Hope many of you know about it already. It’s a method from a book of the same name by Hal Elrod, a way to transform your life with a few simple actions repeated everyday. The challenge is about practicing six things what Mr. Elrod calls the Life S. A. V. E. R. S. and it includes -
Silence - Meditation, prayer etc
Scribing- Journaling, diary entries, thoughts etc
The goal is to become a person who starts his or her day with success. These little successes open up some unexplored areas of your mind, calming you down, fueling you with energy and giving you an impetus to work towards your goals. The aim is not the outcome that we achieve but to achieve a level of transformation in our own identity through repeated practices(an idea that has its roots in the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear). I have been doing it for a couple of weeks and seeing some transformation in me (most importantly regarding my study patterns, mindfulness and stress management). But I was doing it alone so I felt like I should invite in more people to this challenge and hopefully help them make it better for themselves as well. When your mind is occupied with the thoughts of your routine and hallucination of success, tiny challenges like pmo do not even stand a chance. I can say that because for years I have had certain massive streaks, but this streak, though not the the longest, is definitely my stromgest and I feel completely freed from that loop. So brothers and sisters, do join me in this challenge.
Aim to wake up an hour earlier than you usually do, and practice these 6 things. Give each practice 10 minutes. And most importantly, do not give up. May God Bless You All.
You’re gladly welcomed, Binocular. Lets start the challenge from tomorrow. Go through your day and update here before putting away your phone for sleep. Ending your day with the memories of a major success will help you sleep with a smile, and will make you even more excited to wake up early and repeat it again.
Silence: Meditation for 10 while closing eyes + looking outside (by opening the window)
Affirmations: I am strong, I am powerful, I can do it! I am strong, I am powerful, I can do it…
Visualization: Visualized how I will do things today
Exercise: Did not exercise.
Reading: Didn’t read.
Journaling: Well I couldn’t do all the savers today. But I will be serious tomorrow. No excuses! I was greatfull that I had no urges today. Tomorrow morning is gonna be so productive that even success will be jealous of it. Alhamdulillah fir everything.
Yes buddy after a break of 2 days, I found it difficult too. Major reason being me waking up 50 minutes later than my scheduled time. Still I did everything , but not for the desired time-
Silence- Meditation (7 minutes)
Affirmations- I am in control of my destiny, I deserve to be successful and I am willing to do everything that it takes to create the life that I want. (5 minutes)
Visualization- (10 minutes- guided)
Reading- 5 minutes (Continued with book “Safal Jeevan ki Disha-Dhara” Pathway to success in English)
Journaling- 3 minutes - Scribed down my thoughts and plans, and recent setbacks too, along with my determination to get over them and be someone.
Definitely buddy. Trust me, once you start to practice it evryday after waking up an hour earlier, you will see those transformations in yourself that you want to see. Just stay consistent and keep fighting. There are no losers here, only winners.
Silence: Meditation for 10 while closing eyes + looking outside (by opening the window)
Affirmations: I am peace. I am calm. Nothing can hurt me. I’m brave and strong.
Visualization: Visualized how I will do things today
Exercise: Running for 15 minutes.
Reading: Didn’t read.
Journaling: Well I couldn’t do all the savers today as well (except 1). But I will be make sure to do all of them tomorrow. No excuses! I was greatfull that I had no urges today as well. Alhamdulillah fir everything.
I did my morning miracle routine, but again because of waking up late, I had to adjust timings for a bit-
Meditation- 10 min
Affirmations- 5 min
Visualization- 10 min
Reading- 10 min
Journalling- 5 min
Exercise- 40 min (Chest, shoulders)
Guys just wanted to share something with you.
This Life SAVERS practice is actually miraculous. I would think that it wodks for me only because of my character and attitude etc. But just to see if its worth, I gave the idea to a seriously depressed friend of mine. Its been few days, back then he would sleep at 4 am and wake up at 10, had no willingness or drive to do anything, would spend his days in negativity… Now within these few days, my friend is waking up at 4, sleeping at 9, working out, studying hard and is feeling completely content and happy. All of this within such a less amount of time.
Consequently when he told me about this today, I became very happy and felt like I could share it with others. I started with my mother and sister, and now I’m here sharing it with you. Guys, to any of you who is struggling, do this. It won’t mean you’ll stop struggling, but it’d mean that the process will become really simple for you to achieve your goals. Whether you participate in this challenge or not, try to incorporate these practices, just like you would study whether on not you’d participate in study challenge. Because it can really improve the level of your fulfillment, completeness and happiness.
I did everything today. But didn’t sleep last night, which has imoacted my studies for quite some time now. I am going to sleep now and from tomorrow, I’ll follow my schedule religiously. Hopefully I can sleep now.
Meditation- 10 min
Affirmations- 10 min
Visualization- 10 min
Reading-10 min
Journalling- 10 min
Exercise- 40 mins (Abs, core, running for 9 minutes).
30th August
Did well. Completed all the tasks for required time.
Meditation- 10 min
Affirmations- 10 min
Visualization- 10 min
Reading-10 min
Journalling- 10 min
Exercise- 30 minutes (Cardio, HIIT)
31st August
I messed up a bit, but thats ok. I still completed it somehow.
Meditation- 10 min
Affirmations- 4 min
Visualization- 4 min
Reading-20 min
Journalling- 05 min
Exercise- 40 mins (10min light yoga+ 9 minutes Running+ Light intensity strength training)
I woke up very late today, and so had to halve the timing.
Meditation- 5 min
Affirmations-5 min
Visualization- 5 min
Journaling- 5 min
Reading- 5 min
Exercise- 5 min running, nothing else.(Rest day)
Like every morning I have already completed my routine-
Exercise- 40 min (Chest, triceps, 10 min Running)
Meditation- 10 min
Affirmations- 5 min
Visualization- 10 min
Reading- 10 min
Journaling- 15 min
Yeah everything is fine
It’s just everyone keeps sleeping in the early morning and everything I usually do wakes up everybody so I meditate till they wake up.