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March 23rd, 2023

:white_check_mark: Prayed
:white_check_mark: Read Quran
:white_check_mark: Studied
:white_check_mark: Exerciced
:white_check_mark: Played the piano

It was an amazing day :star2:
Today I played the piano for about 2 hours. But my teacher wasnโ€™t really that satisfied but I told her that I just finished my exams and I am busy lately and she understood that. Then I went to the dentist for a quick check up. I took a cold shower after I exercised abs for 30 minutes. I prayed all my prayers and read Quran. I helped mom by preparing the dinner table.
I will go to sleep now. I wish everyone a good night! :sleeping:


Reading this inspired me. I did some boxing and then took a cold shower.


March 24th, 2023

:white_check_mark: Prayed
:white_check_mark: Read Quran
:white_check_mark: Studied
:white_check_mark: Exercised
:white_check_mark: Played the piano

I am becoming stronger each day. Urges are like history now, my day is so busy that I donโ€™t have time to even think about fantasies. But I do have this bad habit of useless YouTube videos. Everytime I want to search for knowledge or astronomical videos I get fooled by the recommendations with various thumbnails of any kind of subjects Anime, video gamers, reactions, etcโ€ฆ I also must stop acting like a child :sweat_smile: I am mostly acting like it in my family and in the forum but at least not with the other people around me. But anyway, I am greatful that I am still on the right track and I am greatful for all of Godโ€™s blessings.
Good night everyone!


I donโ€™t know what sense you are saying but I think you have
a really good personality.


Thanks brother :star2: these words really made my day :people_hugging:


It almost seems impossible to handle many things these days. A lot of people are expecting me to show my best in many subjects. From piano, exercice, and especially studying. Itโ€™s just too rare that I have a time to enjoy a peaceful rest. Everyday since September 2021 I was working and studying non stop even in Summer I was preparing for my Arabic music diploma. And now exams and homework are exhausting me cause Iโ€™m trying to take days off but It only ends with esembling more and more work.
I just want a rest. Is it too much to ask?
Apparently this is how it is and I must accept that. I have decided to make a plan on when I should do habits instead of just doing them at a random time. Deadlines are essential now. I will also detox phone between before 1 hour of bed till 7 p.m.
I will also put some small rests between each habit to regain my energy.
16 years old teens in antient history were fighting in armies and I am sitting here complaining about small hardships in life.
I must strengthen my confidence and mindset and take the right steps towards greatness and improve. It might take time but consistency will pay off eventually.
Strength is not given, it is urned.



I love your English Spellings and Grammar from the beginning when you used to be Surbatsingsi. Keep learning, keep improving

Take rest and take care !

Thanks you for everything like supporting others and me when we were in difficult time.


Hey rest is not bad but when you take a break, I suggest you to organise your things and write it down on a paper or in your mobile and try to complete in according to your priorities.
Organisation of work clear the communication of what you have to do.

1 Like


Yeah thatโ€™s what I did today and it really helped me. Thanks brother!

I am too tired to journal today :sweat_smile: so.
Good night everyone!


March 27th, 2023

So my day started normal, I started studying in the morning till I felt a strong pain in my stomach. I felt so weak back then that I almost faded out :sweat_smile: so I stayed in bed most of the day. Watched some Attack On Titan episodes and slept a little in the afternoon. I feel slightly better now.
I just realized that tomorrow is day 7 :smile: itโ€™s been a while. Thank you God for everything!


March 28th, 2023 - Day 7

Finally one week done :partying_face::partying_face::tada::confetti_ball::fist::fist:
Ah itโ€™s nice to be back. But there is still a long way to go.
So to day I studied most of the day and cleaned my room.
I watched attack on Titan episodes and exercised and took a shower. And thatโ€™s pretty much it.
My grandmaโ€™s memory is getting worse. Ever since 2019 many cells in her brain lost their strength. She rarely talks and she canโ€™t find the correct phrases. I feel really sad for her but doctor said that with practicing memory games or any brain related activities as well as walking everyday will reduce this process.
I hope tomorrow will be a great day.
Good night everyone!


March 29th, 2023

Unfortunately, I am back to day 1 again. Writing this felt like writing in stone.
I really wanted this to be different but it is always the same which makes me think that maybe, what if the problem is not outside, what if itโ€™s me.
Maybe Pornography and masturbation are not my enemy. I am my own enemy. I made my self this way and I take fall responsibility of my actions. The reasons of my failure are my weak reasons. My perpous is gone.
I donโ€™t even know if Iโ€™m writing this after the effect of depression or is this the truth.
But deep down I can feel that it makes since. Take a guy who did 100 days for an example, once he started he didnโ€™t wish to surpass a week like me, even if he didnโ€™t in the beginning but itโ€™s his big desire that led him this far. If my aim is to avoid holes I will never climb the mountains. This rule is implemented in many aspects of life. Studying, exercicing, piano, drawing, reading, learning and even playing. I must stop this cycle. I Know I said it a lot but I wonโ€™t make a promise to anyone. This time, I will seriously look deep within me and truly decide to end this. Thatโ€™s all I had inside. Good night.


Unfortunately ?? :moyai::moyai:


Oh sorry my eyes were so tired I wanted to sleep :joy:

I will edit it.


April 1st, 2023

I took my phone, I came here, and I wrote.
This is, must be my last relapse. I am tired of laziness and waiting. I contemplated myself and said โ€œBut Iโ€™m waiting for what?โ€
There is no โ€œright momentโ€ I will organize everything, clear vision about goals and aim for something more this time.
I am also not updating because of overthinking thatโ€™s why from now on I will be write even if I donโ€™t do anything in the day m, even if I lost or failed someone. Simply showing up here is a victory. You can never win a war if you canโ€™t win one battle. Letโ€™s start again and future me, remember why you started and what youโ€™re feeling is just a sign of recovery.
Do not waste it.


April 2nd, 2023

It was a good day. I completed all my habits and studied well. Tomorrow is back to school day after this spring vacation. I will start a new strategy by daily reviewing what I learn and more. Things are going great and I hope this continues.
I noticed some changes in my body, for the first time I saw some muscles in my stomach after I made that belly disappear :fire: I am really greatful for everything. Thank you God.
Good night.


April 3rd, 2023

It was a productive day. I did all of my habits and Studied 7 hours today. I got my marks on math and science and I got 17/20 and 16/20. Not bad at all.
But now I am planning on studying smart and master my daily time and set some deadlines.
I dreamt of a weird dream yesterday that I was up a mountain when I saw a tsunami coming :joy: the thing is, when I see some abnormal things I can feel that itโ€™s not real so I at mediately wake up. But this time I didnโ€™t and I felt downing and drowning till I woke up with a pellow up my face :rofl:

Anyway, thatโ€™s it for today
Good night!


April 4th, 2023

I feel more alive now after two days of my last relapse. Like a plant growing after a cold winter and that hard rain and cold temperature were necessary to my growth. Without challenge, so does boredom emerge. Truly the beauty in the creation and the perfection is undeniable.
I wanted to express this gratitude more instead of a simple phrase. I guess I wanted to feel it more :four_leaf_clover:
My grandma came to our house today, I was so surprised to see her cause my parents didnโ€™t tell me she was coming.
So we ate dinner all together and talked with each other for quite a while. That moment of joy with your family gathered is beautiful, warm, sweet and joyful.
I want to make them proud one day. Masturbation is disrespectful for people who believe in you. I want to be better, I want progress and I want to achieve success more than ever before!
Thank you God!
Good night everyone!


April 5th, 2023

Wake up! Thatโ€™s the first word I heard today.
For the first time in my life, I slept again after turning off the alarm :joy: so I missed many morning habits and woke up at 7:30 and went to school.
My Uncles came in the evening and we all ate dinner and chatted after that. We had so much fun talking about some old memories and man we ate a lot! :joy::sweat_smile:
But I really enjoyed it. Itโ€™s been a while since I saw them. And for Nofap Iโ€™m growing strong! Alhamdoulillah for everything.
Good night!


Hey @Binocular , is FarFromWeakFFW your YouTube channel?

Edit: sorry for stealing the 200th reply from you. :sweat_smile: