The Mini Challenge

When I mentioned softcore and unmonitored I meant a now TV box I have which has access to youtube. I don’t think I can install software to monitor or block that somehow, I could either block YouTube entirely on router but I don’t want to do that and the landlord uses the box for YouTube so there will always be access to unmonitored devices eg you or I could go buy a cheap unmonitored internet connected device (tablet or phone) or go into a newsagents like in the days before the internet been there done that and that was because I’d blocked myself from using the internet at home Crazy!
So like you say block the unhelpful thoughts that’s the key


@Forerunner your latest video made me chuckle could be your funniest to date? 500 Terrabytes of DNA data? What a waste that’s like 500 of my backup hard drives in DNA…!
Masturbation is wasteful I believe although arguably so are wet dreams and sex with contraception would be too I suppose; except at least if you’re having wet dreams you are on the path to recovery and sex might deplete energy but it’s a bonding experience that God designed and intended for two people in life long covenant I believe.
I’m personally not convinced about the idea of sexual transmutation or complete semen retention as I believe God designed us to have sex within the limits I described why else have sexual organs? For decorative purposes? Or pointless self pleasure…?
No not for meaningless self pleasuring I think we are all agreed on that at least.
So like you say in your video the problem for all of us is Porn and how that leads to compulsive masturbation, addiction, inflamed sexual desire, lack of self control, lack of purpose, lack of direction and goals, lack of energy, depression, increased loneliness, shame, guilt , time wasting, hopelessness and a downward spiral… could go on but having said all of this our problem is maybe this in spite of knowing all of this… damn it I still want to.
I still want to pmo on some level, I still enjoy it just being honest.
But No I choose not to
I choose a better life
I choose long term benefits over fleeting addictive pleasures


@anon67854825 Solid productive day - hope the sweet treat was enjoyed :+1: :grin:

@EmeraldArcher Glad to see how great your mood was! Hope there are more days like that ahead!

@Rebooter81 Yeah brother, it’s crazy the lengths we will go to; at times it almost feels like we’re powerless to resist that pull. Maintaining purity in our thought life is key and blocking out those thoughts; that’s something I’m still working towards.

Glad you appreciated the video! Yeah, I agree with you - Isaac Newton can keep his lifelong semen retention :smile: Powerful honesty, I can definitely relate to that. It’s been a part of our lives for a really long time, like a friend who always gives the worst advice, but is still ever present.


:writing_hand: 5-Minute Journal: :white_check_mark:
:briefcase: Work on Business Projects: :white_check_mark:
:memo: Planning the Day: :white_check_mark:
New habit - :green_salad: Healthy Eating: :x:

New video - Let’s Talk about Hard Mode!
What’s the difference between easy, normal and hard mode? Should I go for semen retention?
What about if I’m married/in a relationship?
How do I recover faster?
Questions like these and more answered here! :grin:



@Forodwaith @Gk-00
Thanks @Forerunner I bought some Kulfi - nothing too extravagant - I look forward to watching some more of your videos to keep me sharp.

I have lots of thoughts that come at the moment - I’d like to share, motivate and give advise, but I feel like I need to keep cooling off.

I have my moments throughout the day, I feel/think, believe those little nuggets of wisdom gradually settle and become part of me.

Challenges done today, though there was a dip in energy, and I didn’t start any new admin jobs, but that said, I stayed up late and worked on something I’ve been meaning to do for a while.

I want to get this backlog of admin finished, or at least underway.
Use the gym for some light exercise, as my back isn’t right at the moment, and chill in the steam room.
All else, I want to wing-it, be attentive, ready & able to be adaptable to the plans of others.

Thanks be to God for today :pray:


:dagger: Day 13 :dagger: | Clean 33 Days

:pause_button: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:white_check_mark: Single 25m Pomodoro: around 5 hours [Online Businesses]

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:white_check_mark: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s)
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 7
:moneybag: Total Coins: 83
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 0
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 65

:couple:Benefits: :blush:
:performing_arts:Mood: :blush:
:fire:Productivity: :blush:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation :blush:



A ‘meh’ kinda day today.
Didn’t do church this morning as I had to take the dog to the vets, I subsequently didn’t get up straight away and missed the appointment :man_facepalming:t2::joy:

Admin and work related tasks - sorted!
though I wasn’t thorough and may have missed a couple of less important things.

Gym/steam room and ate well today, but could’ve eaten earlier in the day - as I skipped breakfast and had a late lunch.

Eat well,
Admin and work - start something new,

Work towards - something like a 5 year plan, 1 year plan, monthly, and weekly - I want to create a break-down list of goals within a time frame.
Write down what is important to me and take steps in that direction.

Sleep earlier.

Thanks be to God :pray:
Keep me safe,
Keep me listening, seeking you,
Please keep giving me little signs of assurance to replace my idlemindedness


:dagger: Day 14 :dagger: | Clean 34 Days

:white_check_mark: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:white_check_mark: Single 25m Pomodoro: around 3 hours [Online Businesses]

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:white_check_mark: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s)
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 8
:moneybag: Total Coins: 91
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 3
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 68

:couple:Benefits: :smiley:
:performing_arts:Mood: :slightly_smiling_face:
:fire:Productivity: :smiley:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation: :smiley:


:dagger: Day 15 :dagger: | Clean 35 Days

:pause_button: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:white_check_mark: Single 25m Pomodoro: around 2-3 hours [Online Businesses]

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:white_check_mark: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s)
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 7
:moneybag: Total Coins: 98
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 3
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 71

:couple:Benefits: :blush:
:performing_arts:Mood: :smiley:
:fire:Productivity: :blush:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation: :slightly_smiling_face:


I would like to participate with just two habits for now:

  • Study at least 3 hours everyday
  • Go to bed before 1.00 AM
1 Like

Day Five

Influenza has kept me away from here and from relapse. I’m praying this jump start on a reboot will serve me well in seeing it finish.

Still recovering.

Peace brothers.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00 @Forerunner

1 Like

:dagger: Day 16 :dagger: | Clean 36 Days

:white_check_mark: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:pause_button: Single 25m Pomodoro: Taking 1 week vacation for long awaited Pokemon go event + I’ve been working my ass off, so I’ve earned it[Online Businesses]

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:pause_button: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s) - on hold as well for 1 week
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 6
:moneybag: Total Coins: 104
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 0
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 71

:couple:Benefits: :blush:
:performing_arts:Mood: :blush:
:fire:Productivity: :smiley:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation: :smiley:

1 Like


@Forodwaith @Gk-00
@Forerunner @Rebooter81

90 days reboot monk mode - so I will be limiting phone usage massively


@anon67854825 GOD bless you on this new journey, my friend! Monk mode! salute


Progress of today:

  • Study at least 3 hours everyday :x:

  • Go to bed before 1.00 AM :x:

  • No PMO :white_check_mark:

I was close but not enough. I will try to do better tomorrow.

1 Like

:dagger: Day 17 :dagger: | Clean 37 Days

:pause_button: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:white_check_mark: Single 25m Pomodoro: Worked for over 4 hours. Will be updating this challenge tomorrow to reflect my new work schedule I came up with.[Online Businesses]

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:negative_squared_cross_mark: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s)
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.
:white_check_mark: 10 mins before bed, no lights. Jot note journalling of utmost important thoughts only.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 7
:moneybag: Total Coins: 111
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 0
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 71

:couple:Benefits: :blush:
:performing_arts:Mood: :blush:
:fire:Productivity: :blush:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation: :smiley:

1 Like

What are the details of money mode?

Day Six

I want a new decade and a new me. I’m hoping these will be the first 90 days of that.

Peace brothers.

@anon67854825 @Gk-00 @Forerunner

1 Like

Thanks @Forerunner @Forodwaith
Hope you guys are well @Gk-00 @Rebooter81

Monk mode = no-pmo/no-media
This app is also media, so monk mode is the practice of restraint and complete faith in God :pray:


Progress of today:

  • Study at least 3 hours everyday :white_check_mark: :
  • Go to bed before 1.00 AM :x:
  • No PMO :white_check_mark:
1 Like

:dagger: Day 18 :dagger: | Clean 38 Days

:white_check_mark: Shower every 2 days
:white_check_mark: Listen to 5 songs
:white_check_mark: Focused while staying on task work schedule (apps/website(s)/blog depending on day)

:white_check_mark: Remember afternoon med
:negative_squared_cross_mark: Update any WP plugins & post 1+ Udemy coupon(s)
:white_check_mark: No arugment with hunny.
:white_check_mark: 10 mins before bed, no lights. Jot note journalling of utmost important thoughts only.

:white_check_mark: Mini-challenge/90 Day Hero Check-in
:white_check_mark: Today’s Jan Telegram Check-in, etc…

:moneybag: Coins Received: 8
:moneybag: Total Coins: 119
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Coins Recieved: 0
:rabbit2: Study Bunny Est. Total Net Worth: 71

:couple:Benefits: :blush:
:performing_arts:Mood: :smiley:
:fire:Productivity: :blush:
:bath:t3:Proper Relaxation: :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

5 = day 3 -
I feel like I’m in a swamp of urges right now.
Yep, a swamp :neutral_face: :thinking: but there’s vines and branches to pull me out

10 =?
20 =?
40 =?
60 =?
90 =?

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