With out Porn, I Have a lot of time in my hands. I Decided i want to learn Japanese but i dont know where to start HELP

Ill make this quick; when I was doing PMO; I found out that I just stayed inside and did nothing all day. It was as if i was waiting to get Horny and in the mood for ■■■■ time. i found myself unmotivated to do anything allowing myself to be depressed and go back to Pmo. The cycle kept going and going.

Now I’m in a situation where I met @anon3047577 and thanks to them im at Day 44 ( never in my life have i ever seen that number or ever reached that high
and @MasoomRaza for having such a big streak in the companion list that I felt shame for my past relapse while he kept going strong; so i said no to pmo so i could catch up to his tail
Or how about @Finding_Myself This guy never knows how to stay down but is always coming back after a failure and motivating/ making challenges for others. ( i wouldn’t want to be in a boxing ring with him)

and now I have Goals, ambition, and dreams
I feel like im alive

I decided in 1 year from now ( One sec i have to write that down in my goal book) i want to go to Tokyo
but my problem is i don’t know how to speak it besides what I picked up from anime.

Is there anyone who can help me out; i dont know where to start and i cant go to tokyo/ i dont want too with out knowing how to speak.

Plus thanks for thoes helping me and this community for helping me meet them and giving me another home.


Install duolingo, it is quite easy to learn any language from that platform


Mega thanks for the shoutout I’m glad I’m such a motivation!! This really means a lot to me and feels like such a huge boost of confidence and I’m super hyped for a long streak this time!! Love you man GOD bless!!!


I’m sorry I have no idea how to speak Japanese. :joy::laughing: I heard of this program called Babel or something on the radio. You could try that maybe? Just don’t do Rosetta Stone. I did that and highschool and the end result was not me being able to speak another language.


NP i really respect what you do because if i were in your position, i would try to hide from people but its good that you have a vision of who you want to be and your not backing down


lol thats funny but did you get anything out of it. i took a Spanish class for 1 year and the only think i know what to say is chicken and my name is.


i look into babel thankyouyou


No. I didn’t learn anything. It was Hebrew. All it did was teach me how to read English backwards and confuse me. :roll_eyes:


is that going to teach me how to write in Japanese too and read or only speaking? if you don’t mind me asking is it free and if its not is it worth paying


For real! I’m not letting myself get discouraged because I lost NNN rather I’m getting back up and I’m trying new things… Like I’m working out now!! I’m starting to write a book and draw again which is awesome!! I’m trying rrally hard to work on my relationship with GOD… I’m glad that my determination is helping you out man!! GOD bless you!!


writing a book a fantasy action adventure or a book on how you beat pmo ???
damn man you hitting the ground running @ gym keep this up and you be like holy shit its been a year since i Pmoed
Respect to your faith brother


How to beat PMO! It’s saved as a draft on the forum rn… I’m going to release it in chapters and then maybe get it posted as a genuine book!


No homo i like a dude with ambition
as for me
im going to try to make a song or a flim about Porn and how it steals from you
Im going to have like 3 main characters maybe music video but the 3 people are one person
one when there 13 or 14 or before the time they found porn
One where there currently battling porn
another one where they beat porn and they go back to tell the kid version of them selfs that they won and beat porn and they dont have to be scared anymore cus the future is bright
Note the kid version of before they found porn represent innocence; i belive that even though were in porn now there is still that child with innocence in us not gone but still there waiting to be free


DUDE THAT SOUNDS LIT!!! I would love to help with that if you ever need any… In my diary I mention I’m an aspiring singer/songwriter so hit me up if you ever need anything!

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thx bro well do; i just have to wait a bit to go get a more powerful computer for music creation. but God willing man the future is constantly changing and evolving. for an example every time we better ourselves the future gets that much brighter. Ill take a picture of this to remember


@UntiltheEnd are you an anime fan?
Tbh as funny it may sound…:joy::joy: if you want to learn basic conversations…start watching more anime, I don’t mean to say watch it all the time.in limit.


I see you like the film Your name of Makoto Shinkai

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yeah im still watching but the thing is at some point your brain dont care about what there saying( i mean you can hear it) but your so focused on the English that your brain tunes it out.i only hear when the girls are talking with a high pitched voice if that makes sence

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Man I flashbacked to some dialogues like
Ara ara, Onii chan or kombawa etc​:joy::joy::joy:


your spot on :crazy_face:
but i wonder why japans culture is so Anime orintated
i was looking at some youtube videos on japan and they got anime on water and everything even some weird obsession with women undergarments just like anime.( like they got a vending machine just for that )
Not to go too deep but is anime like there top source of revenue for tourism
i hear Tokyo has a very low birth rate cus most of the guys are not interested in girls but anime girls
now that i think about it, watching anime now being a little older gets weird and cringe so much Oni chan this and that or oi yamate and to many close up to girls body parts (wtf). i dont think real girls act like what they portray maybe im just growing up. But i dont want to go to deep with fantasy is much better than being in reality.
i kid you not there was a school shooting (active shooter) and there was a kid that said he had to say good bye to his anime waifu and he had a picture of Nami from one piece wtf