The goal is 90 days

I also want to join this group .
Please add me

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My sharing code is 8ynnoa

No. Personally for me, that activity is meant to be shared with my spouse, but never for my own self interest.

The goal is to not be first dependent on fake sources of affirmation and affection, and second be willing to look for a meaningful connection to someone, where intimacy is a unifying experience. I have a long way to go but a few days ago was a wonderful experience I really have never felt. I have always been interested in myself and relied on me for my satisfaction and to have that vulnerability and trust for another person has drawn us closer.

Masturbation for self satisfaction is not the answer for a 90 day rewire, just in my opinion.

Day 75

Still going strong, and continuing to build a foundation for my spouse and I with love, affection, and bonding with moments of intimacy.

Encourage each other, and continue to fight. You aren’t in this alone.

Be strong!

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