Month 01,2024
Check in 10/366
Month 01,2024
Check in 10/366
Checkin for day 4 5 6 7 8 9.
@_TIGER I will be inactive for a week from 24th Jan, I have my SSB on the given date
I see but sometimes chaser effect gets in to even a strong person after his/her long streak gets broken.
So this rule gets us in check and makes room for making comeback.
Else in a broader perspective, I agree with you.
Check - in : Day 9/366
Thanks for providing me with your age and gender! but it seems like your sharing code is invalid.
You see, a sharing code is not something you create, itโs given to every member of the rewire companion forum. Each member has his own unique sharing code.
So please, to know how to find your sharing code, click here.
Unfortunately, you canโt join this challenge because entrie are closed.
But if youโre interested, you can join other challenges like:
Day 009/366 Check in
The old last man standing challenge was a success when it come for motivation and the 3 first months of the year. But as soon as time moves on, only few people remain and this thread gets inactive. Many people feel like itโs over and they have to wait till next week, month or year to start again.
Changing this rule, on the other hand, will make people feel like itโs not done yet and they can still keep going. If you manage to make a whole year clean then thatโs great! But if you fail once, you understand that this is just a slip and you can always get up again.
Day 10 check inโ:white_check_mark:
Day 010/366 Check in
0 Relapsed
Day 10/366 check in
@Nerbo how r u doing bro the transformers challenge you had created really helped me last year
Check in Day 5
Check in 10 01 2024
8 clean days
2 relapse
Check in day 5/366 Last Man Standing Challenge
Daily Check-in
Daily check in
Streak : 11 days
11 days clean
10 days for 2024