The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! 👑

@rakshit11 Absolutely not brother, your streak is still clean. Wet dreams are not relapses. Keep going bro - one week down! :fire::muscle:t4:

I made a video about this; watch it when you have time.


@forerunner yes bro how can I join this challenge guide me.

1 Like

@shazy6 No problem brother.

You have 5 reasons already; you just need 5 more and your positive vision of your life within the next 3 months.

that’s a video we all need brother, keep on uploading more of it.
after the wet dream a thought came to my mind that if its a relapse then, i could watch again but i refused because deep down my 1 week dedication towards no to pmo was burning like fire and the thing about parameter was worthy to understand. We all should have a line of filter on our mind that filter down the right and wrong for our brain.
It is true that with edging or death grip our penis could get erectile dysfunction.
Thanks a lot to lead this group with sincere efforts and your ideologies.
This december i am going to make a streak to start 2020 and i will remove porn and masturbation go away from my life for good.
Lets do this brothers and make our lives better.


I agree with conditions
I want to leave it at any condition
Reason it negatively

  1. It destroyed my life by making me weak.
  2. It effects on my relationship with family.
  3. I left my studies for this bad stuff.
  4. All time thoughts of this I want my mind pure and clean. destroyed my dreams. it destroyed my 8 years of my life.
    Reason for nofap
    1.I want to become engineer but biggest obstacle in my way is this shit.
    2.i want my life like I used to live in my early childhood pure free and clean
    3.To my vision become a person my dad and mom wants me to be.
    4.I want to regain my 8 years and peace of my mind
    5.Want to leave this addiction at any cost
    These days I am busy in the preparation of my 9th class exam which are taking place after 90 days.
    Due to this shit I lost 1 precious year of my career.

Day 62
“Fail stands for…
First Attepmt In Learning”

Failed my driving test today. But i have to say it has definitely humbled me. Lately everything has been going great for me, and i have had thoughts that are unrealistic. I have been thinking just because i am on my highest streak of nofap everything will go perfect. Now I realise why failure is a thing. It grounds you and makes you realise everthing is never going to be perfect all the time. You can always improve so take any failure as experience.

Enjoy any high streak you are on, but never forget you are human so stay true to yourself. This links in for a relapse, just remember everyone makes mistakes. Its best if you dont, but if you do don’t dread on it, ask yourself what you can learn from it.


Well said @BenThor .



  • Affirmation - I am going good.
  • One thing I am thankful about: PEOPLE in my life.
  • Urges - 0, practice done
  • Report of the day - My happiness is increasing with the clean days I am passing. I AM GOOD.



Hey brother
How do you see the criteria for promotion to new level??


Day 43

  • Affirmation - I am a hardworking person, I don’t believe in shortcut
  • One thing I am thankful about is the decision to avoid negative surroundings.
  • Urges - 0 , practice done
  • Report of the day - Today I went through Robin Sharma’s book and learnt a lot about leadership.

:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 72 Happy days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am Very intelligent beyond the human capability

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god for giving me the intelligence which is humanly not possible

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary:
A normal day with zero urges


I have read and I agree with the rules of the challenge.

Negative effects of past pmo routine:
-Emptiness gets bigger
-loss of focus during days when i am free from work
-impossible to be honest with my girlfriend
-shame and guilt
-pied symptoms

-more visible and showing leadership at work
-being truly proud of the way i live my life
-publishing piano music on YouTube
-living in Paris for a while


Reporting day 13
One affirmation - More respect from people

One thing I’m thankful for in my life - the internet

Progress for the day - clean day.

0 urge / 0 practice



  • Affirmation - I am going good.
  • One thing I am thankful for my girlfriend.
  • Urges - 0, practice done
  • Report of the day - It was a clean day…!!



Day 2

• Strong today
• Special thanks to my bro @forerunner his streak really motivated me.
•Urges -2 but successfully destroyed
• Report of day it free day no stress brain fog disappearing.
it was a clean day


:studio_microphone: New Entry

@Alegend / Superman


I have read all the details of the challenge and commit to its terms.

Current Streak: 17
Highest Streak: 82
Age: 20
Gender: M
Country: India
Sharing Code: 5x6e28

5 strong reasons why I want to quit (5 ways that the addiction has negatively impacted my life)

  1. It has made me lazy and less productive.
  2. My physical health could be much better.
  3. I could get my dream job in the first attempt.
  4. It has caused frequent nightfall problem, which is simply PE thing.
  5. It has taken the natural glow and happiness from my face.

5 strong reasons why I want to be free and clean (5 ways my life will improve as a result of quitting pmo that would not be possible otherwise)

  1. I will become energetic and productive and I will improve in spirituality.
  2. My physical fitness will be admirable.
  3. I will be doing the job I want to do.
  4. There will be no x health problems.
  5. My face will get a natural glow, and my personality will become charismatic.

Short, powerful vision statement

I will become physically more fit, more energetic and productive after 60-90 days.

My Sword

A. I acknowledge that sometimes my mind may want to search filth and peek.
B. I know that we are tempted, but it is only our action which counts. I don’t need to feel guilty for just temptations.
C. I am free to choose.
D. I reject miserable condition and I choose the Love of God, a happy and successful life.

My Practice

I will use my sword 10 times daily for 21 days. After 21 days, I will use it 2 times daily.

My Shield


:white_check_mark: Wake Up Early
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: NoFap Prayer
:white_check_mark: NoFap Groups Check-in
:white_check_mark: NoFap Motivation Talk Hearing
:white_check_mark: NoFap Meme Sharing
:white_check_mark: Number of urges defeated
:white_check_mark: Tratak
:white_check_mark: Studying
:white_check_mark: Read A Good Book
:white_check_mark: 10 Half Pushups
:white_check_mark: Spend Time Outside Home
:white_check_mark: Review Reasons, Use Sword, Use Shield & Check-in

My Strategy for defeating urges is as follows:

My Commitments

My Commitments

  1. I choose to believe in myself. I know that I deserve to be free, and I’m willing to do what it takes to make that happen. I will give it my very best. I’m here to add 90 days to my streak.
  2. I choose to follow the rules and trust the principles of the challenge, even if they seem unusual.
  3. I choose to accept no excuses. I am stronger than every urge. No matter what comes my way or how I feel, I choose to continue being free and clean. No stress, anxiety, distress, boredom, anger, frustration, exhaustion, insomnia or illness will affect my streak.
  4. I choose to allow only positive thoughts to remain in my mind. I choose not to indulge any sexual thoughts, fantasies or pornographic memories.
  5. I choose to challenge each urge directly using the method described and choose my positive vision of a better life every time. I look forward to experiencing the power of transformative change.
  6. I choose to report here whenever I’m struggling and to help others if they need it.
  7. I choose to put in the work and check-in daily with my progress.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Affirmation - I am a hero. I am a winner. I am successful. I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy.
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: I am thankful for - I’m thankful for the help and mercy I receive from God.
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Progress - Another clean day!
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Number of urges defeated, practices completed - 2, 10


:golf: Today’s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 73 Happy days
:green_circle: Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am Very intelligent beyond the human capability

:pushpin: Things you’re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god for giving me the intelligence which is humanly not possible

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary:
A normal day with zero urges


Day 8
Affirmation I am forgetting the pmo
Things I am thankful for : the Almighty God
Progress for the day : clean day
No. Of urges 0
Guys I am starting to see the benefits today.
My exam went fine and I see a different man inside me today that lacks fear and a strong self confidence built up. All thanks to no fap no pmo


Reporting day 14
One affirmation - I have immense energy and willpower to get pending work done.

One thing I’m thankful for in my life - A thirst for knowledge.

Progress for the day - clean day.

0 urges / 0 practice