The goal is 90 days

8 days without porn and masterbation . It is my first time to go this long without this evil things.the goal is 90 days


That’s a good goal! Best of luck to you! God bless you!


Amein and Thank you so much. Hopefully am going to reach my target

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Yeah keep me posted! I’m taking a break after today and I’d love to see your progress when I come back on Christmas!

my 2nd day today! I want to challenge anyone.


same to me bro…
it’s like miracle to me​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Challenge me brother, I’m in day 8, the longest time in my life

Damn I relapsed on my 12day bro. So disappointed it was on 12 of December. I start again

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Let’s do this bro we are going to get over this shit

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:and this is the prove that we can do this

Am in bro. Let the challenge begin nofap up to March 2022

I’m sorry to hear that. There’s always rough spots we have to get through just be ready for those. You got this!

90 days is my goal. I will start my journey today to achieve the goal~! I want to join this cool community and share my journey. You know, My username keeps saying to me and , hope , to you. I will routinly write a comments.


@nomoreagain Best of luck. Word of advice. This journey you’re about to go through is not what you think it is, and it’s not near easy. And once you’re in there’s no backing out you hear me? Not to scare you, but I’m not letting you back out so easy. Get ready for this journey to rock your world. 90 days looks so simple, but there’s a lot for you to learn. Best of luck.

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My code h3vi7e
Add me …I am new to this platform


@sachhu Hello welcome to rewire! I added you. Let me know if you need anything!!

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I’m going to keep you guys updated on my journey as well.
Day 25âś…
I tried to make myself get horny today embarassingly… And no it did not work. My “you love your girlfriend too much” kicked in and told me to stop. Flatline kinda sucks. It’s an urge but not really to pornography. I mean an urge is never to porn but it’s usually your go to… I always feel the need to do something. I want to do pornography and fap, but I can’t bring myself to it which usually frustrates me. This is a good thing though! Flatline is hard but I’m pushing through. My friend told me I’l adjust to it. Good luck pals

What a tough leader you are! Of Cource I will do my best to be disciplined! We are a team. There is no dropout. f7dn13 This is my code. add me plz. Thank you

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I added you. It’s go time!

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I relapsed boys… Not giving up. I’m starting clean with a positive mindset. Flatline hits hard guys be ready for it!!!