The Mini Challenge

Some good fact for you. The day after i failed. I noticed alot of my hair falling out. It was a lot. Its getting better over time now and looking better. I truly believe masturbation has an effect here.


Is daily prayer effective…if it is I’ll going to do it

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I suggest @sourabhpatil9923 team up with @anon80614957 and support each other everyday for this week until Sunday :wink::+1::grin:

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@jasperpenaredondo hope the week is good, and we challenge each other again next week :fist: chat to you soon

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Today I still had edging this morning, I was in like autopilot mode but I did not relapse and I stopped myself. In the afternoon I had places to go so it passed with no drama, and my daily prayer helped me a lot in getting back on track. Now I’m feeling much better!

@anon67854825 how was your day? Thanks for the support, we will help each other and all other companions with our prayers! :pray: :muscle:

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@Gk-00 - I’m really glad to hear you’re still good :+1: it is always an awesome feeling seeing companions streaks rise!
I know the autopilot mode recently, but I’ve been too busy today :wink:

I rarely found time for excercises, though I’ll do push-ups if I’m making tea, or waiting for someone :smile:

I’ve stayed mindful and prayerful throughout my day, working with others and domestically. And managed to go to Church this morning :wink::+1:
I wanted to go to the gym, but we had a small social gathering instead. Beer & Thai food :grin:

Woke up to a trigger and relapsed. I’ve become so pathetically weak. I’m trusting his power will manifest more perfectly in this and therin lies my hope.

Action points:

  1. keep in step with the Spirit
  2. keep phone away from bed/ person when not using it for something productive.
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Hi @Forodwaith
Some words of encouragement ;
In-between work/study, please set your 2 ‘action points’ as your priority for everyday.
ie; What you focus on morning, noon and night, for the next 7days

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I kind of know what you mean but could you please be more concrete?

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I think your actions points are great.
I simply suggest reminding yourself throughout the day of them, for 7days.

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Today I struggled and I looked a couple of times. I’m not very busy these summer days so it certainly doesn’t help. Did not complete my daily prayer, i want to bounce back tomorrow! I did physical exercise at least.

Not happy with letting myself taking looks on the internet every now and then, I hope to get back on track before it gets worse, but if I don’t relapse I still consider it a half victory, because it is still better than my old habits!
Need to hold on for another day, tomorrow I will go on holiday for one week and I will not have time to think about that stuff, hope this time off will help me to rest my mind as well as my body!

@anon67854825 how is it going?

I may not be able to check in every day in the following week, but I will not disappear! :v: :slight_smile:

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@Gk-00 That’s great - I hope you have a nice time. I like the your attitude :+1:
On the brightside we are saying “no” to ‘its’ face. And I feel my mind sharpening up - my day has been really similar - minus a couple of mishaps but with the will to resolve and choose to say “no” - I’d say is a triumph :gem:

A couple of short ‘eros’ moments today, in my head/phone/pc, preceded by dealing with ‘things’… ‘other people’s problems(?)’… ‘mine(?)’ etcetera…
‘excuses to seek comfort’…


I didn’t exercise much today, only about 15/20 pressups (but the habit is sticking) went to church in the morning, worked-struggled, choir, but generally had a prayerful day, and positive day in hindsight.

Awesome! Of course anybody is welcome to join :smile::+1:

@jasperpenaredondo @rielias2333

The Rules
Give each of yourselves an achievable challenge for 7 days and @tag each other every day :wink::+1:

I’m one day into the journey and I’m getting tempted here and there. I need to remind myself 1) keep in step with the Spirit and 2) keep my phone on it’s place, away from me

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Hello, how was your day and your challenge?.

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@Forodwaith I’m going to do the same :+1:
Keep in the spirit and keep phone away, only for practical things - and then put it away.

Your comment came to my mind a couple of times today, and I’m all good :wink:
Let’s keep supporting each other at this attitude :pray:

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@PatrickJ, I couldn’t post here because of busy days plus I have been trying to cut short my internet usage. I have faithfully completed my challenges for the last three days. I meditated. I did not relapse and got over 9 hours of studying each day. Just feeling accountable to the group has helped me a lot :grin:.
How are you doing?

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I would love to be join if there was a scoreboard

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@BruceLee sorry I’m not going to add a scoreboard for this challenge - but anyone is welcome to create their own within their posts.

I want to keep the main rules, basic ;
Time frame + @tagging = goal/support
(new habit for 7 days + with companion)

Anything else is welcome~
You could ;

  • Challenge 2 different companions with 2 different challenges.
  • Create your own scoreboard, with personal targets, emojis.

It could be progressive, as a

  • daily, weekly scoreboard.
  • fixed ‘edit’ scoreboard, you either create for the [duration of the challenge] /Or for [all personal challenges] between you and your companion(s)
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