Which Zodiac sign is the best? Challenge started ( Entries always open to anyone) 42 participants, 12 Zodiac signs , 5 rounds, 3 health bars and 1 winner

I also had this experience before. Anyway I am not that kind of person.


@Nep_12 , Added you to team Aries

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If I can get a person with a Zodiac sign Libra ( Born btw Sept 23 - Oct 22 ), Then I am going to start this challenge at that instant

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@_KarmaYogi , @sakshi11 , @Luffy420 @STORY_OF_A_GREAT_LOSER @mrxis, @Onlee1 ,@nofapstar123
anyone Interested in this challenge

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I’m interested add me there.

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I born 26 sep add me


You are in brother. Added you to team Libra @Luffy420

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Now what I need to do? In this challenge…

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Please refer Post 1. You will get it clearly

So all the Zodiac Signs are ready, The Challenge will start tomorrow and the entries are closed ( I am fed up of this begging , my ego hurts very badly :joy: :joy:)


23 participants, 12 Zodiac signs , 5 rounds, 3 health bars and 1 winner. Lets see who wins the trophy


To all participants

@Strong_one , @KiddoJay2021 , @Nep_12 , @piyushchandak , @VARAD , @the_resilient_one , @Ishant16 , @prothekter_aden , @Yash21 , @Sujay786


And @Luffy420 , @Rab_J , @malang33 , @erenyaeger , @ysub , @The_integrous_one , @Onlee1 @STORY_OF_A_GREAT_LOSER , @Vortexkicker The challenge will officially start tomorrow at 12 AM. Everyone please read the rules for round 1 and check in accordingly. ALL THE BEST FIGHTERS


Remember Please check in the following format

Day 1, Stage n

where n stands for number, according to post 1

Add me too if possible

Yes tell me your DOB ( year not needed) and SC @STORY_OF_A_GREAT_LOSER

DOB : 3rd May
SC : dbrmpu

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@anon87955785 , ok. I will accept. Date of birth April 5th Aries.

You are in Brother, You belong to team Taurus

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Please tell your sharing code @Vortexkicker