The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Awesome to see others on the forum really taking success seriously. You definitely have to be ready to actually follow through. I mean, everybody wants success.

For me personally, I started to make a concious effort after I lost my job on Jan 4 2015.

But, it wasnā€™t until I got connected well in the health care system here, got the income support I needed, finally got the proper medication and got out of debt until I made real change.

Big change started to happen after the proper medication got put into place in September 2018. But, it wasnā€™t until Summer 2019 I REALLY started kicking ass. Summer 2019 I finally started to consider myself successful.

Even though I was still on disability income support and still am. Success is mostly a mindset. Give that mindset time and your finances will increase drastically.

Finaces are just 1 point, and usually the only point people consider when thinking of success.

From a book I read called ā€œThe Miracle Morningā€ by Hal Elrod, it claimed there are 10 aspects of success and I found it hard to disagred. Iā€™ll post a pic if I can find it.

But, I was already successful in the happiness department, same with family and significant other. Mind you, these werenā€™t level 10 yet as the book implies, but they were all at least solid 5-6 after summer 2019.


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Reporting day 11

One affirmation - I am back in control.

I am thankful for - Staying positive.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3

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:hammer_and_wrench: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 61

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Barriers are only imaginative.
:pray: Grateful for: Free healthcare. Cut my right pinky nuckle pretty bad on glass while doing the dishes. The full story is in my last person standing post for today.
:white_check_mark: Another productive and clean day!
:thinking: Number of thoughts: 3
:frowning: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2


Day 20 (+4)

:gem: Affirmation - I am happy and SUCCESSFUL.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - :warning: Slip detected, no relapse! :slightly_smiling_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 4, 11


:hammer_and_wrench: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 62

:yin_yang:Affirmation: I thank my inner flame that burns strong which helps me achieve success each day.
:pray: Grateful for: Still very grateful for free healthcare with skilled and kind nurses. My spiritual wife for meeting me half way when we were communicating today about politics and understanding that Iā€™m trying my best to not interrupt her. I try not to talk about politics, itā€™s a show put on to keep the people stupid & think they have a say. Best to never watch news or shorten your life by caring about politics. Instead, itā€™s much better to find a way to succeed no matter what any laws, taxes, permits any government throws at you. Thatā€™s real success in not blaming the gov for why youā€™re brokeā€¦
:white_check_mark: Another productive and clean day!
:thinking: Number of thoughts: 1
:frowning: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

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Day 30 (183)

Affirmation: Porn was created to destroy Masculinity and subjugate Femininity.

Gratitude: I am grateful for being back on the schedule for my hobbies and stuff again

Urges: Two so far, best em both.

Progress: Just starting the work day.


Makes a lot of good points. Like every other video. Isnt it SUCH a coincidence that all this stuff happening to men and suchā€¦well, aint it weird that Porn started coming around that time? Divorce rates, health and mental issues, etc. Conspiracy, maybe?


Reporting day 13

One affirmation - If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy.

I am thankful for - Choosing the hard path.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3

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Day 21 (+5)

:gem: Affirmation - I am happy and SUCCESSFUL.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - No slip, no relapse! :slightly_smiling_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 4, 10

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:lion: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 63

:yin_yang:Affirmation: I accept that doing my best actually is the best option to a. become successful, b. find/achieve/maintain happiness and c. is actually the most efficient way to work & use of my time. I accept that by focusing on trying to be efficient I actually waste more time dwelling on the fact that Iā€™m not being efficient and beat myself up because of it. That is why Iā€™m now proud that my best is the path to success!
:white_check_mark: Another productive and clean day!
:thinking: Number of thoughts: 1
:frowning: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

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Day 22 (+6)

:gem: Affirmation - I am happy and SUCCESSFUL.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - No slip, no relapse! :smiley:
:gem: Urges Defeated, Practices Completed - 3, 10


Reporting day 14

One affirmation - Life is great.

I am thankful for - Delayed gratification.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3


Day 31 (184)

Affirmation: NoFao does bot mean you will never see temptations again; It hust means that when they do come, you will not give in.

Gratitude: I did not relapse when some jackass decides to out NSFW stuff on my favorite Reddit Subs. Seriously, Anti Porn subs got them trolls constantly putting stuff up. No matter, close the pic or scroll past it.

Urges: as mentioned above. Sall good, life goes on and I dont PMO.

Progress: Weekend work. Killing it! Good stuff! Lets keep at it.

Notes: remember, om this path you will Still stumble across triggers and NSFW stuff. Accept that reality. Even if you live out in the woods or at a temple for the rest of your life, these things will happen. Every day is a tightknit battle against the primal desires that the ā€œDeep Stateā€ or the shadow groups use to control ya. A sedated man is an easily controlled man. See the many admirers of Cam girls and Twitch streamers. Fight the urge and continue. Brush off the triggers and live. It gets better. Promise.

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Great to hear your progress!

What are you doing for weekend work/killing it? Iā€™m doing the same with following income schoolā€™s project 24 blog course, passive income from fiverr, have been into android app dev using app builders for 2 months, and just getting into redbubble.

I know the most successful say focus on 1-2 things and be the best you can be in that niche. However, while my Iā€™m truly focusing on my blog, fiverr is already built (have some 1 time tasks to do but no biggie, and android app dev/red bubble are more experimenting.

Just interested in what youā€™re pursuing if entrepreneurship at all, maybe even an online hustle like myself.

I was probably overexaggerating. Regardless, I was referring to the plethora of work I have to do, such as preparing for a TDY, MMA, Working out and trying to lose weight, taxes, NoFap, meditation, etc. Could do better, but I am grateful for being in an alright position.

I wouldnā€™t say youā€™re overexaggerating. Had to Google TDY. Sounds like you are indeed killing it. Mine is mostly mental work, I mean I do try and get my 10k steps in per day but thatā€™s pretty much my only exercise.

Youā€™re killing it at both physical and mental work. Good job! Donā€™t under sell yourself. I know thatā€™s something I personally have to work on.

Different paths, but both following our dreams and focusing on achieving happiness above all else. Sounds like we must be doing something right.

:lion: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 64

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Always value doing my best each day vs. pushing myself to be efficient then beating myself up for never reaching unrealistic expectations.
:white_check_mark: Another productive and clean day!
:thinking: Number of thoughts: 3
:frowning: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2


:bow_and_arrow: Day 23 (+7)

:lion: Affirmation - I am happy and SUCCESSFUL.
:innocent: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help I receive from God and friends.
:white_check_mark: Progress - No slip, no relapse! :smiley:
:martial_arts_uniform: Urges Defeated, Practices Completed - 5, 10


Reporting day 15

One affirmation - I am living a more balanced life.

I am thankful for - Letting go of my addictions.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 3


Day 32 (185)

Affirmation: Storms will pass. As Eric Thomas once said, you are either approaching a storm, in a storm, or just leaving a storm

Gratitude: grateful for the hard times. Those times where I thought I wasnt gonna get through it. Well guess what: I DID survive and I DID get through it. It made me stronger, it made me better. I learnt, I grew!

Urges: none, was driving a majority of the time.

Progress: Gonna be a big week.

Notes: hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Easy times make weak men; weak men make hard times. 'Nuff said


:lion: Heroā€™s Day Streak: 65

:yin_yang:Affirmation: Iā€™m killinā€™ it!
:white_check_mark: Another productive and clean day!
:thinking: Number of thoughts: 3
:frowning: Number of urges: 0
:martial_arts_uniform: Number of practices: 2

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