Who will be the King πŸ‘‘

Congratulations :tada: :confetti_ball:


You are granted the title of DUKE :1st_place_medal:

You are eliminated due to inactivity

Congrats to all the snow arena warriors. You have all successfully completed the nofap reboot. May you continue to focus on the things that improve your life.


Congratulations :tada: :confetti_ball:


You are granted the title of DUKE :1st_place_medal:

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Amazing job guys. Good luck in continuing your journey towards becoming your best versions!


3 more days till 100 on this challenge then my offical reset which I started 16 days ago. Might just change that to 0 and onto a full new chapter of Nofap


Two days left…
Can’t believe it!

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Reminder please update your streak within 2 days ,:warning::warning::warning::warning:

It’s hit 100 days by law we should have the battle for the title King of Kings now


Well done guys.
Congratulations both of you for completing 100 days in this challange and acquiring the title of KING :crown:
i hope you both continue your streak and achive greater things in life. :blush::blush:

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@wiseking @CreampieMaster
Are there gonna be a final battle now?

Why are you out of the game? I don’t get it.

Please update your streak.

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I thought I was out already :sweat_smile: but okay

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I’m out because i relapse on 98th day of the challange

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It should be that way

So , direct elimination from now on :raised_back_of_hand:

Sharing code: sv0dkm

Current streak: 0

Highest streak: 3

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Location: Indonesia

Marital status: Single

Count me in please.

Entries closed on May 1st. Sorry


:no_entry_sign: You’re eliminated due to inactivity :no_entry_sign:

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Depending on what? God dam this 20 character minimum lol

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Relapse ,i suppose . No more second chances.or third :sweat_smile: