The Mini Challenge

Friday - day 1

@Ankur_Chawla Completed my praying challenge! All good


What day are we now? :joy:

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@Gk-00 Good job!

I, on the other hand, was feeling down yesterday and so just watched a movie (The Young Offenders) to cheer me up. I’m gonna use my laptop from now onwards for my studies and will try to keep my entertainment usage less than two hours.

BTW, you keep it up and maintain your streak.

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Rewire day 365
Check-in day 272
Early riser 14 or 15, maybe 16
Mini challenge day 2 (?)
Streak Day 4 (mentally = 0 - 10,000) :joy:

Seriously though, let’s keep at this! :fist:
I realise even Rewire app can be an addiction

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it’s satuday here, so Day 3 of 7? :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Treat it as day 2 :+1::wink:

Day 2/7

Challenge completed! Busy day, this evening I relaxed a bit :+1:

@Ankur_Chawla how was your day?


Saturday Day 2/7

(not sure Rebooter81 or Forodwaith are joining the challenge, but it’s okay - in their own time)

Had a busy work day so not much time to
Enter-the-net, but when I did, I studied fragrances :joy: - I read into Milton Lloyd dupes (clones) and took notes. They do some very good, very inexpensive frags. The Man Silver is an excellent clone of Kouros :+1::grin:

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oh men, I was tweaking in settings amd tried clicking the start a fresh, it deleted all my data… Oh my… I didn’t know that :tired_face: … Now I can’t see my progress… But still I will continue this journey… Sigh

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Maybe you can set last relapse to the correct date?

But always best not to worry about it bro, you know where you’re at :wink::+1:


Day 2/7

@Gk-00. I watched another movie(Kagemusha) today. I need to stop watching movies but I always justify it as a better alternative to gorging click-bait videos on YouTube. Gym’s closed today as well. I had ordered the book “20000 streets under the sky” on Amazon which I will receive tomorrow. I plan to drastically reduce my screen time and increase time spent on my reading.



Day 3 - daily prayer challenge completed today!
Unfortunately I had a couple of moments of weakness in the afternoon and I watched Instagram pages… But no relapse


Sunday 3/7

I had a few seconds of inappropriate YouTube this morning, but clicked off, and got on with the day. Later, briefly used the net for hobby, and of course Rewire.

@anon67854825 sorry for the late reply! Now I’m on vacation in Europe and I have not had internet these days, so I’ll rest like 15 days of the app and then I’ll come back. But I wish you the best in this challenge!! Come on! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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I want to join too. Whom can I join ?
My daily goal is to study a minimum of 8 hrs.

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Day 4

Did not reach my goal of 30 minutes of prayer today. Busy day of studying for an exam, but i also had a bit of a look at inappropriate things, it made me lose time. I want to do better tomorrow!


Had a good working day, used the net a little today, but with purpose. I looked briefly with curiosity to lust, but moved on and spent time finding aromatherapy oils. Bought a bunch quite cheaply and look forward to experimenting with them for well-being. I’ll have to buy or make a suitable case for them.
I’ve built up a nice collection of perfume oils from ebay too, Versace Eau Fraiche / Pour Homme / Nasomatto / Tom Ford, to name a few.
Smells are having a positive impact on my general mood - maybe I’ll start blending and become a perfumer as a hobby :smile:
Another busy work day tomorrow - really want to work hard and visit the gym.

@MrXYZ you can always companion with me if nobody else comes forward - don’t want to leave you hanging in limbo :smile:

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Thanks for the consideration @anon67854825 :blush:.

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Tuesday morning
@jasperpenaredondo @MrXYZ
Internet is leisure for me (Google, YouTube, ebay)
Today I won’t use it, use Rewire sparingly, and report back this evening.


@anon67854825, I studied for around 12-14 hours yesterday. And that was because I had an exam today :grin:. I am trying to blend in the same dedication and effort into my daily routine. Day 1 completed.