Who will be the King šŸ‘‘

Bro, update your streak on the scoreboard {page 2 of this thread}, not here.

Hey warriors, today my result has come and i get a little low marks. So, guys i start focus more on studies and i am also preparing for my future competitive exams. Thatā€™s why i decided to leave this app.

I am no more the part of this contest. I want @Martial_Beast to be the leader of the group.

Thanks all the warriors for supporting me, i achieve 30 days streak only because of you guys.

@aapoorv75 sorry bro i have to leave your team.

I want all the warriors to make this group alive.

Thank you guys!!!



Congratulations for your 30 days :tada:

Thanks a lot for giving us this contest! This really helped me in overcoming my previous highest streakā€¦

All the best for your studies and your future :+1:


donā€™t ever peek it will not end well, stay strong guys and do useful activities.


Hey, anyone else here has a girlfriend or fuckbuddy?
How do you justify to yourself the idea of not having sex with her? It just seemsā€¦counter to the final agenda.
Like, for me, a primary motivation in doing NoFap is to get to the point in life where I dont need to jerk myself off because I have girls to take care of that need. So, if i have the girl now, shouldnā€™t be a problem right?

@alex_time_to_change I know you have a gf (and seem to be having a rough go with it haha).

@Martial_Beast Iā€™ll update my streak in a few hours. I wana jump straight to Viscount lol

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It will be counted as 2 relapsesā€¦

@cptforce123 you are shifted to Cloud Arena as you relapsed two times. Now only 2 :shield: left with you.

#Stay Strong :facepunch:t2:

:partying_face:Congratulations :tada::tada:


You are granted the Title of Viscount :medal_military:


:partying_face:Congratulations :tada::tada:


You are granted the Title of Viscount :medal_military:


@jatinmangla you are shifted to Thunder Arena as you relapsed one more time. Now only 3 :shield: left with you!

#Stay Strong :facepunch:t2:

:partying_face:Congratulations :tada::tada:


You are granted the Title of Viscount :medal_military:


Thank you brother :blush:

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:partying_face:Congratulations :tada::tada:


You are granted the title of ā€œBARONā€ :reminder_ribbon:


Anybody gonna watch the World Cup? If you are who are you rooting for? :trophy:

:no_entry_sign: Eliminated due to inactivity


@RoadToFreedom you are shifted to Water Arena as you relapsed two times. Now only 1 :shield: left with you.

#Stay Strong :facepunch:t2:

Today will be about running, study, watch a youtube video and read some Quran :)) we gotta do sth good to replace the bad stuff :slight_smile:


Day 25

Eye on 90

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@anon17824681 sorry bro, entries are closed now, u can join other groupsā€¦

@blackperl @jatinmangla
Guys you both are shifted to Cloud Arena as you relapsed one more time. Now only 2 :shield: left with you brothersā€¦

#Stay Strong :facepunch::facepunch:

:partying_face:Congratulations :tada::tada:


You are granted the Title of Viscount :medal_military:

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Thanks broā€¦

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