Why so difficult / easy?

There’s no reward in not being a wanker
No end goal in NoFap

But Greatness in not being compulsive


SC: zk57v1

I had a relapse.
Feel down? Yep, I did.
Chaser? Yep
Relapse again? Yep
Chaser? Yep
Relapse? No
Tempted? Yes
NoFap is difficult? Yes and No


Difficult because of how I “feel”

Easy because;
“feelings” pass
Relapsing because I want to feel better because I relapsed is laughable.

So you’ve joined a NoFap community.

Good choice - Why? because IMHO;

Fapping IS the poor man’s sex.
Compulsive behaviour destroys a person.

Having self-control is EXTREMELY rewarding.

Calling it an addiction as an excuses is BS.

Fap or Not is ALWAYS a choice, and depends on self-control.

Relapse once, twice, thrice - Snap out of it and get back up.
(the following days may seem hard, but you can refuse, And choose)


“You glorify the process and prefer the idea of quitting more than quitting itself.”


NoFap at its core is simple and easy.

I’m dubious of those who strive and struggle as if it’s a hard thing to overcome.

Why is it? Don’t you want to stop?
If I said you could stop today and you didn’t need to strive - Would you?

Or would you just go back to your old beliefs of struggling uphill?

I’m posting in the hope it will send some alarm bells ringing, and reach habitual fappers.


The only process is to stop doubting Nofap’s life changing reward

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For what even reason about how I was feeling
I gave into edging and set my heart racing.

; (things in life… free time… idleness… tired… )
; images from my last relapse

NoFap is difficult when you waste

NoFap IS easy when you realise

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Peeking ;

Since my previous failing, and reading a post by Forerunner - I realised is NOT okay.

You can’t just have a peek and expect to get away with it…*or engaging in those kind of thoughts.
Just like an alcoholic; they can’t ‘just’ go ahead and swill some vodka around their mouth without consequence.

I can’t just expect not to be affected now, and if I relapse, I can’t then just expect it’ll be okay.
You DO have to make some mental effort to either;
Battle against;
Find reason;
Or have a stronger belief.

*The only exception is in fully committed relationships, where you are grounded by much bigger and wider considerations - I believe.


Edging or peeking is most dangerous brother.

As long as you watch that shit, even if you do not fap after.
It starts reinforcing the urge to do it again and breaks your resolve.

For the habit or addiction is in your mind and not the body.

Not watching it is the only way to stop hence it’s called no PMO.

Yes, effort is required.
The will to stop the resolve is absolutely necessary.

Stay strong, do not give in.


Thank you for your words of encouragement bro.
You are of course, completely correct.
I’ll shake it off with getting on with things - there are always things to be doing ^^//“”


To not fap, brought you here.
You’re still here.
So, let’s be “here”


Aug '18

“Majority of the people struggling with PMO are glorifying the “process”. Problem is, it ain’t process. Process is just another way of saying you’re on the fence about it and u ain’t willing to commit. That you like the idea of quitting more than quitting itself. That you like dragging it out, wrestling with its up and downs. Procrastination as its finest. Truth is, it’s a one-time rip off the bandaid type of deal.”

“These supposed accountability partners all treat their partner’s habital relapse as they always do: rainbows and butterflies with a side of cotton candy, the oft-labeled “it’s okay bud. There’s always a next time”. You know what, it’s not okay. Realize that you pulled the trigger and it is your fault. Lets not dress this up in mellow tones and please drop the goddam coddling. Don’t get me started on the classic “Hey guys. I just completed day one. That was hard”. Wow really dude? You want a cookie? Perhaps I could indulge you with an all expense covered trip around the world. Like geez. That’s exactly the type of coddling bullshit that most people fail. That no matter if they reach day 90 or relapsed after 2 days, they get the pat in the back, handing out trophies left and right for everything under the sun.”

“It’s like 90 percent of the people who are unhappy with their lives and are stuck in a rut. They watch these motivational videos day in and day out. But there’s this one constant: that their lives are exactly the same, the classic inaction. The expression “actions speak louder than words” has never rung more true.”

“Aoshigreen has this diary running. With every relapse, without fail, there’s always these pat-in-the-back comments that takes all shapes and size but it mostly boils down to one key message: “its okay. don’t beat yourself up”. I’m here to tell you that you definitely should beat yourself up. Relapse once, it’s all good. Relapse 10 times and the routine journal entry of “damn I knew I shouldn’t have edged. Why did I do it”. Really? When it’s all said and done, the only person you’re accountable to is yourself.”

“This shouldn’t be a “struggle”. Its easy as fuck. This “struggle” is(drum roll) an excuse. The boy who cried wolf. How many times before I start to wonder if you wanna quit. Or you’ re lying to yourself. I repeat: I find this incredibly easy. You should too. So no, this shouldn’t be a struggle.”


Yes! No more of that coddling BS! If you relapse, you didn’t want it enough!

This was a great read. Did you write this?


No, this was a comment from Luffychwan on someone else’s diary and why I made this page and linked them at the top.

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Fapping is an action, and not fapping is not an action. Think about it for a while.

Now think of some other things (other than NoFap) that are effects and causes, and then think about the subsequent reasons.

Effect : Insomnia
Cause : Drink coffee late
Reason : Wanting to be alert to work

Don’t think about Fap/NoFap, but all other areas of life where cause & effect occur, and their simple reasoning.


Just a theory;

Why young guys fail to NoFap (a non action) is because they are obsessed with sex.
Even though they put on a front, deep down they are still serving at the alter of lust.

Apart from guys in marriage, why is there monk mode?

Guys who aren’t married ARE effectively doing monk mode but don’t dare admit it because sex is effectively what they aspire towards.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing - sex is great and quite motivating, but not everything.
Having sex on the brain, or being easily triggered isn’t addiction. Sex is natural, but the so-called ‘addiction’ is nothing but lacking self control and being impulsive.

What kind of decent women go for guys who aren’t emotionally stable? None.
Grow and stop acting like a kid.

NoFap is merely not doing something,
Making good choices is part of life.

NoFap was/is the pure and simple choice to make your life a bit easier and lighter on your shoulders.

At least now, with NoFap, you have a reason to let go of lust and imagining sex.

Fapping is for all intents and purposes, sex with your hand and an endless stream of harems on screen, in your head or people you see,
who -in your head- won’t complain and meet your selfish desires.

In real life, having a GF, wife or partner, gives you more to consider, more responsibility, and more need to embrace life. It doesn’t get easier, but it becomes more real - being real is what makes it easier because then you realise you don’t have/never had time to Fap.

Mommy isn’t always gonna be there to cook your food. Do the shopping. Wash your clothes. Clean the house, and do it all over again for others. You’ve got to do it. That’s life stuff - And not a reason to NoFap (inaction) or Fap away.

Don’t kid yourself about NoFap.
With every relapse is an excuse why you don’t actually want to do it, but would rather live in your own world.
It’s seriously not cool, and no decent women in their right mind would go for a guy who wants to sit on his butt and expect life to fall into place.

No - NoFap is NOT difficult. It isn’t trying to deal with all life problems or worrying about them, or trying to prove yourself to anybody.

It’s the simple choice to not do something.
You don’t even need to focus on what that something is.

If you are fretting about all the bad things of that something and want to give a long list,… Why the fuck are you wasting your time on mentioning it?
You feel the need to convince yourself because you aren’t actually sure, even though you were the badge and swear to get a high streak.
Why are you torturing yourself?

If you wanna be a Fapper, go ahead, nobody is gonna hate you for it, except those who are jealous and torturing themselves as well.

If you think NoFap is a good idea, you shouldn’t need convincing or have any doubts whatsoever.


Change your attitude
And believe


An expression that means you don’t need to rely on a teacher for enlightenment.

We shouldn’t need encouragement, support, appraisal nor praises, only reminders.
Day 0 or Day 100.

I’m on Day 0 and I don’t care. It’s my choice to choose badly or wisely.


I would rather say, kill the laziness in you that wishes for the teacher to save or work for you.
learn from the teacher with enthusiasm and be inspired by him.

Its not Buddha or any of the Teacher’s fault,
It’s the vice in us that causes us to want it easy in life and use the teacher as a tool or beast of burden rather than learn from him and make effort ourselves.


The master does not master, but the student.
Buddha is in the mirror.