Welcome everyone to The Hero Association!
For One Punch Man fans, a challenge arises to challenge your skills and pit you against the worst possible monsters.
Challenge merciless enemies, prove your battle strength and climb the ranks of The Hero Association to be the greatest hero on the entire planet!
To become an active hero of The Hero Association, you must choose a manga/anime hero to participate, and you must be a hero. I know some cool characters aren’t heroes, but they will be used further in this challenge, for future fights.
Before choosing your hero, take a look at the first comment panel. I will update the names as the heroes are filled. Whoever comments your hero first will be the hero. Say your sharing code too.
Just like in the manga/anime story, everyone must pass the Hero Entrance Exam. This phase consists of making a daily check-in in this forum, symbolizing the fitness test and the written test.
After this period, you must inform your current streak. If you started along with Hero Entrance Exam, you will join the Hero Association with a streak of 6 days. If you are on a longer streak, you will continue with your score after the Hero Entrance Exam.
Depending on your current streak, you will be classified into a class:
C-Class: 6-20 days
B-Class: 21-40 days
A-Class: 41-75 days
S-Class: 76+ days
Ranking will be between heroes of the same class, and will be in ascending order of days.
This is the first phase of The Hero Association challenge. As more heroes come in and we get to know each other better, I’ll tell you what phase 2 will be like.
I hope many heroes will join the Hero Association, and a tip for phase 2: the friendship between heroes gives more strength to everyone involved. Good fight!
Phase 2 will consist of individual or team battles against monsters.
Every week the heroes will battle monsters, following the Association’s direction.
For weaker monsters, a small team should suffice, but for stronger monsters a larger team or composed of higher class heroes will be needed.
Each battle will last for 5 days, Monday through Friday. On weekends the heroes regain their strength.
A battle won will result in Fame Points for the heroes.
A lost battle (relapse) will cause the hero to lose Fame Points. The Fame Points will be distributed as follows:
Won Battles:
Battle won alone: 20 Fame Points;
Battle won in pairs:
10 Fame Points for each;
Battle won in trio:
7 Fame Points for each;
Battle won in four:
5 Fame Points for each;
Battle won in five:
4 Fame Points for each.
Lost Battles:
1 points less for each (for C-Class heroes);
2 points less for each (for B-Class heroes);
3 points less for each (for A-Class heroes);
4 points less for each (for S-Class heroes).
In both wins and losses, the disaster level will increase or decrease Fame Points as follows:
Disaster Level: Wolf → Victory (+1)/Defeat (-4);
Disaster Level: Tiger → Victory (+2)/Defeat (-3);
Disaster Level: Demon → Victory (+3)/Defeat (-2);
Disaster Level: Dragon → Victory (+4) / Defeat (-1);
Disaster Level: God → Victory (+50)/Defeat (-0).
If a hero relapses in the middle of a battle, your party can try to end the fight, and, if they win, them will gain more points.
Even without having a relapse, heroes may not be able to defeat the enemy. This will work like an RPG, and the more heroes that join the battles the more chance they have of winning. If a hero loses his battle, even without a relapse, he won’t lose Fame Points, as he gave it his all in battle. When this happens, the hero will earn 5 Fame Points, regardless of his class. The general population and the Hero Association are very fond of heroes who fight to the end giving their best.
Battles will be decided randomly whether they will be individual or group.
The distribution of monsters and the hero that will be fight them will be according to the Disaster Levels.
Disaster Levels:
Wolf: All heroes;
Tiger: B-Class heroes and above;
Demon: A-Class heroes and above;
Dragon: Many heroes (preferably S-Class) fighting together;
As the battles will be random, it could be that an Epic Battle (Disaster Levels: Dragon or God) will take place. An Epic Battle is when heroes will face a very powerful enemy. In these battles, there is the possibility of earning more points (50 Fame Points), which will be distributed among the heroes who win.
In Epic Battles, you will need at least 3 heroes, at least one of them being S-Class. Heroes can give up their common battle to participate in an Epic Battle, but will lose 5 Fame Points for abandoning a battle. This pays off only if you are sure you can defeat the epic enemy (not relapse).
Heroes can chat and get to know their fellow heroes at the Hero Association Headquarters (this forum). Heroes who communicate a lot will become friends with each other and increase their fight synchrony. The fight synchrony between heroes has a very positive effect in battles, greatly increasing the chances of victory.
Every Sunday I will inform you what the fights will be.
It’s important to try do the daily check-in, but if that’s not possible, at least let me know if you have a relapse.
HealingSpade as Mumen Rider
BobDeen as Genos
Yash21 as Silverfang
GOVIND-19 as Saitama
NeverGiveup420 as King
rewire_user as Child Emperor
ysub as Metal Knight
Alphatango as Atomic Samurai
Sasuke as Tanktop Master
kanu as Blast
Hradheya as Flashy Flash
Purity11 as Drive Knight
Fizuli as Puri-Puri Prisoner
prothekter_aden as SmileMan
bhiyaa as Lightning Max
shoreline as One Shorter
Okami1 as Watchdog Man
Tushar01 as Sweet Mask
#Currently heroes#
→ Rank 1: Saitama (GOVIND-19) 22 Fame points
→ Rank 2: Mumen Rider (HealingSpade) 23 Fame points
→ Rank 1: Genos (BobDeen) 23 Fame points
→ Rank 2: Metal Knight (ysub) 22 Fame points
→ Rank 1: Child Emperor (rewire_user) 21 Fame points
→ Rank 2: Smileman (prothekter_aden)
→ Rank 3: Puri-Puri Prisioner (Fizuli)