The Mini Challenge


@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner

All good. Spent the morning doing some light work, and did some physical exercise. In the afternoon studied at the library.
Went to Confession this evening, new energy for this new streak :pray:

@anon67854825 I have the habit of praying the Rosary while walking when I need to go somewhere, it is a way to put every day my worries, my good intentions, family and friends and everything else in the hands of God! Unfortunately, in those days when I do not have a lot to do or I stay at home many times I end up not praying it due to laziness or because I end up forgetting it, that’s something I can definitely improve on :muscle:



Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake up by 6AM: :white_check_mark: :
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:



How are you, my dear Rewire pals?
@Rebooter81 @Forerunner
@Forodwaith @Gk-00

Prayer = Mass this morning :dove: I prayed for your success with your thesis and university :pray:
Media = limited :+1:
Exercise = push-ups + Tai Chi :+1:
Social = Have things to look forward to :wink:
And enjoy the little dialogues online.
(new = practice piano scales, though I’m not a pianist) :pray:

@Gk-00 That is a wonderful way to keep a routine of prayer :wink::dove: I will try it too.

I’m not sure I’m ready for a new challenge, but ;
Being activated/switched on/deep/aware/

Somethings I did recently;-
Attractive female walks by, there was an urge to look, but kept my gaze firmly ahead with some delight - it feels like good training.
It felt like the essence of nofap, at least related.
-though I saw a comment in the message board, “if you don’t touch yourself, you won’t fap” :joy::+1:

Friend starts to be provoking/testing,
Listened with intent, noticed where I wanted to respond and kept silence, with no need to worry.

A sidenote about how I see the mini-challenge;
It’s not about how much we do, or don’t do, but counting all the blessings, and achievements that do happen each day.
There’s always a positive way of looking at things.

Thank be to God for today, and for all the blessings, visible and invisible :pray:


Wednesday/Week 48

:white_check_mark: 3/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 3/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 3/7 Meditation
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 1/7 Exercise


Hey there brother. Saw your video. I am really glad to see all the progress that you have made with this streak, with your personality and with your attitude towards life in general. You people have pioneered in bringing progress and light to this community - that we need not feel ashamed of ourselves and our addiction and that there’s nothing bad in longing for affection and connection. That we need to feel free, with our heads held high instead of punishing ourselves for relapses and being tormented by depression . That we need to have pride at the fact that we are tirelessly trying to improve our lives. Not many can claim the same. Our community definately need to be applauded for trying and for persevering.
As you said - we indeed need a solid plan as a foundation on which we will build our lives back as we progress through our streak. The fact that we can fall wouldn’t dishearten us then because we’ll be busy filling the void left by pmo with hobbies, feelings and goals. And before long we’ll find ourselves free of chains. Only to find that this time our freedom isn’t defined by the number of free days we’ve secured but in terms of how close we have come to the self that we desperately wanted to be our entire lives.
I feel like I have developed a deeper understanding of what it means to be truly free by looking at streaks such as yours and of Special_Bird’s , more than what can be expressed in words. I believe that the community will learn this too and accept itself with much more love than it allows itself as of now . Peace.


Thanks for asking. I relapsed a couple of days so and an struggling this morning so came here to post for accountability/support. I think it’s important to meet it at least a week this time although certainly hoping for longer than that.


@MrXYZ Thank you for that beautiful reflection brother.

You’ve said it all! Nothing I can add to that.

@anon67854825 Nice new challenges!

@Forodwaith Well done in coming to the community for support! Praying for you to make it through that week.


Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake up by 6AM: :white_check_mark: :
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:



@Forodwaith @Gk-00 @Forerunner @Rebooter81 @BruceLee @Rohitash

Hoping you guys are well.
Glad to hear from you Forodwaith :pray:

I always hope we are doing well in our journeys, finding our specific tools, finding God in everything :pray::dove: Amen.

Prayer :+1:
Though I felt zonked and too tired to go this morning, I didn’t let it stop me :pray:
Pmo/NoPMO does not own/rule my prayer life, God alone rules it all.

Exercise = 0

Media = I spent about an hour practicing piano scales whilst watching Forerunner’s videos on YouTube. It made me laugh, cry and felt understood in my thoughts & experiences.

-That little voice that doesn’t care about our health, our mind, our soul, it just wants dopamine, the main source-

Today I’d been tricked by it a couple of times, into thinking about real sex, followed by the usual; Questions, debates…
That voice doing anything to take me back.

I’ve often said/thought;
Actually we don’t have to feel sh*tty after a relapse.
While I think that’s true, and we must keep our head/heart up;
There is definitely residual weight, doubts, questions the days after.
As if that voice were an army that has won some battle ground.

Like Forerunner said, we can’t hide away from it in the corner, it just gets louder, we must face it head on and tell it who is The Boss!

Yep, it has been a struggle today, but I escaped it’s clutches unscathed.
It wasn’t a fight, just apathy :pray:
I really want to tame it.
I want to be like a good parent who knows how to raise their offspring.

Attentiveness = there was some.

I almost forgot my other challenge I set myself.
Once a week serious reflection about this journey = I’ve been doing a little chipping away at it today.

Plans? I don’t really have one :thinking:
What are yours?
Action plans? How to deal with it?
Reasons? I have a couple.

1 plan - I need to work harder at this, and put sometime aside devoted to this :pray:
Please Lord, help me.

Anyway, sleep well guys and have a good day.

Thanks be to God for today :pray:



@anon67854825 @Forodwaith @Forerunner

All good. Spent my day working at university, as usual. I had a fall before going to bed, I put myself into trouble again, I really need to not let my guard down if I want to do this, be aware of which situations I should avoid. Phone in bed is a no-go :rofl:

Let’s stay humble, Lord everything is in your hands :pray:


Thursday/Week 48

:white_check_mark: 4/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 4/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 4/7 Meditation
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 1/7 Exercise


@anon67854825 :green_heart::pray:t4:


Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake Up Before 6 AM: :x:
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:



@Gk-00 @Forodwaith
@Forerunner @Rebooter81

How are you my friends?
You’re not alone in this :pray:

I have my priests and you guys.
I need your companionship in this too.

What are your plans and strategies?

Mine so far; in idle moments - avoid phone morning/(noon?)/night.
And in moments like now (not led by the spirit) be ready to switch-off/walk-away.

Where are there weak points in your armour?

I think the point, isn’t too make a big long list, but find time to dwell on a few.

Exercise = :+1: push-ups, and took my mate to the steam room

Prayer = even if I don’t go to Mass, nor make conscious effort to pray, I can Thank God for today :+1::pray:

Attentive = a couple of times.

Yes, women look hot, it’s nothing new - I know it very very well.

Yes, my friend’s habits can be annoying - what’s more annoying is my reluctance to accept reality, and ‘get-over-it-already’ :joy::pray:

Media = shakey/with lingering thoughts.
It’s true - a relapse doesn’t feel terrible, BUT, the enemy has won some battle ground.
So, Yes, relapses/peeks are always terrible :pray:

side note ~
@krishvamsi30 that video;
I must have watched it 7 times now :joy:
It’s hilariously helpful :wink::+1:

Journey = thank you again @Forerunner
What you say I’m taking to heart :pray::dove:

Thank you Lord for today :pray:



@Forerunner @anon67854825 @Forodwaith

Today was a mixed day. Got some work done in the morning, did some physical exercises as well. In the afternoon had another relapse, I felt again in the clutches of my addiction.

In the evening I went to Mass and found a priest to go to Confession, I am so happy I did it, I felt alive again, not ashamed of my sin anymore but worthy of love and forgiveness, Lord your mercy is great! :pray:

Had dinner with a bunch of friends after Church, we had a good time. I wish to be more outgoing and chatty with people, sometimes I feel a bit dull on social situations, I think I need to get out of my comfort zone more often!


Friday/Week 48

:white_check_mark: 5/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 5/7 Affirmations
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 4/7 Meditation
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 1/7 Exercise


Up early because I’m working today it’s ok I’ve had a few days off and after work my gym bag is packed and ready. Ready for some serious cardio so the exercise is helping my mood. Acc2u software is helping because my friend who holds me accountable is also part of my online bible group which I’m behind on but I see him at church most weeks point being that he is watching and holding me accountable in a positive way and this is helping at least for now. Mustn’t get complacent though or dwell on any sexual thoughts so far so good but I’m aware of my weakness.
Hope everyone is doing well and picking themselves straight back up when they fall/if they fall.
Blessings RebooterBoy81


In my experience failing to porn draws me into myself and makes relating to others more difficult yet another reason to resist
blessings rbtr


I pray you guys are all doing well.

@anon67854825 Delighted to see the questions you’re asking! I’m pressed for time, but I’ll answer in full tomorrow LORD willing. Warning: long post ahead!


Morning Routine: :white_check_mark:
Wake Up Before 6 AM: :x:
Three Important Tasks: :white_check_mark:

Last day of #NoPornNovember! Very special video recorded today, to be uploaded soon!



Thank you @Forerunner :pray:
But please don’t burden yourself for my sake :pray:

How are you guys?
@Rebooter81 @Forodwaith @Gk-00

Religious/spiritual retreat today.

I had to get up earlier than usual,
set my alarm for an hour earlier,
but as usual, woke up before my alarm :thinking:

if I set it another hour earlier, will I still wake up before my alarm?

A very reassuring day, with great talks, highlighting thoughts from past month or so.
After a while the talks went on for too long for me.

Prayer = prayed for you guys + @Rohitash

Prayer was difficult - I didn’t have spiritual strength, nor much vigour.

I didn’t go to confession.
It’s difficult to put it into words right now, as it’s quite late - and needs more reflection.

Confession/Spiritual-direction/reflection is going to have to be a ‘new’ challenge if I’m without pmo-falls :pray:

Along with; This Journey & Attentiveness

Exercise = press-ups.

Social = it was.
Met some people I hadn’t seen for ages from my old small parish church out of town, before I started attending my local church regularly.

Media = After getting home, everything looking slightly different as it happens when being somewhere else. I felt tired, lay on my bed and became idle on my phone, so I went and took a long bath :+1:

Attentive = played music, transposed - need attention for that :+1:
Thoughts, words, deeds? I could do better :pray:

Thanks be to God for today :pray:

1 Like

Saturday/Week 48

:white_check_mark: 6/7 Wake up 5:00
:white_check_mark: 6/7 Affirmations
:white_check_mark: 5/7 Meditation
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 1/7 Exercise


I relapsed early this morning and feel terrible for it. I didn’t just it through my first week. I was encouraged by the thought to tell my relapse where to go and put it and the habit in it’s place.

*Sigh when will I change? When will I live the dream I am? Now, from the :fountain: of God’s love and peace l presence within me.