The reason why I still watching this shit

I Thought I did… But it didn’t work somehow?
Idk… I’m really new to this app

Anyway, Tysm :purple_heart:

Edit: I’m sure I answered as you showed now, it seems not to work…


Oh then no worries :upside_down_face: sometimes the app is buggy like that. I got the notif that you responded- that never goes wrong.


I think that one of the best ways to get through problems in life is opening up with others… Here’s a good community, you should open up yourself the people around here are very supportive…


Yeah, the last few days I’ve been thinking about the fact that sex isn’t important right now and I should’ve been worrying about other things, even though I relapsed 2 days ago. Right now I’m better, with all the comments here I managed the create a new plan for my life and set some goals (that don’t evolve women) and I’m changing my habits to be a better version of myself. Women will come naturally in the future…


Yes! You will do this! Despite your journey might take the shape of zigzag - op and down, up and down, but overall it should be moving up. With little steps, and little victories you’ll get more confident and successful! Go for a teeny tiny victories every day! :raised_hands:t2:


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