The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Rise again, hero @Backincontrol!

Remember this commitment brother. Allow no amount of stress to be an excuse to relapse. Donā€™t choose the path of self-destruction anymore.

The practice is essential. I read the book that this method is from back in 2016, but I continued to relapse because I hadnā€™t practised and made defeating urges a habit. When strong urges came, I went back to trying to resist them with willpower, and eventually I always chose to go back to PMO rather than bear the urge. 10 practices a day take me less than 10-15 minutes to complete, and the method is a firm habit now. I use it just to dismiss thoughts about women, as @Wyatt is doing successfully with his mantras. There is no room for any urge to form.

Thereā€™s no elimination in this challenge, my friend. Youā€™re most welcome to join again and come back stronger.


@Wyatt Thank you brother. I completed a 24 hour dry fast. Iā€™m really interested in learning more about these benefits - where can I go to get more information?

@ncubeanelem Very pleased to see you getting back up again brother! You can do this - keep going!

Check-in Day 13 (Day 193 hard mode with GODā€™s Help)
:white_check_mark: One affirmation: I am full of confidence.
:pray:t5: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: I am thankful that Iā€™m appreciated.
:shower: Progress for the day: Another day free and clean!
:exploding_head: Number of urges: 0
:person_fencing: Number of practices: 10+

New video - The Top 5 Barriers to Success


Guys, I have a doubtā€¦ Whether NoFap alone helps us to get success in Life. How long will it take to change our life. I am in No PMO Hard Mode but still not able to getting into the track of Successā€¦ I am not doing things regularlyā€¦ Whether NoFap helps to change these kind of Basic characteristics because of Dopamine and allā€¦

Those who are fapping, their mind gets satisfied with the achievement they get BY FAPPING and their mind will not push hard by ITSELF to move on towards success because the Dopamine associated with the brain would get satisfied with the achievement they get from fappingā€¦

But for those who doesnā€™t Fap, the dopamine would be there in the brain and the brain is looking for an achievement in Life. As the brain cannot feel the achievement of fapping, it will drive us automatically to move on towards the urge of Success in Life.
This is what i got from web, when i googledā€¦

But this doesnā€™t happen to me Why? Do i still need more time like a year or so in PMO Hard mode, to make my Brain wired towards success?

Guys ! Any thoughts on this?

@Forerunner : Brother ! Apart from the videos on NoFap. If you can find time time, can you please do some research on how to wire our brain towards success when we practice Celibacy / Brahmacharya / No PMO hard mode by some practices we have to do everyday? and share it with us/ in your Videos / In your YouTube channel?.

I believe strongly apart from NoFap rewiring our brain towards success is very important during this phase.


I am totally agreeing with youā€¦ Believing the will power is totally useless regarding the practice of NoFap. We canā€™t achieve it without mental purityā€¦ This is what i learnt from my past experience.



Brother! Please refer this.


Thank you, friend. Iā€™ll keep going forward.

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Day 1

Affirmation - I am healthy.
Thankful for - life.
Report for the day - clean day.
Urges - 0

of the things that lead me to relapse are:
1, staying late after 11:00, I am going to sleep before 10, tops 10:30
2, staying on bed after waking up in the morning, I am going to make my bed Immediately after I woke up


I did this Yesterday.

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At day 12 I relapsed
Current Streak: 7 days
Highest Streak : (20 days 3 years ago)
I was ashamed to come back to this challengeā€¦ Thanks @Forerunner orerunner for helping me coming back to the communityā€¦
I know I am not alone.

Sharing Code: hbfj3h


:golf: Todayā€™s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 86 Happy days WITH GODā€™S HELP
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am Very intelligent beyond the human capability

:pushpin: Things youā€™re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god for giving me the intelligence which is humanly not possible

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary:
A normal day with zero urges


:gem: Affirmation - I am a hero. I am a winner. I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :slightly_smiling_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 2, 10


DAY :two:

  • One affirmation - I can live and be happy without PMO in my life.
  • One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life - The opportunity to fix my life.
  • Progress for the day - Free and clean day.
  • Number of urges defeated/practices completed - I had an urge yesterday and practised at least 5x.

Being tempted is natural and I should not feel guilty about it or fear that I might relapse. It is acting on the urge that wil break me, but I will not, because I have power over the urge.


Hi @Wyatt. I think practising NoFap and succeeding in it shows that you have the power to do anything you want because you have mastered self-discipline over your sexual desires. Your true interests now match with your behaviours, and thatā€™s a lot! You now have a competitive edge over people who are failing to discipline their own actions.

I also think NoFap on itā€™s own isnā€™t the only ingredient for achieving success in your life, but it is definitely essential. As you say, practising NoFap motivates us to seek success. It is building good habits that brings success in our lives. Making very small consistent efforts towards a big goal each day will add up to big success over the long run.

Iā€™ll share with you a quote from Mark Queppetā€™s book, The Reboot Regimen

He gives 6 of the most important things in life that most of us want to be successful at. PMO makes feel like weā€™re successful at these things, yet weā€™re really not. In order to quit PMO we need to work towards these 6 ā€œstatusesā€. Anyway, here it is:

ā– ā– ā– ā–  addicts often really struggle with motivation and drive. No wonder - they keep tricking their emotional systems responsible for their motivation into thinking that they are experiencing all this ā€œgenetic successā€ and hence have no need to change. Human biology is efficient, why would it give you energy and drive to fix what isnā€™t broken?

The big areas of status that most guys need to focus on are:

ā— Sexual status: how do you feel about your romantic life?

ā— Performance: How well you perform in your major occupations (school/work)

ā— Financial status: how do you feel about the amount of money you make?

ā— Social status: how do you feel about your standing at work, in your friend group, and in society in general?

ā— Physical status: how do you feel about your own body?

ā— Moral status: how well do you live according to your own highest conceptions of goodness? (I believe people rightfully place this as the most important)

All these things are connected. Bringing up your status in one area can improve your standing in another. It can be intensely challenging to take a sober look at where you stand on these levels, it makes sense why so many guys reach for ā– ā– ā– ā– . The problem is that the more you reach for ā– ā– ā– ā–  to escape rather than take meaningful action in these areas, the further you will decline.

The underlying point here is that you need to identify the status that best honors your ideals and dignity and then do the work to acquire it. Unless you do this, quitting ā– ā– ā– ā–  simply forces you to be more present in a reality where you donā€™t feel (and perhaps measurably arenā€™t) good enough in areas that matter to you.



Thanks for your insights on this brother. I totally relate to relying on sheer willpower to resist the urges. It eventually falters.
Iā€™m going to practise more often and try to build a habitual response this time.

Reporting Day 1 -
One affirmation - Not giving into the chaser effect makes me feel better.
I am thankful for - All my past relapses. They have only made me more capable and stronger to beat the addiction.
Progress - clean day
Urges 1 / Practice 3


Check-in Day 14 (Day 194 hard mode with GODā€™s Help)
:white_check_mark: One affirmation: I am full of confidence.
:pray:t5: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: I am thankful that Iā€™m still learningā€¦
:shower: Progress for the day: Another day free and clean!
:exploding_head: Number of urges: 0
:person_fencing: Number of practices: 10+

New video - The Chaser Effect


Thanks a lot brother :slight_smile:


Hope everyone has a great Christmas, and are looking forward to the future. This is a week for celebration with friends and family, and soon after is a time for new starts and goals. Take time to appreciate everything you have and learn to love yourself for who you are.


:gem: Affirmation - I am a hero. I am a winner. I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:gem: I am thankful for - Iā€™m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God and friends.
:gem: Progress - Clean day! :smiley:
:gem: Benefits/Mood/Productivity - :slightly_smiling_face:
:gem: Number of mini urges defeated, practices completed - 1, 10

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:golf: Todayā€™s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 87 Happy days WITH GODā€™S HELP
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am Very intelligent beyond the human capability

:pushpin: Things youā€™re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god for giving me the intelligence which is humanly not possible

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary:
A normal day with zero urges


Reporting Day 2 -
One affirmation - Regaining my focus and willpower.
I am thankful for - The freedom to choose.
Progress - clean day
Urges 1 / Practice 2