The way of the rightous ✝️

I see you are a man of unculture hahahaha


Best of success bro :white_check_mark: :computer: :speaking_head:


I Appreciate it so much man !!


Day 5

My day was very good today, I could take a huge break from work and everything, I took a nap for hours and I interracted with a lot people here on RC but I am noticing that am using RC as a substitute for youtube, because most of my time is spent here and it is not healthy.

because of that I give myself only one hour a day of RC usage. from now on you guys will see me here on 8 pm or 9 pm, I have to use my time wisely. So, for today that´s all.

see you tomorrow guys!!


Day 6

Today I was off most of the time, and it was very cool to just sit and relax without following the urge to binge on youtube videos or even RC posts which are good but can become bad when you spend hours on it, I took some hours to study database, and I did other things like meditation and bible reading.Generally speaking, I think that I was productive today comparing to other days. So that´s all for today guys see y´all !!


Keep up, you are doing great, follow what heart says, no doubts, the doubts drives us to the sloth and sloth to temptation and it to abyss. This is the way, remember those three words, when the urges will come those words will save you the day. Lord is with us. The alliance is a fortress.

Can you hear the silent?, can you see the dark?, can you fix the broken?, can you feel… CAN YOU FEEL MY HEART?! :anatomical_heart::fire::latin_cross::orthodox_cross:


Wow man !! very deep words right there :fire: :fire:
thank you so much bro :heart: :latin_cross:


Lord told us what to do, just need to listen better.


Day 7

Today I don´t have much to say, because my day was not so productive, and I have to be honest and tell you guys that I gave into the urge to watch youtube today just for entertainment, because I was so stressed due to amount of school projects, but I hope to get back on track tomorrow and keep on my no social media journey, see you tomorrow guys!!


Day 8

I am going to be honest to you guys, it´s very difficult to be offline when you live alone and have no friends bro, I know it may sound as an excuse but it is indeed challenging, and I have to confess to you all that I failed my mission again, it is now the second day that I am binging on youtube videos :cry: , and today I saw a video with girls poorly dressed and dancing , I feel very bad for this man !!:sob:

Through the whole day I was feeling a void in my heart, and after watching many videos I felt exhausted so I decided to take a break to do my daily bible reading, and that void and nothingness that I was feeling went away after I finished my reading, and I realised that God is the only one capable of giving me real joy and peace, I realised that my heart belongs to him. Tomorrow I am gonna try to keep on my no social media journey , please guys pray for me it is not easy!!


@Kanzo it is a temptation, think about what we have reflexed in lent, how He was capable during 40 days to say No to everything, because not only bread is food for men. Remeber how He suffered for us, the whip singing in the wind and hurting the skin of the Lord, remember the spines in his head as a crown, the weight of the cross, the thirst crucified, the desperation. We are feeling only the emptiness of the evil and want the water of freedom. Martyrs suffered for a believe, for a path to live, they gave us this world. Now a lot are regreting what we are or our faith. Our body consumed by the vicious, the drug of Lust is desiring but we must stay. STAY in faith. For them, for us, for the Lord, for our family, for our future. Even Peter, the stone of the church said no three times, and after resurrection he said yes to the question “Do you love me, Peter?” I cried yesterday and opened my heart to my family and told them my affliction, I was so in shame but I understood that it is the meaning of the pain, what we did was bad, the shame enslave us. But we know that without it is the freedom. If we can’t charge the cross we have then we can’t follow Him, forget the denominations, the leaders, the patriarchs and read the message and what says. “Take your cross and follow me”. Our pain is much less than Lord suffered in flesh and in heaven watching His Son, watching Himself being the sacrifice for our salvation. This penance is tiny in comparison. So have faith in you, before the institution, before the rules, just think what is the goal you are looking for. Then the answer will come in a breath… This is the way, the truth and the life. Brother, resist, like we resisted in japan to torture, like we resisted the persecution, the betrayal, the hate. Resist and your heart will be full again.


Thank you so much bro, It is refreshing to know that you are christian too :smiling_face_with_tear: :latin_cross:


why are you alone and have no friends?
Do you live alone or with your parents?
Do you study or are you working somewhere?
Are there no social circles you are a part of?


Yes, I live alone, still sudying

I talk to some guys here every now and then but they don´t have the same mindset as mine so I don´t consider them as friends


when I say mindset I am talking about christian mindset


What about a church?
What are you studying?


What do you want to know about church? I only go on sundays though

I study engeneering


Church plays an important role in community.

Abstaining from social media is pretty much impossible without a good support group unless you wish to disconnect from all humanity. In fact, the main purpose of disconnecting from media is to reconnect with those around you.

Since you mentioned you are alone, a good way to meet others is through college our church.
Even when I moved out of home, the first way I got to meet people was college but the first way I meet people of the same Christian wavelength was at church and through a Bible study nearby that I attended.

See if there are programs going on nearby (christian) that you would be interested in attending. And maybe you could consider checking out some other churches, especially those that are more focused on the youth. Will be a lot more helpful and open, for example, in the Church I go to we have football turf matches every weekend when we can, picnics, just hang out and go to nearby places etc. It builds a great community and helps overcome the loneliness, though only Jesus alone can really remove it.

A good youth church will help your growth a LOT. So if you Church is only for Sunday and y’all don’t do anything the other days maybe you could consider checking out another.


Thank you for the insight man!, gonna take it into consideration!


Day 9

Today was a nice day, even though it was a little bit blunt and boring, but I could do some productive things.

Today I didn´t binge on yt and didn´t eat junk food , I decided to cook a heathy food by myself. I also did my daily bible reading as always.

so that´s all guys see you tomorrow!!!