Why so difficult / easy?

When the spirit comes, seize it and take hold of it, never looking back.

When truth reaches your core, you will know it to be truth.

Share it, but don’t be disheartened or discouraged.

Courage is from core, the heart of the matter.

Share the spirit but don’t lose heart when it does not reach others, as we are all Masters in the making.


Aug '18
“The hard truth is, for any number of those supposed reasons for jerking it off to pixels on a screen, they’re all(every single one of them) excuses. People love motivational quotes and its gets them pumped for a little while then the night rolls in and back to square one. Other’s can push and prod you, offer up consolations but when it comes to it, after the 20th relapse, gotta ask yourself: Do you really wanna quit or do you like the IDEA of quitting. It’s really simple”


Life flows like a stream - Jump in

How many morning suns?
How many days feds?
How faithful God is to you - Jump in

Oceans await

I post this piece of music, not because anyone will like it or understand, but because I didn’t either - it is an ocean of richness that now brings me tears


The point : we are capable of having newness. New thoughts, new feelings, new behaviour.

Each day is a new gift.

Please don’t take as a “catchphrase” but be caught up in it…


Puccini (1858-1924)

Maria Callas singing
Act 2, Tosca’s aria…
“Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore”
(I lived for art, I lived for love)

Covent Garden, 1964

Why share? Just because it’s beautiful.
And she was the greatest.


I have always dreamed to have an opportunity to hear an opera…

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