𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲 - Time to rise

Yeah!! This is what i am doing.
I am just pushing myself forward.


Day 5
I thought this is day 4, did i skip the day?
Too much pain due to wisdom teeth. Headache, pain in the jaw, also mouth ulcer; so i wasn’t able to eat and drink anything. Now it’s good but still headache…
Studying lesser and lesser.
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Day 6
Oh man worst day. Wisdom tooth hurting a lot + mouth ulcer. Couldn’t able to do anything. I can’t even eat and drink water. My whole mouth is in pain. My throat is also hurting. In the morning I got fever due to too much pain and because of that now my whole body is aching.
Man this is a hell. :dizzy_face:
And these urges…
My whole system got fucked up…


Today took a leave from library. I was sleeping from yesterday 7pm. 3 times fever (103°F) . Got sleep till 12:30pm. Now everything is good. Atleast fever is gone. Doctor gave me some medicines now i hope everything will get better…


I’ve gone through wisdom tooth surgery as it grew in wrong alignment. So, I’ve gone through extraction. I Suggest you to go for a check up once.

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Sadly on Day 8 i relapsed. (19 March)
Then on 2nd day i relased again, it’s on yesterday. I relapsed 3 times…
The last few days have been very rough. But now everything is good. My wisdom tooth, mouth ulcer and … everything is good. Well, it was Tonsillitis. I was crying because of pain of tonsil.
Today i studied 4 hours. Still too much syllabus is remaining and i am really getting worried… Man I am scared!!
I hate this feeling. But this time i will not waste time by getting depressed and stressing about i can’t control. Study is the only option. Do it!!


Day 1
I wasn’t productive. I relapsed on 22 and 24 March. Yesterday i relapsed 2 times and no feeling. I am feeling nothing. It’s like all my feelings got suppressed, in deep i am feeling ashamed. Everything is blur and shady. Today i wasn’t productive. It is like i have no energy. My mind feels heavy and filled with just random shit but i have nothing in mind…


Bro I’m afraid you are in the vicious cycle. You have high stress due to study, then subconsciously you choose relapse to feel relieved, but this is a toxic solution, your brain will get more foggy and you’ll have even less motivation to study. I suggest going to nature, feel the sunshine, listen to birds’ singing, maybe going jogging, to refresh your mind. Then remind yourself of your goal, affirm yourself you are a positive and productive person, and gradually increase your study time. You can do it bro :muscle:t2:


I want to do the same. I just have this feeling to go on a mountain or jungle or …
Well, i am still lacking… everything.
My mind is not abloe to think clearly.


Day 3
Yesterday got huge urge but i wasn’t able to search anything as my mobile data was over, thank you god for saving me. Today i defeat the urge!! Tomorrow i am taking leave from library because i want a good sleep. Getting fucked up a bit by bit. I am not doing anything, nothing at all.
Now the only thing i want is a good sleep. I want a sleep until i didn’t get up naturally.
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Day 0
I relapsed again at 4th day (12:30am 28 March).
I don’t know how to tell or i don’t even know how i am feeling. Again in the dark. Everyone in the house is doing something and they don’t tell me anything to do because of study. Everybody is working hard, but i am doing nothing!! It feels like i am useless, i m worrth nothing. I am just sucking parents money…
Yesterday i relapsed 2 times. What should i do…?
I am so ashamed! Everyone is working while i am just fapping inside my room. Everday wasting 2-3 hours and energy an getting sick again and again, then spend money on medicines and… Watching ■■■■ late night, and messing up sleeping shedule…
I tried to take a good sleep and i slept at 11pm but then i woke up at 5:40am. Yeater i slept at 1am and woke up at 7:30. It always goes opposite.
*What am i doing…??
I need to change but how many times i told this before…


Grab this motivation my bro. Turn all your shame, anger and guilt to become your fuel to become a greater person! Imagine when you finally overcome this addiction and become successful, and your parents are proud of you! Then imagine the frustration and loss of energy after each relapse! What is your choice?! You can be positive, productive, confident, smart, sociable and successful! You know the way! Just goooo!! :fire:


Hi, Asher! I know that you are going through a lot and I hope things get better. I wanted to share a resource that helped me.

I’m still cheering you on, mate!


Day 4
Before this streak i relapsed so many times that i don’t even remember!! Today i relapsed again.
Didn’t studied due to some reason .
There is no specific reason for this relpase.
@NeutralCasper thanks.
But this time i didn’t stopped myself.
I don’t know what to say…
Sorry @ToThy


I think you can reflect on the reasons of your relapses, there must be some root cause of your relapse. Not enough rest, boredom, emotional wounds are some common factors. Then tackle them one by one. At this time don’t feel guilty about relapse, focus on improvement, each time you tackle your urge successfully is an achievement. We all need time to progress. And don’t forget to do things that make you feel happy and positive :slightly_smiling_face:


@Asher Do you have access to any money for buying a ■■■■ Blocker? Such as, “Cold Turkey”? At this point, I don’t think you can succeed at this point without a blocker app both on phone and computer.


Day 0
I relapse again.
I relapsed because… i relapsed because…?? I don’t know.
But i am sick again… :cry:

What’s going on here…? What the hell is happening in my life??
Now i am sick mentally!! This fucking cycle of sickness and relapses and…

@crusher i don’t know what to say. I don’t have any blocker.
When i follows my regular routine it’s easy to achieve anything i want, or i get productive. What time was that when i was truly happy and free…? I think it’s a silly question to ask at this moment and i don’t remember any.
I just want a good day. Why don’t you nake one rather than just thinking and hoping!! You just thinks that you want this then why don’t you work for it. Well, what is a good day for you?? I want to spend a day with nature without any pressure and tension. What don’t you work on it…


Bro do you have a friend that can study with you together? Or join a study group? This can give you more motivation to study and can connect with others.

Just go now! Feel the sunshine! Just go outside for 10 minutes and it’ll already make a difference :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, at this point, you need a blocker.

Long-term PMO make new neural pathways in the brain, in other words, a conditioned/trained mind, where you will unconsciously start searching for corn. You HAVE TO block these sites otherwise it’s impossible to succeed.

I highly recommend the “Cold Turkey” app for computers, and “Appblock” for Android smartphones, these 2 helped me tremendously.


Bro try to get a streak of 21 days atleast even if you can’t stop the cycle because it is the root cause of every loss and problems I am 19 and I deeply regret to my actions which lead me to a medically painful state of nerve disorder
When you relapse you lose your vitals components of the body that help to sustain a healthy body. Please find a better way to relieve your stress like outdoor, indoor gaming or journaling or anything that you may like but pmo
Replacement is necessary for your recovery