
A few months ago, I could not go to bed before 2:00-3:00 AM and I could not get up before 11 AM, 12 PM, even 1 PM. It’s been like this for years

Now, I wake up at 4 AM!

The secret resides in a clear intention. Why do you want to wake up early?


Why do I want to wake up early?

  1. Waking up late makes me lazy. I don’t feel like fighting all day.

  2. I have to skip many chores because I wake up late.

  3. The spiritual one. 4 am is Brahma Muhurat. This is a pious time. Brain cells work at a faster rate at this time. This is the best time for praying meditating or studying.

And I have experience it many times. I was much more productive when I woke up early. Sometimes 3AM even. But the things changed when I visited my Nani’s house. There i slept late. Woke up late. She didn’t allowed to me to go outside early morning. So I found no use of waking up early. Because I need morning walks to freshen me up.

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Why is it important for you to be much more productive?

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I am a NEET exam aspirant. And I want to clear that. (Medical UG entrance exam)


For what reasons it is very important for you to pass this exam?


I want to be Independent. If I won’t clear this. My family would have to pay 50-60 lakhs. And that would be a burden on me. As others will always question my success. Even if I do anything they will say its all because of money. Idc abt the society but my family would also behave like that. Then I have to do what they say. The most important thing is. I will have to marry the girl they say. And I don’t wanna do that. The only way to escape this situation is to get a Medical Govt. Seat.

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And you belief that if you wake up early, you will drastically improve your chance to succeed?


All the best brother Mahesh for your exam.
Sleeping early and planning tomorrow before sleep helps a lot in getting up early.
Plan each hr of your day so as soon as get up you will know what topic you want to study.


Yeah. Waking up early will give me extra time.



So … If I understood correctly … Getting up early will drastically increase your chances of passing an important exam. By passing this exam, you will be free to live a life according to your wishes and marry a woman you truly love rather than having to marry your parents’ choice. You will also be the pride of your family and you will be able to help them financially.

This extra time that you would give yourself would quite simply allow you to be a free and fulfilled man.

You already had to get used to getting up early, so you are able to do it. And you know it!

So the question is: what time will you get up tomorrow?


Well U can also prefer late night studies . I usually study till 2-2:30 am and start my next day at 9:00am …
Welll but it is different for various people , like I have tried n number of times , and failed to wake up early lol .

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It doesn’t work. The productivity at 5 am is far more than at 2 am. Also I feel hungry then it lead to more fat. Late night studies don’t work for me.


I will wake up at 4.
I will wake up at 4.
I will wake up at 4.

(I read somewhere that tell yourself this when you are on bed. Maybe this helps?)

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Oh ok cool , everyone is different , I prefer late night :blush:


See you tomorrow at 4 AM! :muscle:


Brother, Initial days are always tough !,
Go look at the score-board of miracle morning 2020. Those people who are waking up early every single day were not even able to wake up early twice a week !
It’s the determination and not giving up attitude !
If you really wanna wake up, early you will do whatever you can to make it possible.
During the initial days, I experimented a lot
Waking up and start using phone, Listening to music to wake myself up.
Getting failed even I wake up but didn’t get out of bed.
and now something has finally worked for me !
The only thing which has helped me a lot is alarmy app !
I set up the alarm and the barcode is of my toothpaste in my washroom !
So, I get up, scan that and wash my face.
And I am awake.
You just don’t give up that You are not able to do it.
You are not a morning person and all that stuff !
Don’t let your mind fool you !
There is warrior inside all of us !
:muscle: :muscle: :fire:
Best of Luck brother !


I guess this challenge will have two winners !
:fire: :fire: :muscle:
Keep Going brother


:x: Day ~ 2
A productive day after all !

:watch: Day ~ 3

Will Not Give up !

Until I win :muscle: :fire:

@Tagore Brother, We have to make this our habit,
I challenge you to complete all your task tomorrow !
Good luck for it !


So hello @FlowForCourage Thanks man.

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Jan 18
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 11:20 - 7:00am (got up at 5 but again slept, may be bcoz of phone usage before sleep for 1hr)