udaCisie's Journey to greatness

Form last relapse this is my 17 hour. I decided I will be writing my Daily diary here. If you want to watch my progress here is my code: yray22

I think that we as a men have to be as strong as we can. Do what is in our control to getting better our lifes but but retention of seamen and quiting the porn addiction is the main goal to improve also other areas in our lifes.


Hi guys! I want to tell you that I have control over my life and thoughts. I’m 26 and this time my strike to quit porn and masturbarion is forever. I was fapping to porn since I was 18. And this is the end of it.

1 day, 9hours, 35 min


Guys this is my 2day,5h,55min.

Today’s night can be challenging becouse i will go to club. Usually when I return drunk to home first what i did was start porn. So I decided to be sober tonight to make it easier to me to maintain my promise of no fap.

I also started running, return to learning English as a one goal what i neglected due to porn.

Guys I promise i will maintain my recovery from porn.


Keep going brother @udaCisie. I believe you will keep your promise.


@udacisie never think that you are lonely because we are always with you! Keep improving day by day.
I’m doing dopamine detox for 1 day from today just to leave my YouTube addiction.


I really believe you have a true potential!


I also will be engaging dopamine detox but not now, but i think that regulate our endocrine system by quiting porn, diminish the amount of sugar in our diet, jogging and meditating, burning fat from our body is a key to have a good and happy life. We have to support each other.


Guys I want to tell you that I was struggling with quiting porn for 1 year. Few days and relapse, few days and relapse and again and again. But now I make a real decision to quite it and change my life forever. Thank you guys that you are here. We have to be stronger than whenever before. Our words who we give to ourselves and others have to count. No complaining. No act like a Little pussy. Do what you tell to yourself. Value your semen!


These words are really strong! It will not only inspire you, but us also :smiley: I have been struggling for 4 years and I was unable to enjoy life. But now since I’m going through long streaks (like 7 or 8 days) I am starting to feel a big change


You are right brother. Porn just sucks us, it destroys our life. No more living like a pussycat. Enough of this shitty life.


Brother @udaCisie you were addicted from 18 years old and now I’m 18 years old :sweat_smile::joy:. I was addicted from 11 years old and first watched porn when I was 7.
But only thing matters now is to be free from here.


Hahah when i was 7 i didn’t know to what it is beside pee​:joy::joy:

Important now is to start where we are now and change our lifes in all areas in a positive ways. I’m really glad that i came here becouse i See the people like you who also fight to get better our lives.


Have strong thoughts guys!


2d 23h of no fap

From today I start meditate 1 hour and exercise Every day.


I do meditation for 10 minutes.
Will you do meditation 1 hour for straight?


Yes, i did this before. I did it before but i neglected it. Benefits from meditation are also long term, just like from no fap and exercises.

I noticed that my level of happiness is too low and it can be caused by hornones. And meditation and exercising also diet is the way to repair it.

D3 h7


Keep going like that! You are in motion right now !
I’ll reach day 2 after 3 hours😄


@nofapstar123 i observe you, also keep going!!!


3d 19h

I meditate 1h like I said to me and you, also exercised.

I have felt urges today but i do not fap. I control my mind, body and reactions. There is not return to mediocrity. I have to be more positive so instead of complaining i will tell you guys that i am really happy that i keep going to getting better my life. Past doesn’t matter.


How did you feel after 1 hour of meditation?