opposite). If you wish you may share your difficulties and see if we can help, also try to uplift your mood like listening to uplifting songs, being in sunshine, talking with reliable friends, etc.


@ToThy True bro, I mostly fap because of these negative emotions, but instead of dealing with them i keep running to pmo as an escape and get myself addicted. That’s why, as long as i can, im trying to face whatever difficulty i have rn.
Thanks for your suggestions. I do try these things from time to time. Best luck for both us brother.


Idk i peeked a lot today I’m resetting. I want to quit the whole thing, all or nothing.


do not give up, we are in this together.



@vejotaplus Definitely, i will tatakae. i know it’ll be much worse to give up.Thanks man and best luck.


I decided to do some daily goals whenever free to improve my mood and to be constantly distracted and out of time for pmo.

These goals are:

  • Working out at least for 30 minutes.
  • Reading at least one chapter a day.
  • Sleeping at 10 and waking up at dawn.
  • Spiritual time (praying, reciting, etc.)
  • Practicing meditation at least for 15 minutes.

I’ll be trying to accomplish them and i might add new ones but these seem quite enough and good distractions. I’ll check them off by the end of each day.


Good idea. I’ll try to do something like that as well. Good luck.


@Parolidon Good luck to you too bro. Let’s keep fighting until we destroy this addiction.

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So yesterday i did some of the daily goals, working out in particular, helped out a lot. But, today i was so lazy and did none and i even was cuaght up in a heated argument with one of my family members and anyway i just relapsed. I’ll reset and try to keep meeting my daily goals.

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